What damage would be caused if Marburg outbreak happens during #COVID pandemic?
In 2021, Guinea is the 1st country with MVD outbreak in west Africa. “Since MVD at an early stage has similar clinical presentations with COVID19, it might worsen the problem.” ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… twitter.com/WHOAFRO/status…
有部隊機要打字秘書的工作經驗,並經常參與大量師團級文件的上傳下達、文件起草、文印、發送、解釋等工作,對部隊文件內容極為敏感 - 中共開會或下發文件時,為避免擔責,重要的指示/具體執行步驟或隱藏或用特殊軍語代替,在執行中一般由上級(或秘書)對下級當面告知或解讀 twitter.com/lets_restart/s…
@LawrenceSellin Just wonder:
• How could a lecturer from Institute of Chemical Defense in PLA General Staff (CCP’s KGB/GRU) leave military to go to US in 1990s?
• How could Zhang get approval from PLA and passport (PLA staffs don’t have passport)?
• How could he afford Master study in 1996?
PLA scientist Wei Liu works with General WuChun Cao. Cao is identified in the 2nd Yan Report as principal bioweapon expert in CCP’s #COVID19 development, who led the fabrication in pangolin viruses to pro-natural origin.
@MarioNawfal The Voice of Dr. Yan
W @CharlesRixey
•WHY has the separation of powers gone for over 20 years in🇺🇸 public health, bio-research & biodefense systems?
•As long as such centralization exists, there’ll be another Fauci with similar consequences in the future
@disclosetv Xi’s protocols of economic growth including:
•Exorbitant living cost during lockdowns
•Mandate Vac booster * N times + endless PCR tests - integrated into digital credit system: Paid by National Medical Insurance & individuals
•Bio-industries in Unrestricted Bioweapon strategy
With Zeee Media
“Dr. Yan exposes what is really happening in 🇨🇳 and draw clear comparisons between the complete control CCP has over 🇨🇳 citizens through systems that have been in place for years, and the systems being implemented in Australia as we speak.”
@Terror_Alarm Your intelligence matched what I and
obtained from our intelligence network and warned for long - CCP is preparing for the next release of weaponized virus, and it will be released in another country to hide its Chinese-military-origin!
@lazydjay 最近另一桩中共国媒体关于这位Jeffery Sachs 的报道是如下结果👇🏻
@anticccp1 @JamieMetzl 理论上说,这次出现抗体依赖性增强(ADE)的可能性很大,遗憾的是由于政府管控,缺乏这方面的研究数据。但即使存在ADE,也不足以解释当前中国极速蔓延且症状严重的爆发。
Related reports
1. EXCLUSIVE: Audio Leaked of Chinese Military Meeting Discussing the Invasion of Taiwan and Defeat of Regional US Forces thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclus……
2. Is China's Military Command Prepping for War?
CCP’s Recognition war in the origin of #COVID19 involves three dimensions – public opinions, propaganda in the media, & Science. The nature-origin theory has influenced Americans since early Feb 2020. So the dominant role of PLA was ignored, and CCP-Xi avoided of accountability.
@COVIDSelect @ChineseEmbinUS Emperor Xi is angry to be called as “complicity of #COVID19 origin”.
He urged CCP to force 🇺🇸 to correct it to be
“CCP regime is the mastermind of COVID-19 origin, because COVID19 🦠 was developed by People’s Liberation Army, based on orders from Xi Jinping himself!”
Too general.
What functions did they try to add into S protein? Why was it supposed to be harmful? What random changes happened during the modification? How exactly the functions work after infection? What happens to human when there is co-morbidity? …
All need to be solved. twitter.com/3r1k4dl3r/stat…
Episode 1. Kind or Malicious? - What behind the message on biosecurity from Putin-Xi JinPing’s allies to the world?
Let the darkness be exposed under the sunshine! Sat / Sun 9am ET, Encore at 4pm
iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE
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@RobertKennedyJr @RobertKennedyJr is right that experts involved into the cover up with CCP! However, it’s not an accidental leak. The release of #COVID19 🦠 to community in Wuhan was intentional with evil purposes. Xi JinPing approved the plan by himself. PLA conducted it! It will be verified!
@COVIDSelect @POTUS Without being aware of CCP’s premeditated cognitive tactics, 🇺🇸 is played by 🇨🇳 in a sophisticated manner.
One typical example is the origin of #COVID19. As an unrestricted bioweapon, combined with cognitive interference, the 🦠 has taken over 1M Americans away in the pandemic!
@mingleili2 这是America Out Loud Radio 平台,schedule是节目表,每天都有不同节目可以直接点击收听。如果错过了播放的时间,可以下载各种app收听。部分app的link在我的个人页面已经贴出来了。
@PengMusk @tulongdao2017v @lude_media 據與會人員透露,音頻裡提到的不是「黃(善春)政委」,而是王(守信)政委。王守信2021年從海軍調去廣東軍區,少將。
@tomselliott Clearly, Dr. Fauci means #COVID19 is developed using 💵 from other sources in 🇨🇳. He tried to keep himself away from the wrong-doings, since he can’t reject lab-origin any more.
However, the connections & influence behind NIH fundings in academic fields are what CCP really needs!
@MarioNawfal More details about Fauci’s assistant Prof. Ian Lipkin in the leaked emails, and Lipkin’s his puppet on nature-origin of #COVID19.
Published by The Yan Research on Nov, 2020
“CNN Used Lies and Misinformation to Muddle the Water on the Origin of SARS-CoV-2”
2-1 My interview on #ChineseSpyBalloon @NEWSMAX
• It’s an unmanned airship developed by 🇨🇳 Military and released to 🇺🇸
• It’s a multi-functional 🎈
• It’s not the first time PLA conducted such operation against 🇺🇸 twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
Some links of the article attacking me and @TuckerCarlson and @FoxNews and CCP’s lab-origin of #COVID on the largest 🇨🇳 state-run media. They have made videos circulating on WeChat and other apps too.
The official statement could be satire. But some evidence shows in certain areas, the supply of blank papers is suspended for no reason during the protests.
It doesn’t matter if blank papers are forbidden. People need freedom, which can’t be suppressed any more in 🇨🇳!
#a4paper twitter.com/DLoesch/status…