I missed the holoMinistry club NOOO 👋😭👋
Thank you so much for watching our collab!!! 😎🤝 I had tons of fun drawing and talking with Kiwawa, look forward for more soon! :D check out our early halloween purikura!!! (Reine drawn by Kiara, Kiara drawn by Reine) #Pavolive #Pavonashi
Fatal Frame tonight.... I'm so scared... save me... 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠😭😭😭😭😭😭
I want sushi 😵‍💫 what stuff do you normally order when you go eat sushi? Doesn’t have to be only 1! お寿司屋さんに行くとき、みんな普段何を注文する?
Last night I dreamed me and a LOT of strangers were in a shopping mall and then a beeg creature got loose and basically we ded if it captured us etc typical survival game scenario. But 1 thing I remembered was 1 of the people in the mall wore a v*poreon costume(?) and waved at me
forgive the lack of tail but HER EXPRESSION...🥰🥰 #ひろがるホロライブDAY1
SPICY!!! Thank you so much for coming all the way to see me at the Meet & Greet!! 😍 it's so nice to be able to talk to you all👁️👁️ hopefully you feel the same way, and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day!!💝 #CRX2022 #hololiveMeet
OtsuSanaRei!!! Playing a bunch of retro games today was fun!! Still talking to Sana now 🥰🥰 hope you guys had fun & have a great night! #SanaRei #Pavolive
Happy Eid for those who are celebrating! Have a blessed day everyone 🙏😎
【Reine Review: Ano Aozora no Sei da】 Deadline: 21 Feb 23:59 WIB (GMT+7) Those who wanna join or try something new, now's your chance! Select entries will be featured in a special Reine Review ^^ Follow guidelines below and use #AANSD_Showcase Inst DL➡️piapro.jp/hololive
@takanashikiara love love idol birb kiwawa 🧡🧡🧡
AYO.... my heart (spoiler for paradox mon) #PokemonScarlet
【Pavonashi Smash Bros】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine Gonna be my first time playing Smash! Apparently my first character choice was her main so I had to change 😂😂 guess who I ended up picking! 17:30 PM GMT+7 / 19:30 JST youtu.be/rRfN87bf2UE
My cat leans its chonky body against the UPS and turns off my PC yet again… thanks…. 😇
I took some fish videos while snorkeling earlier—haven’t checked them yet but hopefully some of them are presentable 😳 Wanted to take pics too but my setup didn’t allow it... I think I did something wrong but oh well
LOVE TORIANGLE... Reine next book? 👀#kfp
SPORTS FESTIVAL OTSUCURRY!!! What did you think of White Team's pro gamer moves!?! This year's sports festival was AMAZING! 今年のマイクラ運動会参加できてよかった!!! 白組THANKYOU!!!すごく楽しかった☺️ 👊😎GO GO WHITE TEAM GO WHITE TEAM 😎👊 #マイクラ運動会2022
🦚NEW ORIGINAL SONGS!🦚 “Ano Aozora no Sei da’’ & ‘’Love Me Love Me’’ now available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, and other various music platforms! ■ Release Date: December 7, 2021, 00:00 ■ Listen: cover.lnk.to/reineEP #RE1NEversary #あの青空のせいだ #AANSD_Reine