The Voice of Dr. Yan
Ep14 Guest @JRNyquist
It has been verified repeatedly that CCP cheated US for strategic purposes with secret collaborations from Russia. It never changes that 🇺🇸 is the primary enemy in the eyes of the communist alliance. americaoutloud.com/what-is-behind…
I have addressed the animal passages using humanized mice during the lab-modification of SARS2 (1st Yan Report). Why did Francis Collins ask for a proposal of “accidental animal passages”? How could they reject the possibility of intentional modification without investigation? 🤔 twitter.com/AMK_PhD/status…
@tomselliott Clearly, Dr. Fauci means #COVID19 is developed using 💵 from other sources in 🇨🇳. He tried to keep himself away from the wrong-doings, since he can’t reject lab-origin any more.
However, the connections & influence behind NIH fundings in academic fields are what CCP really needs!
Clearly, Dr. Fauci means #COVID19 is developed using 💵 from other sources in 🇨🇳. He tried to keep himself away from the wrong-doings, since he can’t reject lab-origin any more.
However, the connections & influence behind NIH fundings in academic fields are what CCP really needs! twitter.com/tomselliott/st…
The official statement could be satire. But some evidence shows in certain areas, the supply of blank papers is suspended for no reason during the protests.
It doesn’t matter if blank papers are forbidden. People need freedom, which can’t be suppressed any more in 🇨🇳!
#a4paper twitter.com/DLoesch/status…
“Protests over Beijing’s strict covid response have spread from China to cities and college campuses around the world to show solidarity with the rare anti-government demonstrations erupting across the country.”
More police & Gangsters are deployed to stop protests. Many protesters are arrested!
CCP claims it is promoted by Foreign Hostile Forces, which is a color revolution! Similar to the propaganda smearing HK movement in 2019.
They deny the power of #Freedom!
toutiao.com/article/717084… twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Here is one post from a student hall in Tsinghua University. It says “SB Xi Jinping” (Stupid Bxxxsxxx Xi Jinping).
Seriously, according to National Security, it would be charged of disclose State Secrets by CCP.
Emperor Xi’s New Clothes are so transparent 🙈 twitter.com/Suyutong/statu…
People are not allowed to talk or type or write anything, because it’s not Positive Energy according to Xi-CCP. So Chinese holding blank papers protest everywhere.
Here is a statement from M&G stationary Inc that supply of A4 papers is suspended for national security 🤡
按中共政治定義,有色人種不包括白人,那白紙革命鐵定不能算是顏色革命!😄👍🏻 twitter.com/changchengwai/…
The road sign of where protests happened in Shanghai is removed by CCP at night!🙄
Every time, the facts are always covered up quickly by CCP, like the road sign, like the hidden origin of #COVID19!
Stop Chinese people yearning for freedom? No, it’s a dead end for tranny!💪🏻
习共狗腿子们在抓我母校中南大学 抗议的人(图中不是湖南大学)!
CCP arrested brave people in my alma mater - Central South University, Changsha.
#Freedom twitter.com/whyyoutouzhele…
It demonstrates that we Chinese people, who are divided by CCP using propaganda and hatred, are awakened and stand with each other for the same value of Freedom Humanity!
中共多年來操縱謊言,製造仇恨,分裂民眾,當人們覺醒後,對自由和人權的渴望將勢不可擋,把這個暴政徹底摧垮! twitter.com/manyapan/statu…
Soviet Union & Communist China had a notorious history of cheating US together for strategic purposes. Now, Xi & Putin join forces to deceive their enemies - esp 🇺🇸. What is behind the lies this time?
Special Guest: Jeff Nyquist @JRNyquist
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
The voice against tranny from China can be heard, no matter how strictly Xi-CCP controls people!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy one of my favorite music Exodus by Maksim in this joyful holiday 😊
And God said: “I will be with you.”
- Exodus 3:12 NIV
Too general.
What functions did they try to add into S protein? Why was it supposed to be harmful? What random changes happened during the modification? How exactly the functions work after infection? What happens to human when there is co-morbidity? …
All need to be solved. twitter.com/3r1k4dl3r/stat…
However, “freeze everyone” is so cost-effective for Xi-CCP regime to control and mobilize Chinese from peaceful time to war time, with a combination of zero-COVID policies.
Emperor Xi won’t give it up! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
Besides the immature “novel technology” in the vaccine, What we MUST investigate is:
How many functions are designed in the Spike protein to harm human?
How harmful do we know about it?
Remember #CovidVaccine is designed mainly based on weaponized spike protein! twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep13
Pro-CCP campaigns are organized to support Dem candidate in GA Senate runoff. Their bargaining chips include:
•Stop anti-CCP
•Stop investigation of #COVID19 origin
•Stop investigation of CCP’s stealing of intellectual property
• Political codes when Xi lectured PM Trudeau at G20 - CCP’s confidentiality & “black-box” operations
• Be aware of suspicious pro-CCP activities focusing on GA senate runoff - To stop #COVID origin investigation is the bargaining chip!
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
#COVID19 origin is a truly biopartisan issue
#EmperorXi twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
Latest article with Col. Lawrence Sellin & @lude_media
“The extent of influence by pro-CCP operatives in 🇺🇸 elections & their possible coordination have yet to be fully evaluated, but the preliminary evidence warrants further investigation.”
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Ep12 Neither Accidental nor Occasional, the History of CCP’s Bioweapon
Guest @ClareMLopez
🇨🇳 BW program is directed by CCP with military from Mao’s 1949.
What has CCP done to deepen the influence of WHO? Why no response from BW Treaty?
勇士之死 - 不忘台灣英雄「一」:
同道中人,用一滴水的力量去折射神賜予人類的光芒 - 踐行自由主義,喚醒人們對天賦人權的維護!
Hero Jonathan, Sheng-Guang SHENG in КАРПАТСЬКА СІЧ 烏克蘭喀爾巴阡武裝部隊 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