【ANNOUNCEMENT】 Regarding tomorrow's relay event - the first stream will be on Ollie's channel instead while the last one will be on mine! We're sorry for the inconvenience💦 can't wait to spend a wonderful day with you guys soon!❤️ #Ho1oroversary twitter.com/anyamelfissa/s…
【STREAM】 #Ho1oroversary starts today! For my solo I'll be streaming RE2🤯🤯🤯 been interested in this for a while & I don't know how much we can do in just 2 hours but can't wait! WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/la7LFpQl7qo
【STREAM】 #Ho1oroversary with Reine! Gonna be doing Q & A(wow I don't think we've ever had an actual zatsudan just between the two of us, that's new alright). Ask us questions through the hashtag #reinya and we'll answer them on stream! WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/P8foO-szIQM twitter.com/anyamelfissa/s…
【STREAM】 The #Ho1oroversary relay's about to come to an end. Did /you/ have fun at the Holoro 1st anniversary 12 hours relay? ;) Starting in a bit! (9:30 PM GMT+7 / 23:30 JST) Mari berkumpul semua~ WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/kSanTh6JzLU
WHEEWWW Otsuloro!!! Can’t believe it’s been a year already, and can’t wait for another fun year ahead! Hopefully you guys enjoyed the #Ho1oroversary 12 hours relay - it was fun organizing this relay and making it possible🥰 thank you so much for all the support!❤️💛💙
【STREAM】 Streaming today! 100% clear (attempt), and some zatsudan about the past week. Starts at 9 PM GMT+7! 23時から間もなくー。 WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/zaulwjjUJq4
【WEEKLY SCHEDULE】 YT Channel: youtube.com/channel/UC727S… Tags General: #Anya_Melfissa Fanart: #anyatelier Fan name: #Melfriends Livestream: #Liveissa Note that fan submissions may be used in future activities.
【STREAM】 Reading superchats(+some zatsudan) today, starting at 9 PM GMT+7! 23時から間もなくー。 WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/BpQuRwZP6zo
Will be here later! "Bonding" time with the Red C team because the Minecraft Sports Festival wasn't enough🤠 twitter.com/ourokronii/sta…
【STREAM】 Continuing later~. Starts at 9 PM GMT+7! 23時から間もなくー。 WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/KmOUxrmcZJk
【STREAM】 Starts at 9 PM GMT+7! Pokemon BD stream will come after that. 自分が負けず嫌いすぎてどうにかなっちゃいそう。今日はせめてこれだけを終わりたい。ポケモンBDの配信はその後!ってことは2回行動です。23時から間もなくー WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/JpncSYWSSNg
I'm participating on this too👀 So many amazing members! Having fun's gonna be my motto this time because that's the most important thing😎 こちらのお正月マリカ大会にも参加するよ!マリカにはほんの少しのトラウマはまだ残ってるけど楽しむのが一番。ってことでノリと勢いでいきますわよ😎 twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/s…
出 私のクリスマスの時間 求 24日か25日での配信か何かのお誘い ホロメンか仲の良い人取引可。対戦宜しくお願い致します。
【STREAM】 Selamat pagi! Ingatkah pagi ini akan ada apa?🤩 That's right! Sunday morning holoID radio, by yours truly! Penasaran akan ngomongin apa saja? Datang nanti pada jam 7:30 WIB🔥 #holoIDWeek2021 WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/MgpoQ1utosU
【STREAM】 Not only gacha games, but today I'll also be gambling on... life!? Sounds fun. Or not. Well, what could go wrong? Starts at 9 PM GMT+7🎲 雰囲気ゲーきちゃーー!!自分に刺さりそうで良き。今日の23時から🎲 WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/OdXYCSeJZF4
【STREAM】 Will be playing Alchemy Stars today at 9 PM GMT+7! I've been interested in this for a while now👀 今日は23時から白夜極光やりますー!ずっと気になってるから嬉しい〜〜女性キャラも男性キャラもどれも顔が良いから私得すぎる…ありがてぇ… WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/W3aBEZ-8WHg
かわいい女の子のケモミミ気持ちいいいぃぃぃいい!!!!!!! ということでお邪魔しました〜!!こより呼びも許されてるの嬉しいねぇへへっ…☺️☺️☺️☺️いつも以上に日本語滅茶苦茶なの許せ緊張してたんだ😢😢!!!!! #こより実験中
@shirakamifubuki おめでとうございますーーーー!!!!!!ずっと応援してました…!!!報われて良かったです😭🙏
【STREAM】 DBD in a bit with Choco-sensei! I heard there's a christmas-related event going on at the moment?🧐 gotta check out Starts at 9 AM GMT+7! このあと11時からちょこ先生とDBDだよー WAITING ROOM: youtu.be/6ETVFyLpxPY