ENHYPEN on Spotify(@EN_onSpotify)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

‼️🔊ENGENES! 3 Streaming Parties coming up within a week, starting tomorrow! Both through Stationhead and Twitter (for Free Spotify users!!) PLEASE LOOK AT THE POSTER FOR INFO AND JOIN WHEN YOU CAN!! 🟢More DETAILS Coming Soon! #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN twitter.com/enhypenupdates…
Time to stop letting these losers lie constantly & create false & damaging narratives! PLS ENGENES Keep Reporting, even if they went private! And let’s NOT let these ppl get away w/ this anymore!!! And if u’re a solo/akgae - do NOT even THINK of following us! U’ll be blocked! twitter.com/hypenprotect/s…
We have over 75 Playlists on our Spotify page for you guys to use! 🎧NEWEST ONE BELOW! Please use them daily if you can! We’re almost there!! 😁🔥👏 #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/7D1Ci…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (5/30) ⏺Total streams: 951,473,486 🟢Daily streams: 2,065,542⬆️ (+61,670) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,552,462🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,712,850 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️ONLY 49M left to 1B! NEW PLAYLIST BELOW!⬇️🎧 #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/7D1Ci…
#POLAROID_LOVE Spotify Streams (5/30) Day 138: 408,746 Day 139: 400,305 Day 140: 405,971 Day 141: 412,680⬆️ TOTAL: 93,573,080 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B ‼️100M IS COMING UP!! Use Focused Playlists every day please ENGENES!! ⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/2Cqtm…
Fastest K-Pop Groups to reach 1 Billion Streams on Spotify: 1. Twice - 579 days 2. TXT - 914 days 3. Blackpink - 945 days ENHYPEN are currently on Day 547 with 951M streams!🚀👏🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
We have 31 DAYS to do 49M! Our minimum daily average should be 1.58M! Our current streams are at 2M! Let’s try to get back at 2.2M for the weekdays & NOT fall below 2M on weekends! Let’s get to 1B ASAP, ENGENES!!👊🔥 YOU CAN USE OUR FOCUSED PLAYLISTS!🎧 open.spotify.com/playlist/5kYUw…
.@ENHYPEN have surpassed 950M streams on Spotify!🥳 🥇They are the FASTEST K-Pop Group to reach this mark, & are on track to be the FASTEST TO SURPASS 1B streams!🔥👏 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🟢STREAMING PARTIES COMING UP SOON, PLEASE STAY TUNED!
On its 400th day #BORDER_CARNIVAL has surpassed 350M streams on Spotify!🥳🎊 👑This is @ENHYPEN’s 1st Album to reach this mark!🚀👏 Day 398: 560,659 Day 399: 564,222 Day 400: 583,291⬆️ TOTAL: 350,079,903 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🖇 open.spotify.com/album/4LGYBcRs…
#Given_Taken Spotify Streams (5/25) Day 541: 121,270 Day 542: 120,718🔻 TOTAL: 93,315,709 @ENHYPEN_members ‼️G-T is ON TRACK to become the FASTEST K-Pop Boy Group Debut Song to reach 100M! 🎧Keep streaming & let’s not fall below 110K daily!!👊🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/6n7OC…
#Flicker has surpassed 30M streams on Spotify!!🥳 (5/25) This is @ENHYPEN’s 11th song to reach this mark!!🔥👏 Day 540: 34,371 Day 541: 35,175 Day 542: 36,067⬆️ TOTAL: 30,023,983 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🖇 open.spotify.com/album/3YxF7jTn…
.@ENHYPEN are on track to be the FASTEST K-Pop group to surpass 1B streams on Spotify! We have 36 days to do 59M! That’s a minimum of 1.64M daily, BUT - let’s keep our streams above 2M at all times, & try for 2.2M on weekdays! Let’s get there ASAP!👊🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/5kYUw…
