Cult of the Lamb #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine I wanna start sooner so I can play longer! Let's stick to the pattern of at least clearing each section each stream while we make our idelogical society prosper on the side 👊😎 1 PM GMT+7 / 3 PM JST
GGs!! 🪱 Had a blast with Worms, my worms IllusionNight GateOpenStart and Handoko were a lil thirsty so I guess they couldn't refuse the free hydration!!! 🌊Best of luck to those advancing!!! 👊😎
omg.... the early bird gets the worm especially if they stream illusion night aka reines new song lets goooo
membership karaoke in 10 minutes joinda now ➡️…
RUST #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine NO POLAR BEARS ALLOWED Let's brush up our house a bit more! Then maybe we can continue our fishing house project :O 11 AM GMT+7 / 1 PM JST
omg i think the car i saw when i was running around making the ugly(tm) house was really ame😂😂 NICE BTW…
RUST #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine I messed up building my house the first time I did it, maybe I wanna fix it? How? (if it doesn't work let's make another house or something lol) 9:30 PM GMT+7 / 23:30 JST
HOLOCURE First stream from new office, chill talking 8 PM GMT+7 /22:00 JST #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine
HoloCure 10 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine We tried Sui&Robo this afternoon, gonna try other Gamers/Gen 0 characters this time!!
Until today I thought SMG meant short machine gun and LMG meant long machine gun 😂😂 they make it seem like that's what they stand for though! Thanks for Rust today, unexpected adventure with Calli and Anya was fun! #Pavolive
実はわたし、タイサイドビキニみたいな水着が大好きなの。 水着をきてるわたし、想像してみて? わたしのことこれからも愛してね。 I actually love swimsuits that look like tie-side bikinis. Can you imagine me in a swimsuit? Please continue to love me.
Thank you so much for your interest in Reine Birthday Goods 2022!!! We still have them in-stock on Tokopedia! What are you waiting for, get it while you still can!👊😎…
BIRTHDAY CALL INS!! #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Reine MERAKeting Academy is open!!! Who will call in?!? We're gonna play a little spin the wheel game to make things more spicy 🔥🔥🔥 BDAY TAG> #Reine2ndMEPtember 10 AM GMT+7 / 12:00 JST
Pavolia Reine ORIGINAL SONG "Illusion Night" Available on various platforms starting September 10, 00:00 (local time) Please listen to it lots 👊😎 I came up with a hashtag to post your impressions>> #ReineIllusionNight #Reine2ndMEPtember #Pavolia_Reine