NOW OPEN🍖🤤👍 It will be different menu each day because unfortunately you can't name the meats individually😅 Serving only the highest quality of holo girls' meats🍖👌🥳🥳🤤🤤🤤 ホロNIKU!!!!本日開店!!!!!!!!!!!!、、!!!!!!!、!!!!
Very devastated to hear the passing of Lilly. She was an amazing person to work with - very capable and talented with good work ethics - and I couldn’t ask for a better illustrator for my project. My deepest condolences, and may she rest in peace. 🙏 #StarsforLilly…
【NEW COVER PREMIERE】 Premiering tomorrow, 12/5 at 7 PM GMT+7 「ド屑」歌わせていただきました プレミア公開は明日12月5日の21時です よろしくお願いします💜 Original Music: なきそ Illustration: Num Mix: ynkmr. Video: らいり
New hololive JP-EN-ID Minecraft server sounds spicy🌶
Next date will be us robbing a bank together😍 I'm so excited😍 HAYKOLOVE😍 #holoMinistry
Setting my alarm for Ollie’s Hanako stream😘
It’s almost time…! I’ll be going then, I expect to see a sea of yellow lights from the stage! そろそろはじまる…!みんな、行ってくるね🫡👊応援期待してる!黄色に染まれええぇぇぇええええ!!!!! #ひろがるホロライブDAY2
AKEOMEEEEEEEE happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
【STREAM】 It's finally here! New outfit reveal tonight! Just what kind of outfit will it be👀 only one way to find out 今日は新衣装お披露目あります!一体どういう新衣装なのか😃😃😃見に来てね! 8/13 8:00 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST #holoIDNewCostume WAITING ROOM:
私が撮ったエモさMAXの神スクショたちも見て #アステルレダ3D
つぐのひデート配信に来てくれてありがとうございました〜〜!!想像以上にてえてえなゲームだったなぁ…癒された……😌✨ 次はラミィ先輩が明るいゲーム一緒に遊びたいって言ってるので楽しみ👀✨ Thanks for coming to the collab stream!! The games were both so teetee... blessed😇✨
Youtube seems to be having viewers count bug lately. Is that true? :0
【STREAM】 今日は(^_^)久々の日本語配信👍だから、特別に🫣💦遊ばせてもらうヨ〜😁🙌ナンチャッテ❗️😝💦(笑) JP-only stream today with the famous game😌 9:00 PM GMT+7 / 23時 WAITING ROOM:
🎊HOLORO 12 HOURS RELAY EVENT🎊 Untuk merayakan 1 tahunan Holoro, kita akan ada relay stream selama 12 jam! To commemorate our 1st anniversary, I am organizing a 12 hours relay event of us three - Ollie, Anya, and Reine! ID2期生3人の1周年記念に12時間リレー企画やります🎊🎊
例のゴーヤジュース普通に気になるんだが The rumored goya juice can’t be that bad🧐
【STREAM】 #holoIDKimonoDAY3 #AnyaKrismono is HERE FRFR... clickbait or not?!?!?!! We'll see😎👊😎👊🤠👊 お正月衣装のお披露目くるってマ〜〜〜〜??????? 2/5 8:00 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST / 08:00 EST WAITING ROOM:…