JRJOT7 (Very Busy)(@LetsBeGoodHuman)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

One of the 3 ongoing votes, and one of the easiest ones, with an email. #RushHour by #Crush feat #jhope of @BTS_twt mnetplus.world/community/vote…
Less than 1M connected. Come on, we need like 20M on here!! RT, spread massively, connect with all your devices, let's crash Weverse (lol) 😋 Help them test for Busan. weverse.io/bts/live/4-104…
Can I get some tags going? #YetToCome by @BTS_twt #BTS was out of the top10 some hrs ago… Pls🙏 RT and/or reply/create your own tweet. Can I make a challenge of 200RTs? 💜💜
These are the next BTS songs in line for the 100M mark on SpotTheFly🟢. Plan your listening accordingly, supplement with recent releases, Proof-focused PLs, Butter-Dyna-BWL. I’m sharing some PLs in this 🧵 if you need some.
You know ARMY rule book paragraph 7 article 13 CLEARLY states🧐: If you come across Otsukare(sama deshita) you MUST (MUST!!) retweet. Dropping them tags for #YetToCome by @BTS_twt #BTS too (as stated in article 14) 😋 お疲れ様でした !(^^)💜
Next up, IFPI for 3 years in a row. Buy Proof if you can. 🔥 If you can’t, stream it along with the recent releases, leave a PL running. open.spotify.com/playlist/47cjV… open.spotify.com/playlist/2Ml77… open.spotify.com/playlist/3co5C… open.spotify.com/playlist/0zQs8… Updated regularly: open.spotify.com/playlist/5Ua2z… twitter.com/btschartdata/s…
I’ll say this from the pov of someone who genuinely cares about good music: when JITB vynil is out of stock you may regret not buying it. It’s a collector’s piece in itself. #JackInTheBox #jhope
ARMYs googling “How to be Yeontan” right now.. 😭 #BTSV #VXMAS #BTS @BTS_twt
The captchas are back. Can't say I missed them. Let's get it! mnetplus.world/community/vote…
We have physicals. They ship to the US Jan12 - Jan 26. If you buy 4 & split cost between ARMYs shipping is 30% less (estimate). I say let's get organized & use those physicals! 🔥💪 -Buying party -Streaming party -Donation Drives We have time to prep. In the meantime, pre-order! twitter.com/orna2129/statu…
I made something. It's not for goals, just for the Xmas mood. Pls play your focused PLs as usual, this is just to keep you company during family gatherings. With Love, Merry Xmas 💜 youtube.com/playlist?list=… #BTS @BTS_twt
I had some DMs asking me what to focus on now, in terms of streaming. We have until Dec31 to make it count for IFPI. I use a combination of this PL with all recent releases: open.spotify.com/playlist/4jZvI… & a Proof PL (or +), then at least 1 rep of JITB+Indigo. twitter.com/LetsBeGoodHuma…
BTS at #11, out of the Top10 again. I know Xmas is here for the week but that never stopped us before. Please put on a playlist, here is one: open.spotify.com/playlist/1uchb…
What if I told you that Jin is going to be paraded in front of the media, used for someone’s/some institution’s PR project and that every time you don’t block that tweet acc/YT channel and you CONSUME those images you’re setting the pattern for what’s to come with the other 6? +
That by generating the demand for that footage, those pictures because YOU need to know how he’s doing you’re helping trampling on his right to privacy? And setting a precedent for them to have the excuse to do it 6 times more? +
I could put it in words in so many different ways, the fact remains if you don’t oppose this then you help condone it. Of course, this is my personal opinion. You’re free to disagree with me as I am free to block you for it.
You didn’t forget this vote, did you? #indigo #rm mnetplus.world/community/vote…
On a recess at a Xmas concert, watching this & 2 thoughts come to mind: 1. I'm so glad I voted the way I did for these awards. 2. Gentle souls, years go by and they just get better and better, in all aspects. Professionally, and as humans. At least, that's what I see. 💜 twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
This time the captchas are being gentle with us and everything? The gap is not safe, people. 🗳️🙏 mnetplus.world/community/vote…
We have been Top5 for months. This week, please start with Proof: open.spotify.com/album/6al2VdKb… Continue with 3h of an all releases PL: open.spotify.com/playlist/0D28h… Then Indigo + JITB Then finish off the all releases PL. If you can, go to sleep with BWL+Proof. Let’s finish 2022 STRONG 💪🏻🔥
This? This is the EASIEST vote EVER. Click on link, log in, click on vote, log out, repeat. No captchas, no watching videos, reading articles, collecting charms… NONE OF THAT. global.idolplus.com/vote/OTAwYjlhN2
There are 246 songs by BTS below 100M streams. Next up are Autumn Leaves & Old Town Road, though it's likely Astronaut and Arson will get there sooner. I use this one at night for IFPI: open.spotify.com/playlist/5Ua2z… This one as a cleanser: open.spotify.com/playlist/6Dsge…
And this is how we do it. Please, when we say stream & buy because there's a chance to make history/an impact on the charts.... stream & buy. 💜🙏 (We got another chance coming in January with JITB...) Congratulations RM!! #rm #indigo
Let's tell everyone! Congratulations RM Congratulations ARMY #IndigoNo3onBillboard200 💙
Remember we have another chance with JITB in January, when the vynil ships to the US. Let's help our US-ARMYs then with big streams, $support and encouragement once more. 💜💜💪 twitter.com/Army_Connect/s…