Behind Putin, it’s Xi JinPing & CCP. They provided huge supports in the wars, including finance & Unrestricted Bioweapons!
They have prepared both propaganda/misinformation and weaponized pathogens. The goal is to brainwash people that the “Bioweapons are from American bio-labs”! twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb…
“Washington Post columnist Josh Rogan said he thinks Fauci has rejected the lab-leak theory because promoting that would bring scrutiny on his record, including his support of gain of function research on viruses.”
We appreciate the great job by Senator Burr @SenatorBurr 👍
The latest report of Origin of #COVID concludes that “SARS-CoV-2, which resulted in the pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident”.
It’s NOT an accident! Evidence we have could help to prove it!
CCP demanded some #COVID quarantine camps to be changed into crematoriums ASAP! Meanwhile, China CDC claims just 3 COVID death on 2nd Jan.
Why does CCP cheat again on 🦠? Is there any new omicron-like variants with immune escape circulating in 🇨🇳? What’s PLA’s role this time?
Dr. Yan-Yong Jiang is the whistleblower from PLA, who revealed CCP’s cover-up of SARS1 outbreak in 2003. Therefore, he was persecuted and silenced by CCP until the last minutes of his life.
Dr. Jiang passed away on Mar 11, 2023. We appreciate his rightness and courage!
R.I.P. 🙏🏻 twitter.com/NewCenturyBaop…
這些方案可供參考。另有其他方案如FLCCC protocols也對COVID有效。如果高燒應按需使用解熱鎮痛藥(國內通常叫止痛片), 指尖測血氧儀也應備用。
祝所有人平安🙏🏻 twitter.com/galaxy_sj012/s…
Please tweet the recent emergency drills and control policies of hemorrhagic fever or rodent-related infections diseases in 🇨🇳 here (with links & pic like 👇🏻) twitter.com/XLCHEN19/statu…
Bioweapon General Wei CHEN in CCP’s Academy of Medical Science (AMMS)is not only the 1st scientist to develop #COVID19Vaccine, but also the 1st to develop Ebola hemorrhagic fever vaccine & conducted clinical trial using Chinese&Africans in the world (in 2015). Isn’t it “amazing”?
The slogan in China says “CCP-Xi developed & released the bioweapon virus again”!
By estimate, current virus tsunami in 🇨🇳 has infected hundreds of millions of Chinese, while the huge death toll is increasing!
🇨🇳 will re-open since 3rd Jan, 2023. What will happen to the world? twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
Dr. Tedros @DrTedros & @WHO should answer👇🏻 first:
• Is it a “pure scientific” issue if Xi-CCP regime develops #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19 🦠, then releases it on purpose in Wuhan?
• Is it “geopolitical” to hold the criminals who killed millions accountable in the pandemic? twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
I was on Joe Hoft Show at 93.3 on Friday
• #COVID19 virus was intentionally released out of labs in Wuhan by CCP regime & military
• Accidentally, the 🦠 got out of control then caused Wuhan Outbreak
• It’s a step in CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon program
For people who don’t have BSL3 or BSL-4 lab experience on coronavirus, it’s easy to accept “accidental lab leak”
I worked in the BSL-3 lab in the WHO reference lab at HKU using #COVID19 virus. It’s impossible to cause Wuhan outbreak and the pandemic “accidentally”
Ask Xi Jinping! twitter.com/FoxNews/status…
It demonstrates that we Chinese people, who are divided by CCP using propaganda and hatred, are awakened and stand with each other for the same value of Freedom Humanity!
中共多年來操縱謊言,製造仇恨,分裂民眾,當人們覺醒後,對自由和人權的渴望將勢不可擋,把這個暴政徹底摧垮! twitter.com/manyapan/statu…
It verifies that Xi is the Emperor now. No any China coup.
It tells Xi can do everything in CCP with absolute power. What happened to ex-chairman Hu here shows Xi’s cruelty & sinisterness. Xi still pretends nice, while others are chilling.
Do you believe Xi has no more ambition? twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
Exclusive report by Col. Lawrence Sellin, Lude @lude_media & me.
A Secret recording of a Chinese military meeting planning the invasion of Taiwan and the defeat of regional U.S. forces has reportedly been uncovered.
(This info comes from a trusted source)
Czech Republic’s government knows how to protect their citizens and the country!👍 twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
所谓”乌克兰的美军生物实验室被炸”是典型的中共宣传战案例。目的是提前为中共主导下的超限生物武器攻击做铺垫,先入为主让民众有一个“生物武器来自美国”的印象。我在上周末对谈节目“情报简报”里专门讲解过这个案例。必须警惕中共蓄谋已久的超限病毒战! twitter.com/Dr_Mo2019/stat…
Update of 🇨🇳 #COVID tsunami
• Workload in many funeral homes increases 5-10 fold by estimate.
• First-hand data shows >60% white lung in CT scan cases.
• New immune escape variants?
What is Human Mine in 🇨🇳?
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
習帝引領的撒幣賣國主義並非一朝一夕速成的。中共「自古以來」就是以俄共和列寧組織為核心延伸到中國的反人類狗腿子體系,其從事的包括並不限於大規模破壞、奴役、劫掠、殺戮、洗腦和宣傳…而自認即將「羽化成龍」的習不忘初心,暗中天價引進俄天然氣管道和對俄開放青島港等,將自己的愚昧無恥盡現無遺 twitter.com/Saint__Michel/…
It’s my honor to visit the respectful Doctor Bob - Founder of Cognex, Robert J. Shillman - and had a very serious conversation in his studio. After over 2 yrs of pandemic, CCP’s military-origin of #COVID seems still “too sensitive” for media like @YouTube.
To clarify, COVID-19 virus was intentionally released out of the BSL-3/4 lab for certain purposes. But it got out of control accidentally cos CCP underestimated the high transmissibility. Such unrestricted bioweapon can’t escape accidentally out of the lab and cause such disaster twitter.com/MarioNawfal/st…
CCP’s rampant violations of US sovereignty
• More overseas police stations are identified in the name of Chinese Association or Center
• 🇨🇳 finances United Front network to control Chinese, amplifying CCP’s influence in 🇺🇸
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 4pm ET
LIVE… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
- 人民相對於君王,重點在「民」,由人組成的民沒有獨立性。
- 「人」具有天賦人權,獨立且享有自由。
這也是我們發起「中國獨立宣言運動」的意義所在! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews!
Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
It’s a huge loss! Our hero Dr. Zelenko, whose Zelenko Protocol saved millions of lives, has passed away. We will always remember you, Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
As stated by Zelenko Lab, memoriam can be given in Zev’s name to Z Freedom Foundation at zfreedomfoundation.com