Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

More importantly, there is no guarantee for novel, safe and effective vaccines to prevent the new dangerous variants, taking into account the various unsolved side effects of current COVID vaccines, as well as the unknown functions of the COVID-19 virus after weaponization by CCP
I reminded Steven Bannon to keep distance away from Miles Guo in July 2021, right before I exposed Guo publicly. Unfortunately, Mr. Bannon didn’t listen to me. Instead, he continuously listens to Guo.
#CTM Tonight I will further discuss on “Ebola- or Marburg- like viral hemorrhage fever in 🇨🇳”at 11pm EST, with @JohnBWellsCTM, Lt. Gen. Mclnerney & Col. @LawrenceSellin 👇🏻 youtu.be/o69tCq1dV_Q Radio arkmidnight.com/stations Rumble rumble.com/vsc3eb-unrestr… twitter.com/JohnBWellsCTM/…
“AMERICA faces defeat by China in a war over Taiwan in just a week and needs to “urgently” up its preparations - The chilling warning from Oriana Skylar Mastro, an authority on China’s military & US Air Force strategist, comes after years of simulations.” thesun.co.uk/news/18968094/…
Just curious: If the protesters wear Xi Jinping masks, like the students who welcomed Xi’s visit in India in 2019, will it make more difficult to identify and arrest them? Will Emperor Xi forbid his photos in China and remove mirrors out of home? 😜 #A4Protest #Freedom #EndCCP
@disclosetv FBI Director: Origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan. •It’s designed! •Why the incident came from a 🇨🇳 military-controlled lab? •Why a large military-civil exercise before the Military Games on novel coronavirus happened in Wuhan in Sep 2019?
According to CCP’s latest instruction, patients who has any underlying disease will NOT be counted in #COVID death toll. They are even NOT a number! Anti-fever drugs are held by CCP - NOT given to people. 🦠 tests are also suppressed to hide information. It’s just the beginning! twitter.com/TimesNow/statu…
This book is definitely a page-turner! @StevenWMosher has collected all the evidence and vividly reconstructed what happened behind the scenes in the #COVID19 pandemic. He was the 1st to report on the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, & also the 1st researcher to interview me in detail! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep20 • CCP officials told the media that #COVID death toll in 🇨🇳 doesn’t matter. Yes, they really don’t care about it as long as Human Mine is available to sustain the regime • CCP’s Recognition war is applied in the origin of COVID americaoutloud.com/ccps-recogniti…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Episode 3: Anti-Human Zero-COVID Measures in China, and Interview with Col. Lawrence Sellin: Secret of CCP’s Military in Origin of COVID-19 Sat/Sun 9am ET, Encore at 4pm iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD americaoutloud.com/voice-of-dr-ya…
One of the reports in Feb 2020: The mobile crematorium developed by PLA Army Service Academy & Shanghai Jiao Tong University & other labs, are sent to Wuhan for COVID outbreak. It’s one outcome of CCP’s National Key R&D program. moe.gov.cn/jyb_xwfb/xw_zt…
“In a Feb 3 call (in 2020), experts discussed possibility of a lab origin of COVID19 dismissively” WHY? Because WIV🦇woman SHI has published the fake nature-origin paper on 3 Feb. It was submitted on 20 Jan in a hurry, within 24 hrs of my revelation of lab-origin via @lude_media twitter.com/kccorin/status…
Today is National Day in 🇨🇳. Let’s talk about Xi JinPing & his weasel-fart-tactics: A rumor of “China Coup” - Why does his team creat & promote it? Besides insiders, what necessary for a real coup against Xi-CCP? The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9amET Echo 4pm americaoutloud.com/voice-of-dr-ya…
Again: Who is this author AD Cheok (Adrian David Cheok) @adriancheok that plagiarized Yan Reports & published on different journals? What did he do to Yan Reports using my name? He is not co-author for any Yan Reports, while none of my team members was informed! Shame on him! twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Sometimes, Dr. Fauci told the truth 🤓 twitter.com/backtolife_202…
洪秀柱的闢謠恐怕是針對「只要“台海戰爭爆發”島內力量就會積極策應」吧🧐 畢竟習主席親自指揮的對台「十六字方針」是「圍而不攻」- 以「和平統一」為幌子,而非一戳就癟的紙老虎「武統」。這種操作和台灣國防部發言人半月前針對路德社情報的聲明異曲同工,真是頗具紅色風範呀! twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
However there are still numerous active bots and cyber army from CCP on Twitter @elonmusk! If you search my name, there are lots of fake accounts. Meanwhile, they post propaganda to cover up #COVID origin and act as part of CCP’s unrestricted war against 🇺🇸. Please stop them! 🙏🏻 twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
Statement: I’ve never written anything or collaborated with Adrian David Cheok @adriancheok! Prof. Adrian David Cheok must explain why he used my name in his papers to cheat people! @BillyBostickson twitter.com/BillyBostickso…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep21 • No one should be injured or killed by #COVID19. The 🦠 wouldn’t exist in the 🌎 if CCP hadn’t weaponized it in the labs • According to Military Service Law, the potential capacity of PLA could reach to 890M people if necessary americaoutloud.com/emperor-xi-is-…
@disclosetv .@WSJ claimed “a reader of the classified report that an existing census of origin of #CIVID19 wasn’t from a 🇨🇳 bioweapon program” If the large-scale of unrestricted BW program & the real COVID19 backbone 🦠 ZC45 from CCP-PLA are still ignored, I demand an open live debate on it!
另淺析台灣國防部24小時內「闢謠」之邏輯問題: 1. 路德社節目爆出中共高層對台空軍秘密策反計畫,請問台國防部如何在24小時內查證並確認不存在? 2. 共碟在台灣滲透之深之廣有目共睹,歷史上亦有據可查,台灣促統親共之人在軍政商屆大肆替中共行動,為何國防部在一日之內斷定無依據?難道不應警戒嗎? twitter.com/new27brigade/s…
(2/n) 3. 2009 swine flu in the US was highly suspicious according to records. 4. CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon program focuses on both bioweapons against human & bioattacks against food supply chain in the US. For example, it was well documented in PLA's book Biosecurity in 2014
@Jim_Jordan From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠. Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡
English version of PLA’s audio is youtu.be/FHZ-49Qhdl4 The audio is obtained by many brave Chinese people via a special intelligence operation organized by @lude_media on 14 May, 2022 - at the cost of lives! We Chinese are fighting against CCP! Xi’s People’s War will fail! twitter.com/newsmax/status…
However, “freeze everyone” is so cost-effective for Xi-CCP regime to control and mobilize Chinese from peaceful time to war time, with a combination of zero-COVID policies. Emperor Xi won’t give it up! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…