Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Latest article with Col.Sellin & @lude_media “Information of an alleged military incident from PLA, which hasn’t been reported…🇨🇳’s western Pacific strategy is part of an overall plan to destroy entire 🇺🇸Indo-Pacific defense structure & to dismember Quad” thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/exclus…
English version of PLA’s audio is youtu.be/FHZ-49Qhdl4 The audio is obtained by many brave Chinese people via a special intelligence operation organized by @lude_media on 14 May, 2022 - at the cost of lives! We Chinese are fighting against CCP! Xi’s People’s War will fail! twitter.com/newsmax/status…
Lancet reported my ex-boss Malik Peiris’ lecture in ECCMID. It is deceptive! To mix ORIGIN of #COVID19 pandemic with other outbreaks of zoonotic pathogens in nature, and connect to issues like climate change, is equal to define Chernobyl as natural-origin! thelancet.com/journals/lanre…
If the other governments CAN’T figure out or DAREN’T admit that CCP released its Unrestricted Bioweapon -SRAS2- to cause the pandemic & killed millions of people, then hold 🇨🇳 accountable, 🇨🇳 will brag their trophy & further grab your 💰, rights, & lives! We don’t have much time! twitter.com/HillelNeuer/st…
Interesting, it seems this tweet was shadow-banned after posted by @zeeemedia. But you can watch the interview here zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-l… twitter.com/zeeemedia/stat…
“🇨🇳 has exploited search engine results on Xinjiang & #COVID19, which are geopolitically salient to Beijing... Chinese state media have aggressively pushed unfounded theories that the pandemic originated in a US military lab.” - It’s CCP’s Unrestricted War nypost.com/2022/05/27/chi…
@disclosetv The English translation of PLA’s audio is here👇🏻 The audio is obtained by many brave Chinese people via our special intelligence operation on 14 May, 2022 - at the cost of their lives! We Chinese are fighting against CCP! Xi’s People’s War will fail! youtu.be/FHZ-49Qhdl4
@PengMusk @tulongdao2017v @lude_media 據與會人員透露,音頻裡提到的不是「黃(善春)政委」,而是王(守信)政委。王守信2021年從海軍調去廣東軍區,少將。
習近平和中共正在發動全面的「人民戰爭」毀滅世界文明。破局的關鍵是:把「人民」喚醒,變為「人」! - 人民相對於君王,重點在「民」,由人組成的民沒有獨立性。 - 「人」具有天賦人權,獨立且享有自由。 沒有民則人民戰爭必敗! 這也是我們發起「中國獨立宣言運動」的意義所在! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
CCP’s agents & comprised experts failed to muddy the water! “Expert analysis of the audio clip posted on YouTube channel of Lude Media appears authentic - The meeting discusses the roadmap of ‘normal to war transition’ plan.” 中共休想詆毀這份音頻的真實性! ibtimes.com/140000-soldier…
We are leading Movement of Declaration of Independence in China - to cripple communism in 🇨🇳 by exposing Chinese to founding principles of 🇺🇸, e.g. unalienable rights by God. Mr. Ma among us is arrested by CCP for spreading his declaration! @ShawnFleetwood thefederalist.com/2022/05/24/new…
這份絕密軍事會議的音頻是我們的「雷」們用生命做代價錄下並遞給我們的。如果沒有他們的犧牲,無辜的華人會被邪惡的習和共綁在「人民戰爭」的戰車上,淪為他們對文明世界發動超限恐怖襲擊的炮灰!所以這次行動不僅是給世界發出警訊,更重要的是表明華人與習共並非一體,我們願用生命捍衛自由與正義! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
In law, force means unlawful violence, or lawful compulsion. When something is said to have been done "by force", it usually implies that it was done by actual or threatened violence ("might"), not necessarily by legal authority ("right"). twitter.com/Newsweek/statu…
Never in the history of CCP has an audio from a top-classified meeting been captured in real-time & sent to 🇺🇸! The orders are put to TRANSITION TO A WARTIME SYSTEM. It reveals 🇨🇳 aims to smash Taiwan independence & win a decisive battle in South China Sea americaoutloud.com/breggin-mccull…
王小理是🇨🇳超限生物战智库主要专家,2020年在智库报告中明确鼓吹”以新发流行性传染病的防控”为基础的国家战略,得到习近平的赞赏! twitter.com/Dr_Mo2019/stat…
@Dr_Mo2019 王小理是🇨🇳超限生物战智库主要专家,2020年在智库报告中明确鼓吹”以新发流行性传染病的防控”为基础的国家战略,得到习近平的赞赏!
Related reports 1. EXCLUSIVE: Audio Leaked of Chinese Military Meeting Discussing the Invasion of Taiwan and Defeat of Regional US Forces thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclus…… 2. Is China's Military Command Prepping for War? newsmax.com/claremlopez/ch…
Our team is translating our exclusively obtained audio of PLA top confidential meeting on 14 May, 2022. The cost of the audio is many brave Chinese’s lives‼️🙏🏻 Due to military terms (PLA’s coding language) & special signals, we are also working on an coding-to-meaning version. twitter.com/lets_restart/s…
With Chas on the Patriot Party News: Origin of #COVID19 (starts from 16th min) thepatriotpartynews.com/blog/05-19-22-…
This is very important and informative! twitter.com/GetLoudAmerica…
感謝@BobLiu28058135 翻譯🇨🇳軍語。廣東軍地聯合指揮部錄音「說人話」例: 军力策动:在他国或地区策划武装叛乱或暴乱 精准动员:对有特定目标的技术人员和非技术人员进行无差别的强制动员,以服务战争 战时管制准备:封闭管理,医疗医药医务人员全部就位,所有居民一律封控,除特殊车辆外一律禁止出入
With Two Mikes: They Will Tell You Climate Change Is Causing the Pandemics "Covid-19 was released by 🇨🇳 army & CCP leadership celebrated the lethal disaster they caused. CCP has more weaponized viruses to use against 🇺🇸 when it believes the time is right." audible.com/pd/Dr-Li-Meng-…
Friday Magazine, is the first Japanese Magazine to interview me and report that #COVID19 is CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon program. It’s published today. friday.gold/article/113574
Summary: · CDC claimed “the case (in US) poses no risk to the public” · However, more cases were detected in London in an apparently unrelated cluster · So far, cases are detected in the U.K., Portugal & Spain · Monkeypox cases are rarely seen outside central & Western Africa twitter.com/thehill/status…