Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Pray for Jimmy Lai, the hero of Hong Kong 🇭🇰! #FreeHongKong #EndEmperorXi twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
為自由而奮戰的英雄曾聖光,您是台灣人的驕傲! 請記住他 - 曾聖光,25歲,來自台灣阿美族, 作為烏克蘭志願軍的一員犧牲在烏東盧甘斯克地區前線。 In God We Trust!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/…
Ep11. No Amnesty should be given before a thorough investigation of #COVID19 ORIGIN •Xi-CCP promote various of fake origin theories to muddle the water •Developing Unrestricted Bioweapons is Xi’s national strategy. Xi’s primary enemy is 🇺🇸 The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pmET
For layman, FCS question by @megynkelly is like “human have no🐒 tails in nature”. While Dr. Garry argued “🐒 have such tails…If you narrow it to human only, there is no tail…But… (keep expert-like lying)” FCS is one of smoking gun evidence of #COVID lab-origin in Yan Reports! twitter.com/HansMahncke/st…
新版「呼和浩特市疫情消殺規定」重點在第五條:「對病家情況,消毒紀錄,視頻影像保密,不准通過任何形式對外洩露」。 習共的一切政策,必須依賴列寧式組織及其嚴苛的保密制度。擊垮習共,必須拆解這套保密體系。 這就是我們無處不在的雷的力量! twitter.com/big_ear_cat/st…
殞命與呼和浩特市清零運動的女士,再一次不幸被習共國做成了人血饅頭。官媒表態「任何磨難都不是放棄生命的理由」:「這樣不斷地在磨難中跨越,堅定目光,堅持腳下的路,營造母慈子孝其樂融融的生活環境,完成承擔的責任,實現生命的意義不是更好嗎?」 這明明是在地獄裡鼓勵鬼的「正能量」!🤬 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
This book is definitely a page-turner! @StevenWMosher has collected all the evidence and vividly reconstructed what happened behind the scenes in the #COVID19 pandemic. He was the 1st to report on the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, & also the 1st researcher to interview me in detail! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep11 A recent speech in 🇨🇳 tells Xi-CCP’s evil idea “If the pandemic lasts for 10 years, even no more attacks from us (CCP), the whole world will crash. No labor force in western countries. You don’t understand our National Strategy!” americaoutloud.com/no-amnesty-sho…
Totally agree with Rep. Gallagher @MikeforWI on GOP’s proposal of the special House Committee on Origin of #COVID19! It’s necessary and we have been waiting so long! twitter.com/VOAChinese/sta…
Such Award will be proven as a pathetic joke, as all the propaganda & lies, e.g. nature-origin or US-origin, in the #COVID pandemic. There will be a justice tribunal finally, NOT ONLY to Xi Jinping & CCP, BUT ALSO to the compromised scientists & campaigns! #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/AAASKavli/stat…
Ep12 Neither accidental nor occasional - the history of CCP’s bioweapon program With @ClareMLopez: 🇨🇳 offensive Biological Warfare program is a seamlessly linked effort directed by CCP in collaboration with military The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pmET On America Out Loud Radio
When everyone believed Xi JinPing’s words in early 2020, the #COVID pandemic came to you. Trust Xi again? 🙉 #StrategicDeception twitter.com/chineseciv/sta…
This raccoon may be significantly important for Putin-Xi allies 😎 For ORIGIN of #COVID, pro-CCP scientists tried to blame raccoons as host but failed! Later, Russia-CCP claimed US bio labs in Ukraine for COVID & Bioweapons in propaganda. They need a Ukraine raccoon desperately! twitter.com/DefenceU/statu…
勇士之死 - 不忘台灣英雄「一」: 致敬為自由主義而在烏克蘭前線獻身的台灣勇士曾聖光先生 同道中人,用一滴水的力量去折射神賜予人類的光芒 - 踐行自由主義,喚醒人們對天賦人權的維護! Hero Jonathan, Sheng-Guang SHENG in КАРПАТСЬКА СІЧ 烏克蘭喀爾巴阡武裝部隊 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 youtu.be/QIuir9v_FqY
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep12 Neither Accidental nor Occasional, the History of CCP’s Bioweapon Guest @ClareMLopez 🇨🇳 BW program is directed by CCP with military from Mao’s 1949. What has CCP done to deepen the influence of WHO? Why no response from BW Treaty? americaoutloud.com/neither-accide…
Latest article with Col. Lawrence Sellin & @lude_media “The extent of influence by pro-CCP operatives in 🇺🇸 elections & their possible coordination have yet to be fully evaluated, but the preliminary evidence warrants further investigation.” thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/chines…
• Political codes when Xi lectured PM Trudeau at G20 - CCP’s confidentiality & “black-box” operations • Be aware of suspicious pro-CCP activities focusing on GA senate runoff - To stop #COVID origin investigation is the bargaining chip! The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep13 Pro-CCP campaigns are organized to support Dem candidate in GA Senate runoff. Their bargaining chips include: •Stop anti-CCP •Stop investigation of #COVID19 origin •Stop investigation of CCP’s stealing of intellectual property americaoutloud.com/xis-lecture-to…
Besides the immature “novel technology” in the vaccine, What we MUST investigate is: How many functions are designed in the Spike protein to harm human? How harmful do we know about it? Remember #CovidVaccine is designed mainly based on weaponized spike protein! twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
However, “freeze everyone” is so cost-effective for Xi-CCP regime to control and mobilize Chinese from peaceful time to war time, with a combination of zero-COVID policies. Emperor Xi won’t give it up! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
Too general. What functions did they try to add into S protein? Why was it supposed to be harmful? What random changes happened during the modification? How exactly the functions work after infection? What happens to human when there is co-morbidity? … All need to be solved. twitter.com/3r1k4dl3r/stat…
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy one of my favorite music Exodus by Maksim in this joyful holiday 😊 And God said: “I will be with you.” - Exodus 3:12 NIV youtu.be/VrBZ0rGWXUk
The voice against tranny from China can be heard, no matter how strictly Xi-CCP controls people! 起來,不願做奴隸的人們!為自由而抗爭,推翻反人性的政權,我們一定會贏的! #ZeroCovid #EmperorXi #EndCCP
Soviet Union & Communist China had a notorious history of cheating US together for strategic purposes. Now, Xi & Putin join forces to deceive their enemies - esp 🇺🇸. What is behind the lies this time? Special Guest: Jeff Nyquist @JRNyquist The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET