Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Dr. Fauci lied. DAPRA didn’t funded Gain-of-Function in 🇨🇳. Fauci must tell what he knew about coronavirus work NIH funded in WIV via EcoHealth 👉🏻Q: What else CCP has done using NIH 💰 in GOF? What happened to #COVID19? It’s from 🇨🇳 labs, is it weaponized? youtu.be/_zgoENmeddA
R u worried about “Ebola-or Marburg- like virus” in 🇨🇳? See the Gain-of-Function work rejected by DARPA: @PeterDaszak clearly stated GOF on coronavirus will be applied to other high-lethal viruses (Hendra, Nipah, Ebola, Marburg...)‼️ #COVID is real. What else CCP would release? twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
With Aga Wilson on NewsVoice.se - I & Omar Khan discuss #COVID situation in Asia + the CCP military lab-origin of SARS-CoV-2 & CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon strategies, including scientific misinformation campaign. Links: newsvoice.se/2022/01/dr-yan… youtu.be/Jb029vSnnsM
Don’t trust Chinese Communist Regime any more! #BoycottWinterOlympics twitter.com/EnesFreedom/st…
Statement: I’ve never written anything or collaborated with Adrian David Cheok @adriancheok! Prof. Adrian David Cheok must explain why he used my name in his papers to cheat people! @BillyBostickson twitter.com/BillyBostickso…
Again: Who is this author AD Cheok (Adrian David Cheok) @adriancheok that plagiarized Yan Reports & published on different journals? What did he do to Yan Reports using my name? He is not co-author for any Yan Reports, while none of my team members was informed! Shame on him! twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Great action! 👍 “the bill would sanction leadership of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) & its affiliated institutes/labs, including Wuhan Institute of Virology. The COVID Act would also suspend federal research funding across all academic fields for studies that involve CAS” twitter.com/SenRubioPress/…
Strongly agree with @JamieMetzl! CCP planed for decades to divide 🇺🇸. #COVID & related issues - including mandates - caused chaos for over 2 years. It cannot be solved until a bipartisan collaboration focusing on truth of CCP’s military-origin of SARS2 & misinformation campaign! twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
For the last question from @LouDobbs on 23 Sep, 2020 (1+yr ago), my reply was “CCP has more Unrestricted Bioweapons using different zoonotic viruses in stock” Big Q: If CCP release any high-death rate viruses next time, will new vax passport be required?👇🏻 youtu.be/Hj6ZIZY5-N4 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
I’m always asked about CCP’s “zero #COVID” data. My reply: -Never trust CCP’s data -When CCP required “zero”, no official dare to report (+) -Once outbreaks can’t be covered up, CCP always insisted the 1st case was “imported”. They blamed from people to cold chain supply to mails twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
Czech Republic’s government knows how to protect their citizens and the country!👍 twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
CCP的本质,鲍老鞭辟入里!这个党、这个政权、这个意识形态不灭,我们都没有安全的未来!@baotong1932 twitter.com/baotong1932/st…
We need real scientists in the real labs for the real data of COVID-19! usatoday.com/story/news/nat…
Yes, that’s why we saw articles with data about ADE in 2020. But lack of further studies until now!👇🏻 - Dr. Malone: The designers in the pharmaceutical industry won’t study the risks of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) or vax-enhanced diseases. #COVID19 #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost/st…
Besides Dr. Fauci & Peter Daszak in EcoHealth, there are more comprised scientists like Dr. Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall in John Hopkins U helped CCP’s misinformation campaign. Gigi’s efforts in nature-origin of #COVID misled American investigators a lot! Should she be investigated?
The long tweet by @baobaoxiaoliao revealed part of deep collaboration between Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall, Nancy Connell @ndconnell in John Hopkins U with CCP’s top strategic think tank in 🇨🇳. They helped CCP understand 🇺🇸 Biodefense system, and misled 🇺🇸 in the origin of #COVID19! twitter.com/baobaoxiaoliao…
Well, CCP military scientists have said the same words, when they discovered the real backbone of #COVID19 virus - bat coronavirus ZC45/ZXC21 in Zhoushan in 2017. Then they did “gain-of-function” modification in the labs and caused the pandemic in 2019. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/artic… twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
@zerohedge Well, CCP military scientists have said the same words, when they discovered the real backbone of #COVID19 virus - bat coronavirus ZC45/ZXC21 in Zhoushan in 2017. Then they did “gain-of-function” modification in the labs and caused the pandemic in 2019. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/artic…
請看「方菲訪談」,今晚播出上集採訪: 中共用獵狐計劃針對我;我為何判斷病毒來源有問題;揭示中共生物武器計劃的兩本書 youtu.be/ARNq4zDcTQQ
Col @LawrenceSellin: “🇨🇳 caused the COVID-19 pandemic by artificially manipulating the structure of a natural bat coronavirus to make it infectious to humans. It appears that China is now repeating that process with a far deadlier coronavirus.” thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/lawren…
祝各位新春快樂,闔家安康🧧 Happy Lunar New Year🐯 twitter.com/tzjuansiwei/st…
@DarlaShine Of course! Misinformation is indispensable. CCP has already spread misinformation about the next bio-attacks to blame 🇺🇸 and Americans as below: twitter.com/dawniscoming22…