
So according to 육군훈련소 the enlistement event will start at around 14-14:30. So Baekhyun will enter his unit at around 14-14:30.
"Chanyeol suffered from rumors related to his privacy last year. Since then, SM has sued for posting false facts related to Chanyeol and police are still investigating. The punishment results will be released after the investigation is over." n.news.naver.com/entertain/arti…
the nephew said to the hyung of the OP that he saw Chanyeol at the camp. He said Chanyeol was really handsome!
Remember Baekhyun visited Chanyeol and Sehun while they were shooting 1BV MV
#엑소엘_7살_축하해 (Congratulation for 7th EXO-L) #HappyEXOLDay #I_L1485_You are on South Korea Trending now~
👤: Chanyeol oppa, what do you really like fans call you with? 🍒: Prince Ơ3Ơ
Chanyeol and SM have taken legal action. It has been transferred by the police to the procuratorial agency. No brands such as Nacific and Prada terminate the cooperation. The film schedule was still set, the film staff and director praised him a lot.
We can be stronger to protect him and give him the greatest support.
FYI: "I could not help but wonder how I could protect the hearts of our EXO-L and how I can repay all of you guys. I will do my absolute best not to make you worried again. Also, I will do my best to show that you guys believing in me will not be in vain."
#lrt The OP in the picture said Chanyeol was really good-looking, and before Chanyeolie greets them, the rookies will say/greet him "으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 대" (Growl lyrics)
The CEO of NACIFIC posted on IG "Dear Chanyeol 🍒 We really had a good time together a year with the worldwide KPOP star EXO's Chanyeol. Stay healthy and serve the military well. Nacific supports you in the future as well. Thanks real__pcy ❤ exol"
the PR Marketing of ADP also posted the pictorials of Chanyeol and said he was so handsome. A lot will come so look forward to it~
#Sehun IG live "Chuseok day~ everyone, let's eat a lot of delicious food. Bye bye~"
Army creative musical 'Meisa's Song'... Streaming from the 15th of next month 31 members of the cast including EXO member Park Chanyeol were chosen. kookbang.dema.mil.kr/newsWeb/m/2021…
찬열 Chanyeol Arena page 💕
ADP staff posted Arena pages Chanyeol 💕
I just asked the team of the musical 메이사의노래 if the ticket will be available on Global Interpark or not. And they said the ticket will be available too. Preparing to watch our Laman Chanyeol ❤️
about the call of sasaeng, I hope that you guys won't share it more. I've been still questioning myself for more than an hour that why the OP got that record. Ofc, the OP is not the caller, but it violates privacy now, and the antis can drag BH down. please, report it.
Chanyeol / 찬열 interview "Meisa's song" musical Q: You're currently practicing for the performance now. The mood/atmosphere in the practice room? A: At the first meeting, we felt awkward. But we're gettin' closer quickly because of the common in the music [..]
The Musical "Meissa's song" online performance is ranking #4 on ticket interpark. And "Meissa's song" offline performance is ranking #2 on ticket interpark.
HD OF CHANYEOL TODAY!!!!!! ❤ [cr _LoeyyyeoL_ ]
The staff of Meissa's song posted "Online performance has done. See you face-to-face performance soon 2021.10.22 - 11.27 Olympic Woori Financial Hall"
찬열 / Chanyeol voice message credit: 非常超级可爱的朴灿烈 "Hello everyone, this is Chanyeol
Chanyeol is crying because of seeing fans and the cheer for him and the team ❤