ENHYPEN on Spotify(@EN_onSpotify)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

ENGENES - if you can - please go to his tiktok and leave POSITIVE comments! Ignore any negative comments so that you don’t push them up - and just focus on liking and leaving positive ones! Let’s make it a comment section the boys will be happy seeing! 🙏💙 twitter.com/enhypenupdates…
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (9/23) 🟢#Polaroid_Love climbs up 10 spots and lands at #103! ⬆️👏 Days on Chart: 257 🔥 Peak: #13 👑It is the Longest Charting 2022 song by a 4th-Gen boy group! @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN promocards.byspotify.com/share/1abf0c42…
#ShoutOut has been added to Spotify’s Official Playlist “Lagi Viral” at #25!! 🔥👏 ‼️Let’s try to get it higher & make it VIRAL!! 🎧Pls STREAM IT from here, & then exit the Playlist!! 🟢You can alternate listening from Curated & Focused Playlists! open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
#FuturePerfect is currently #1 on Spotify’s Official Playlist “Energy Booster: K-Pop” (w/ 365K followers)!!🔥👏 🖇STREAM HERE: spoti.fi/3UCRYNU More @ENHYPEN on this Playlist: #7 - #Tamed_Dashed #14 - #Blessed_Cursed #23 - #Drunk_Dazed Pls ONLY Stream EN- from here!💙
Official Spotify Playlists #OneInABillion is currently on: ✅K-Pop Rising (#6): spoti.fi/3r3adxJ ✅KimBops! (#9): spoti.fi/3BEZkbm ✅K-Pop Fresh (#12): spoti.fi/3fg2hHR Please stream the song from there along other EN- tracks, and then exit the playlists!
#OneInABillion has been added to Spotify’s Playlist “K-Pop Rising” (with 706K followers) at #6!🥂 ‼️STREAM IT FROM THERE, (+Future Perfect at #32) but make sure to stop the playlist after! Let’s get it higher! This positively affects Monthly Listeners! open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
#OneInABillion has been added to Spotify’s Playlist “KimBops!” (with 600K followers) at #9! 👏 ‼️STREAM IT FROM THERE, + the other @ENHYPEN tracks, and then exit the Playlist afterwards!🎧😁 #34 - #FuturePerfect #40 - #Polaroid_Love #46 - #FEVER open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 has surpassed 66M streams on Spotify! (9/22) Day 79: 668,431 Day 80: 656,984 Day 81: 629,672🔻 TOTAL: 66,450,827 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN 🟢Let’s get this album to 100M ASAP! Please continue to use Focused Playlists daily!🔥💙 open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
.@ENHYPEN_members LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH! No one can take that truth away from them! WE LOVE YOU @ENHYPEN & will always be by ur side, on this journey with you!!💙💙💙 ENHYPEN GOES BIG IN SEOUL #EN_WORLDTOUR_MANIFESTO #MANIFESTO_IN_SEOUL_D2 #엔하이픈과_엔진의_마음이_연결된_날
ENGENES - here is a Playlist with the #MANIFESTO_IN_SEOUL Day 1 Setlist!! ENJOY! OUR @ENHYPEN_members - you were SPECTACULAR - we couldn’t be more proud of you!!! WE LOVE YOU!💙💙💙 ENHYPEN SEOUL INVASION #EN_WORLDTOUR_MANIFESTO #MANIFESTO_IN_SEOUL_D1 open.spotify.com/playlist/1owgQ…
.@ENHYPEN songs released as stand-alone Singles - 1st Day streams: 1️⃣ Always - 218,326 2️⃣ I Need The Light - 139,340 3️⃣ #OneInABillion - 119,761 🟢🆕 4️⃣ A Kind Of Magic - 84,885 5️⃣ Hey TAYO - 79,912 6️⃣ Billy Poco - 39,876 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/5pgdk…
#OneInABillion debuts with 119,761 streams on Spotify! (9/6) The 1st day had 15 hrs of tracking - pls keep streaming - let’s get it higher!🔥👊 Pls add it to your @ENHYPEN Daily Playlists. Our Focused Playlist is below!! 🎧⬇️ @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/5pgdk…
Hello @Twitter @TwitterSupport, I’ve been following @enhypenupdates for a long time and saw that their account got suspended all of a sudden. The account owner has never violated the Twitter rules. PLS look into this ASAP & restore their account! Thank you. Case # 0284697492
