つぐのひデート配信に来てくれてありがとうございました〜〜!!想像以上にてえてえなゲームだったなぁ…癒された……😌✨ 次はラミィ先輩が明るいゲーム一緒に遊びたいって言ってるので楽しみ👀✨ Thanks for coming to the collab stream!! The games were both so teetee... blessed😇✨
People thinking I was being too shy in Sports Fes when in reality it was just my mic volume being horrendously too low for people to pick up my voice when I talk & I just realized yesterday when Miko-senpai told me about it😅
👀 Anniversary hashtag ➡️ #1stAnyaversary Feel free to share your works/celebration message/etc here!!! I’ll be looking at some of them during the celebration stream this week❤️ can’t wait!🥰 1周年用のタグです!!1周年絵とか色々は是非このタグを付けて貰えると嬉しいです〜。
@suisei_hosimati 瑞希😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭まーーーーーじで天才ですありがとうございます絵うますぎませんか…………🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
【STREAM】 Today's stream is with Iofi-senpai and we'll be introducing the manga "D.Gray-man" in our stream! Starts at 9 PM GMT+7! このあと23時からはイオフィ先輩とD.Gray-manというはちゃめちゃ面白い漫画をご紹介します〜〜〜〜ぜひ見てね☺️ WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/ndFMsEKhSjM
【STREAM】 今日23時からやるよ〜〜。日本語でやる!日本語でゲームやるの久々だからきてねー Would you like a taste of some yubiyubi tonight?👀 Starts at 9 PM GMT+7! WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/YQ3AbItcDOo
THANK YOU SINGAPORE💜💛 How was the panel with me & Moona-senpai today?😎 Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did!!!! SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT TIME🥳🥳 #AFASG22
HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY, HOLOID🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊 ホロライブID3周年や〜!!!めでたい! #holoIDberp3sta
海外ホロメンが選ぶ変な日本語Tシャツ【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン・Pavolia Reine】 youtube.com/live/s27oHMAu2… via @YouTube アーカイブ見てみたら想像以上に最初の私の声がクッソやばくてめちゃくちゃ笑ってるwwwwwwwwwwもはやロボですらないwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Thanks for the fun time everyone😆 I’m so happy so many people came! Hope you guys enjoyed the stream & merchandises as well😊 WADIDAW 来てくれてありがとうございましたああ!!日本では誕生日終わってたらしいけど楽しかったーー!! 何よりもみんなと喋れてうれぴ〜〜 #Anya2022Birthday
Will be streaming Harimau team’s POV next tuesday! #HarimauWIN Moona-senpai, Ollie, and the others worked very hard to prepare for this event!❤️ Please look forward to it😊 当日うちのチームのカメラマン役を担当させていただいてるアーニャです。日本時間は13時から! #holoIDCup2022 twitter.com/moonahoshinova…
【STREAM】 OMG... something's different. 👀 Find out on later's noon stream! Also gonna be reading collab supadonos because we're due for one :D このあと昼活やります‼️あの姿のお披露目も…⁉️ 7/3 1:00 PM GMT+7 / 15:00 JST / 02:00 EDT WAITING ROOM: youtube.com/watch?v=YcUXYB…
AKEOMEEEEEEEE happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaela just sat on my phone without realizing... y’all wished you were the phone rn
Youkoso to ⭐️MEPLAND⭐️ Happiest happy 0 year old birthday to the 2nd gen baby birb! #ReineMEPtember2021 #Reinessance
Oh! 40万人フォロワーThank you!✨ Thanks for 400k followers😆🎉
Guess who appeared? Hehe Aki-senpai's so amazing❤️ the production value of this live is so fascinating🤩 アキ先輩はやっぱすごいなあ、、、毎回感動する(圧倒的オタク目線) #アキロゼ生誕祭2023
@aragamioga おはようございます YAGOO見逃しちゃったね…