.@ENHYPEN have surpassed 940M streams on Spotify!!🥳🔥👏 (5/25) ⏺Total streams: 941,282,349 🟢Daily streams: 2,145,589⬆️ (+16,226) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,682,050 🗳️Followers: 3,688,581 Keep streaming! NEW PLAYLIST BELOW!!🎧⬇️ #Stream_Enhypen_to_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/544KB…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (5/22) ⏺Total streams: 934,912,568 🟢Daily streams: 2,027,310⬆️ (+9,860) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,762,547🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,673,389 ‼️Weekend’s over - let’s get our streams back to 2.2M! We have 39 days left to do 66M! 👊🔥🎧 open.spotify.com/playlist/2Cqtm…
#POLAROID_LOVE has surpassed 90M streams on Spotify!!🥳👏 (5/22) This is @ENHYPEN’s 4th & FASTEST song to reach this mark!!🔥 Day 131: 427,574 Day 132: 414,595 Day 133: 410,910 TOTAL: 90,242,474 ‼️ON THE ROAD TO 100M! Keep streaming DAILY PLS!😁👌 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN
.@ENHYPEN have surpassed 930M streams on Spotify!!🎉👏 (5/20) ⏺Total streams: 930,867,808 🟢Daily streams: 2,085,505🔻 (-85,541) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,809,980🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,667,421 ‼️NEW PLAYLIST BELOW, PLS USE IT ENGENES! #Stream_Enhypen_to_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/2Cqtm…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (5/19) ⏺Total streams: 928,782,303 🟢Daily streams: 2,171,046🔻 (-61,775) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,835,466🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,661,348 @ENHYPEN_members #Stream_Enhypen_to_1B ‼️Weekend’s here, so PLS STREAM a little extra!🎧❤️⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/7oEmA…
#Drunk_Dazed becomes @ENHYPEN’s 2nd song to surpass 120M streams on Spotify!!🔥🧛‍♀️ CONGRATS!!!🥳👏🎉 Day 385: 201,278 Day 386: 213,599 Day 387: 212,255 Day 388: 216,684 Day 389: 213,108🔻 TOTAL: 120,126,280 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🖇open.spotify.com/playlist/3U9Cg…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (5/18) ⏺Total streams: 926,611,257 🟢Daily streams: 2,232,821⬆️ (+46,170) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,853,548🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,655,580 ‼️We’re doing GREAT! Let’s keep these streams up! 👏🔥😁 #Stream_Enhypen_to_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/7oEmA…
#Given_Taken Spotify Streams (5/18) Day 532: 110,954 Day 533: 119,392 Day 534: 119,871 Day 535: 123,208⬆️🔥 TOTAL: 92,497,907 @ENHYPEN_members 🧛‍♀️ G-T is STILL ON TRACK to become the FASTEST K-Pop Boy Group Debut Song to reach 100M! Keep streaming!🎧👊 open.spotify.com/playlist/0dmnt…
#BLESSED_CURSED has surpassed 36M streams on Spotify!! (5/18) Day 127: 177,338 Day 128: 174,106 Day 129: 200,102🚀😳 TOTAL: 36,042,950 ‼️This is the 1st time since the end of March that B-C has over 200K streams!🔥👏 @ENHYPEN_members NEW PLAYLIST BELOW open.spotify.com/playlist/7oEmA…
#DIMENSION_ANSWER has surpassed 300M streams on Spotify!!🥳👏 🥈This is @ENHYPEN’s 2nd Album to surpass this mark!🚀 ‼️Just the 3 new songs from D:A have surpassed 127M so far post-release!🔥 🔘PRE-RELEASE: 91,836,984 Day 128: 1,088,732 Day 129: 1,127,037⬆️ TOTAL: 300,676,073
‼️ENGENES - @ENHYPEN are SO CLOSE to becoming the FASTEST K-Pop group IN HISTORY to surpass 1B streams on Spotify! We have 44 days left to make the record, & we are ON TRACK! 🎧We’re making a new series of Focused Playlists for you, PLS USE THEM DAILY!! open.spotify.com/playlist/6S7lP…
#POLAROID_LOVE has surpassed 88M streams on Spotify!!🔥 (5/17) Day 126: 426,613 Day 127: 451,142 Day 128: 441,605🔻 TOTAL: 88,099,832 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️SO CLOSE TO 90M! Let’s get there ASAP!🚀 REMINDER - u can use Overnight Playlists if busy🎧 open.spotify.com/playlist/2muB7…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (5/17) ⏺Total streams: 924,378,436 🟢Daily streams: 2,186,651🔻 (-26,902) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,872,192🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,650,562 ‼️Let’s keep our daily streams as high as possible ENGENES!! 👊🔥 #Stream_Enhypen_to_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/6S7lP…