Today at Taiwan Comic Con, I cosplayed Vox and had a great day, hope my lord can have a great day too. if possible, hope daddy can take care of your son and don't let him do dumb stuff… Love dad ❤️ @Vox_Akuma #VoxAkuma #kindraw #cos #cosplay
新刊的第二種造型...💜 #UKinky #ukiform #cosplay
Rest well,have a good day💜 #VioletAtelier #UkiVioleta
the lovers💜❤️ *school AU* #psyborg #FulGallery #VioletAtelier
一路上看著他成長 看到他創新了那麽多有趣的企劃 那麼努力的在改進 在適應 這些大家都看在眼裡 曾經他還幫我傳訊息給Uki (這件事真的讓我很感動 明明他也知道我主推不是他) 看著溫柔又善良的DJ這樣被畢業 還是覺得很難過
HEY HEY HEY👀 #FulGallery
🔮新刊劇情試閱🌌 部分寫真內容公開,這本寫真集花了蠻長時間製作,希望有拍出第一次聽到Deja Vu時的觸動... Part of the photobook,hope present the feeling that tug at heartstrings by Deja vu.. (1/3) #VioletAtelier #cosplay #UkiVioleta
Love poison. 愛情毒藥聽起來好中二但我想不到其他詞( #VioletAtelier #ukiform #Artchivist #Legartus #cosplay #psyborg
Happy Valentine’s Day & Booba Day👌 #Akumasutra #lucaway #FriskyBrisky #Cybussy
I tried to draw some stargazers,but i'm really not good at drawing🤧 Hydrangea is as pretty as uki.Congrats on 300k!!!💜 #UkiVioleta #VioletAtelier #cosplay
LAM bro suit ver. Uki ready to rule the universe…😌👌 #RPaRt #Artchivist #Akurylic #VioletAtelier SZ rpr @nahanamei Vox Akuma @yao_alma_tw Fulgur Ovid @wen_oni
Under the cherry tree at night. #UkiVioleta #VioletAtelier #cosplay
活動明天就開跑啦 快到試試茶參加應援 把Ukinya帶回家💜 #Noctyx1stanniversary…
You're like a dictionary, add meaning to my life. 阿然後Fu立牌缺貨了...:_; #Artchivist #Legartus #cosplay
不專業翻譯 有刪減部分內容 請去看原直播 (我整個碎到不行)…
Meteor -donum dei / Uki Violeta 寫真集 Meteor -donum dei意為拉丁語的:流星-神的禮物 內容包含Deja vu初配信劇情 三套造型:正裝、刺青穿環ver、天使ver 48P/157g特銅霧膜封面 實體書購買連結Physical photobook(Taiwan only) #UkiVioleta #cosplay (3/3)
Although my dog ​​never admits happy, BUT… SEE FOR YOURSELF…. @kirisawa1213 #FoxAkuma #MystariASS #Akumasutra
Our DJ will always be a member of Noctyx in my heart. #YugoAsuma