🟢ENGENES - reminder we’re on DAY 2 of Tracking for #OneInABillion!We had 15 hrs for Day1, & we have the full 24 hrs of tracking for 2nd day (23 hrs left now) LET’S NOT SLOW DOWN with our Streaming! If u’re busy- put a playlist on! FOCUSED PLST BELOW🎧⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/5pgdk…
#OneInABillion has been added to Spotify’s Playlist “K-Pop FRESH” (with 232K followers) at #2!!🔥 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️STREAM IT FROM THERE, (+Future Perfect towards the bottom) but make sure to stop the playlist after! Let’s get it to #1!!👊 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
🟢🎧ENGENES - YOU CAN USE THIS FOCUSED PLAYLIST FOR #OneInABillion !! Please make sure to add the song to all your custom playlists as well! ONE IN A BILLION OUT NOW #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️🕰 15 hrs tracking for Day 1! open.spotify.com/playlist/5pgdk…
🟢Working on a Focused Playlist to post shortly! Pls listen to the song & add it to ur current Playlists in the meantime! ‼️We have 15 hrs of tracking for Day 1! ONE IN A BILLION OUT NOW #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #OneInABillion @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/track/66wQlkJP…
.@ENHYPEN’s “One In A Billion” is OUT ON SPOTIFY NOW!! 🟢LISTEN BELOW!!🎧⬇️ ONE IN A BILLION OUT NOW #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #OneInABillion @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/track/66wQlkJP…
🔊💗KCON LA ENGENES💗🔊 Lets please turn our Lightsticks PINK during ENHYPEN’s set at #Kcon for Sunoo!! 💞Let’s support @ENHYPEN & show Sunoo how much we love & miss him! Please RETWEET & tell your fellow ENGENES in person too! #Kcon  #KCON2022LA  #ENHYPEN_KCON #ENHYPENinLA twitter.com/en_concert/sta…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (8/12) ⏺Total streams: 1,127,715,568 🟢Daily streams: 2,612,071⬆️ (+148,397) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,308,756 🔻 🗳️Followers: 4,144,994 @ENHYPEN_members ‼️Reminder u guys can plug-in 🎧 & leave a Playlist on while 💤 or busy! ⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/2vdim…
#BORDER_CARNIVAL has surpassed 390M streams on Spotify!! (8/12) 👑It is still @ENHYPEN’s Most Streamed Album on the platform!! Day 472: 567,913 Day 473: 562,866 Day 474: 570,907⬆️ TOTAL: 390,678,615 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN ‼️COMING FOR 400M SOON!🔥 open.spotify.com/album/4LGYBcRs…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 has surpassed 40M streams on Spotify! (8/12) Day 37: 727,470 Day 38: 731,738 Day 39: 727,777 Day 40: 712,886🔻 TOTAL: 40,222,504 @ENHYPEN_members 🟢All tracks on the album have surpassed 2M & all full songs have surpassed 5M streams. 🖇open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
#I_Need_The_Light debuts with 139,340 streams on Spotify. (8/12) (15 hours of tracking) DAY 1: I Need The Light - 139,340 INTL Instrumental - 21,760 TOTAL: 161,100 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 open.spotify.com/playlist/3SyBN…
@ENHYPEN .@BELIFTLAB Ni-Ki is a singer and a part of @ENHYPEN - he deserves more than one adlib in their song. ENGENES want to hear Ni-Ki sing too, this is insulting! ENHYPEN MIMICUS OST #ENHYPEN_구해줘 #ENHYPEN_INeedTheLight open.spotify.com/track/69mhZKG0…
🟢🎧ENGENES - YOU CAN USE THIS FOCUSED PLAYLIST FOR #INeedTheLight!!⬇️ More to come later! Please make sure to add the song to all your custom playlists as well! ENHYPEN MIMICUS OST #ENHYPEN_구해줘 #ENHYPEN_INeedTheLight @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/3SyBN…