Thank you for watching today's suprise karaoke!!! That 1 hour felt pretty long... or is it just me? 🧐🧐 hope you guys enjoyed the nostalgia VOCALOID trip 😉 what was your favorite song? #Pavolive
【SURPRISE KARAOKE】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine I'm bored so let's sing!!! vocaloid songs ooouououwouw Archived or not depends on RNG-sama Probably only singing for around 1 hour~ 😵‍💫 11 PM GMT+7 / 25:00 JST
【We Were Here Together】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Waterfowl duo? With Kobo the Rein-e shaman!!! Padahal baru hari Selasa tapi kita collabnya ReBo xixixi 🥴🥴🥴 9 PM GMT+7 / 23:00 JST Reine POV:
Collab with Kobo today!!! Gotta prepare the beeg breine... 😵‍💫
【Membership Watchalong】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Let's watch SPY×FAMILY ep 1-3! Always wanted to watch this anime and I wanna watch with you guys 🥺 Starting early but dw as we'll free talk for a while first! 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST Join Membership: ➡️…
【REINE'S SCHEDULE】 YT Channel:… Tags General: #Pavolia_Reine Livestream: #Pavolive Fanart: #Reinessance Fan name: #MERAKyats Meme: #POGVOLIA
NEXT STREAM... 【Death & Taxes】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Reine is in control... Who gets to live, who gets to ☠️? 1:30 GMT+7 / 3:30 AM JST
【Cover】Beat Eater / calliope × reine × suisei via @YouTube so close to 2M...!!!
“I just think you’re genetically attractively sexy” -Ollie at 6 AM
It’s been a looooong time since I last drew this much in such a short period of time, it sparked something that I thought was dead long ago 🥲 there was a lot of riding-a-bike moments, but I’m glad I decided to do a picture/comic diary for a recap. Thanks everyone for watching ❤️
Part of the stuff I drew and showed on stream! Here's all the 4 panel stuff (read Up to Down, right comic first THEN left) 🏝️💙🧡 #Reinessance #artsofashes
Part of the stuff I drew and showed on stream! Pavonashi vacation copium lets goooo 🏝️💙🧡 (panels read Right to Left) #Reinessance #artsofashes
Thank you everybody for watching Pavonashi recap comics!!! I had a lot of fun drawing and thank you Kiara for accompanying me! I'll post the drawings and tag them heheheh hope you enjoyed the stream!!! #Pavolive
an invitation to play came but I'm... I'm working.... I'M FINE 🥲🥲🥲
【MALDIVES RECAP】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Telling the story from my eyes through comics & pics👀 Kiara will be there too! たくさんの思い出作ったな…🥲今日のために絵をいっぱい描いたから一緒にgogogo talking yes!!(日本語がんばった 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST
NEXT STREAM guerrilla..!! Starting soon! Accompany me talk & sketch comics (not shown), maybe eat... ueeee 1:15 AM GMT+7 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine
Oh man… Time to start working on the Pavonashi comics… Really hungry so I kinda wanna drink/eat something but should I stay up and do a work/monch stream…? If I put it aside to tomorrow, I’m afraid I’ll sleep in 😫😫