jk vids 🎥 (slow)(@jjklve)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

the cutest :(
jungkook saying "te amo" 🥺
jungkook humming so beautifully 🦋
the way jungkook says "i don't know", his smile 😭
compilation of jungkook's dimple showing during his live <3
he's so precious :(
his :] smile 🥹
2 min and 20 secs of happy and smiley jungkook in his live ♡
omg jungkook's 'yet to come' teaser!!!!
jungkook is so pretty 🤍
👤 "I want to become a flight attendant but my parents want me to become a doctor" 🐰 it's your life and you only live once. I think you should live for yourself 🐰 of course, you need some compromise and understanding to do that but you should do what you want to do
jungkook talking about his experience at the seoul jazz festival. how he read the nice things the fan he met wrote about him. and that he had a good time listening to music, humming and eating <3
🐰 get up, do 100 squats and lie down and do 30 sit ups and then lunges, 2 sets of 20 lunges, and then 1 minute in the plank position and then swings on each side for 1 minute and as the finale.. burpee test for about 15 minutes 🐰 *jokes* it's easy, right? :D
🐰*whispering* it's a secret 🐰 but i had a drink 😁 🐰 so i'm happy
🐰 "do you love army?" 🐰 of course!! 🐰 don't even ask that question 🐰 of course
🐰 🙂 🐰 *freezes* 🐰 ... 🐰 you thought the screen froze, right? 🐰 nope
jungkook talking about deleting his posts on instagram saying that there wasn't a reason he just wanted to make it prettier and he didn't know you could archive instead. the way he talks about how he asked armys to try it again showing respect, he's so precious😭
jungkook talking about his hair, he said that the extentions were longer than the lenght of his hair in the back and he thinks he wore it too soon, so he took it off and is growing out his hair!
the way jungkook prettily checks his hair 🥹
jungkook showing his hands after someone commented if he knew that the lines on the palms of his hands are straight (both are) and wondering if it's really true what they say about it bringing good fortune. when he says "since i'm happy now, they must mean good fortune, right?"🥹
jungkook talking about how he has been studying drums! "(...) i'm a lot more persistent now, i hope i can perform on the drums for you sometime"
[220607] #jungkook: do you feel the love? ♡
⚡️ “[220607] JK V LIVE - Let's Get It” twitter.com/i/events/15346…
🐹 jungkook, are there any words that you'd like to say to yourself at the time? 🐰 actually, i got none. because i believe everything was possible because i didn't know anything back then 🐰 if we knew, it wouldn't have been the same.