Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Never forget it! CCP-PLA made #COVID19 virus and released it intentionally out of the lab. #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/MarshaBlackbur…
The Voice of Dr. Yan - the voice CCP failed to silence! Episode1: A kind warning or a malicious threat? The hidden logic is deeply involved with CCP’s unrestricted tactics. Remember one principle in communist regimes: Whatever happened, just blame America! americaoutloud.com/the-message-on…
“It belongs to a family of polyomaviruses which infect millions of children every year but are extremely mild...Because the new 🦠 is not closely related to any known pathogen, its effect on people is 'unclear & needs to be further assessed', researchers said” What’s your idea?🤔 twitter.com/DailyMail/stat…
以張維為為首的,復旦大學的黃俄弟子們不遺餘力地給Dugin的反人類新歐亞主義理論洗白。所謂杜金訪華後轉變,譯成人話:原本俄羅斯還以為要用武力等收服瓜分中國並奴役華人,但訪華後發現習野豬和手下的衣冠禽獸們竟然樂意替他們控制國人,並割地獻金等對俄羅斯奉行新二十四孝!Dugin自然樂得暫時改口! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
Be released before completing the human testing? - Isn’t it the same as the previous shots? 🧐 twitter.com/nypost/status/…
@KateTalksTruth Not that breaking actually 😎 It’s crystal clear from the beginning that COVID-19 virus is weaponized from CCP’s military-civil fusion system. The Unrestricted Bioweapon Program is Xi JinPing’s National Strategy, and that’s why he awarded so many scientists after the pandemic!
Not that breaking actually 😎 It’s crystal clear from the beginning that COVID-19 virus is weaponized from CCP’s military-civil fusion system. The Unrestricted Bioweapon Program is Xi JinPing’s National Strategy, and that’s why he awarded so many scientists after the pandemic! twitter.com/TexasLindzay/s…
Episode 1. Kind or Malicious? - What behind the message on biosecurity from Putin-Xi JinPing’s allies to the world? Let the darkness be exposed under the sunshine! Sat / Sun 9am ET, Encore at 4pm iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD Or via other Apps
Organized Cyber Attacks including DDOS against AmericaOutLoud since 8-9am EST today, right before the 1st episode of The Voice of Dr. Yan! See how CCP is scared of the truth from me, @MalcolmOutLoud & AOL team! BTW, our radio still works well on APPs 😄 americaoutloud.com
@mingleili2 这是America Out Loud Radio 平台,schedule是节目表,每天都有不同节目可以直接点击收听。如果错过了播放的时间,可以下载各种app收听。部分app的link在我的个人页面已经贴出来了。 americaoutloud.com/author/dr-li-m…
Listen to The Voice of Dr. Yan at 9 am ET, Encore at 4 pm on Sat & Sun. You'll hear my views on the latest news & interesting topics, as well as exclusive intelligence about CCP, and World Geo-Political situation. LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE
🆘Russian statement significantly misleads the origin of #COVID19 & demonstrates the Putin-Xi allies will blame the future outbreaks to 🇺🇸. It’s how CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Strategy wins - NO restrictions, enhance the damage using misinformation! It’s the time to stop them! twitter.com/RussianEmbassy…
洪秀柱的闢謠恐怕是針對「只要“台海戰爭爆發”島內力量就會積極策應」吧🧐 畢竟習主席親自指揮的對台「十六字方針」是「圍而不攻」- 以「和平統一」為幌子,而非一戳就癟的紙老虎「武統」。這種操作和台灣國防部發言人半月前針對路德社情報的聲明異曲同工,真是頗具紅色風範呀! twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan is supposed to be on air at 9am EST on Sat and Sun (repeated). americaoutloud.com/author/dr-li-m…
“The Voice of Dr. Yan” - my first show will be launched on AmericaOutLoud! ❤️ It will be a weekly broadcast, in which I will bring my views on the latest news and exclusive intelligence about CCP to audiences. Sometimes there will be special interviews. What do you wanna hear? 😃
“The imprisonment of 90-year-old Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen would be a death sentence. Not only a democracy activist in HK, he has also been a tireless & outspoken advocate for religious freedom & human rights in 🇨🇳. He is a hero & role model for many.” foxnews.com/opinion/china-…
Wuhan Institute of Biological Products is NOT Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Both Institutes work for CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Scientists there are awarded by Xi JinPing after the pandemic. More PLA labs are involved in Bioweapon Program. wibp.com.cn/ChsMobile/Defa…
1/2 Let me add more intelligence about the origin of #Covid • SARS2 was kept in Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, which is a military-civil fusion company • PLA approved the release of 🦠 to the community for the military drill in Sep 2019 in Wuhan science.org/content/articl…
Non-jury trial ordered for Hong Kong’s 47 democrats national security case - “Trial by jury has been used by Hong Kong’s common law legal system for 177 years but legislation imposed by China in 2020 to curb dissent allows cases to be heard by dedicated national security judges.” twitter.com/BoDiplo/status…
現實版「扁鵲見蔡桓公」 扁:君有疾在腠理,不治將恐深 公否認 扁:君有疾在肌膚,不治將益深 公不悅 扁:君有疾在腸胃,不治將益深 公又不悅 「此處省略闢謠五百字及文宣」 居十日,扁鵲望桓侯而還走... 望引以為戒!莫驗證! twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
@new27brigade 在中共對台以軍事演訓為幌,「和平」顛覆交接的危急時刻,我們不幸從這份文宣中看出台灣國防部有人試圖顛倒黑白,壓制言論及情報。 路德社5月14日獨家披露中共廣東軍地聯合指揮部對台超限戰的絕密錄音和習「新致台同胞書」及「十六字對台方針」已一一驗證,請國防部認真對待台灣人利益,維護自由台灣!
在中共對台以軍事演訓為幌,「和平」顛覆交接的危急時刻,我們不幸從這份文宣中看出台灣國防部有人試圖顛倒黑白,壓制言論及情報。 路德社5月14日獨家披露中共廣東軍地聯合指揮部對台超限戰的絕密錄音和習「新致台同胞書」及「十六字對台方針」已一一驗證,請國防部認真對待台灣人利益,維護自由台灣! twitter.com/new27brigade/s…
@new27brigade 另淺析台灣國防部24小時內「闢謠」之邏輯問題: 1. 路德社節目爆出中共高層對台空軍秘密策反計畫,請問台國防部如何在24小時內查證並確認不存在? 2. 共碟在台灣滲透之深之廣有目共睹,歷史上亦有據可查,台灣促統親共之人在軍政商屆大肆替中共行動,為何國防部在一日之內斷定無依據?難道不應警戒嗎?
另淺析台灣國防部24小時內「闢謠」之邏輯問題: 1. 路德社節目爆出中共高層對台空軍秘密策反計畫,請問台國防部如何在24小時內查證並確認不存在? 2. 共碟在台灣滲透之深之廣有目共睹,歷史上亦有據可查,台灣促統親共之人在軍政商屆大肆替中共行動,為何國防部在一日之內斷定無依據?難道不應警戒嗎? twitter.com/new27brigade/s…
台灣國防部24小時內「闢謠」之邏輯錯誤淺析: 勘誤 1. 路德社位於美東,並非大陸,且路德社因反習反共被大陸封殺 2. 路德社8月9日情報指「黃一飛」是中共高層口頭表述的名字,不確定具體字,也可是內部代號 3. 路德社指「黃」是教官,非飛行員 4. 路德社揭露中共在台海周邊部署「智慧魚雷」非「水雷」 twitter.com/new27brigade/s…