Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Porfs. Kristian Andersen @K_G_Andersen, Carl Bergstrom @CT_Bergstrom, David Robertson, & NationalGeographic @NatGeo… It’s the time for you to give a response! Why rejecting CCP-lab-origin of #COVID & attacking me using lies? Why misleading the public?! nationalgeographic.com/science/articl…
Latest paper with @ClareMLopez, on my column @MalcolmOutLoud •Xi Jinping “The Party center (of the CCP) must have ‘ding yu yi zun’ (‘paramount authority’) and the final say” over matters. •Today, Moscow & Beijing are strategic partners towards 🇺🇸 americaoutloud.com/chinas-unrestr…
In the past 15 years, total 12 people died of Murburg virus, a very lethal hemorrhagic fever virus. But an experimental vaccine against Marburg 🦠 was “safe and induced an immune response in a small, first-in-human clinical trial” - developed by NIAID in Jan 2023. Good news? 🤔 twitter.com/Terror_Alarm/s…
National security experts signed a letter accusing major news outlets & scientific journals including The New York Times & The Lancet of censoring dissenting voices surrounding #COVID19 origins & calling on them to investigate their journalistic failures. foxnews.com/politics/natio…
The new order is the legal basis for PLA to send troops out of 🇨🇳. The war in prepare can be defined by CCP as Military Operations for A Community with A Shared Future of Mankind or Peace, including invasions in Taiwan, South China Sea or further area - their primary enemy is 🇺🇸! twitter.com/jenniferatntd/…
Xi Jinping regime is coward. They wanna secretly takeover Taiwan military and government with pro-CCP campaign in TW, which is called “peaceful reunification”. However, TW never belongs to Communist China. It’s strategically important for US to defend TW and confront 🇨🇳. twitter.com/MarioNawfal/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep11 A recent speech in 🇨🇳 tells Xi-CCP’s evil idea “If the pandemic lasts for 10 years, even no more attacks from us (CCP), the whole world will crash. No labor force in western countries. You don’t understand our National Strategy!” americaoutloud.com/no-amnesty-sho…
It said “Up to Four additional Chinese Spy Balloons flew Over Continental U.S. in Jan-Feb… (China) Eagles Men Aviation Science and Technology Group involved the development of spy balloons.” It verified the exclusive intelligence we sent to 🇺🇸 IC at the beginning✌🏻@lude_media twitter.com/washingtonpost…
王小理是🇨🇳超限生物战智库主要专家,2020年在智库报告中明确鼓吹”以新发流行性传染病的防控”为基础的国家战略,得到习近平的赞赏! twitter.com/Dr_Mo2019/stat…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep7 The key method “persuade to return OR commit suicide,” method is applied in CCP’s policing system overseas. It widely persecutes anti-CCP Chinese. The ongoing experience from myself and others could help you understand it better. americaoutloud.com/ccps-transnati…
Mr. Simon emphasized in Tucker’s interview “1M Americans were killed by COVID, (Dr. Fauci) lied to us. Now we understand that it probably came from the lab. (The origin) is the most consequential question!” Absolutely! Everyone deserves the truth of #COVID origin! @simonateba twitter.com/simonateba/sta…
勇士之死 - 不忘台灣英雄「一」: 致敬為自由主義而在烏克蘭前線獻身的台灣勇士曾聖光先生 同道中人,用一滴水的力量去折射神賜予人類的光芒 - 踐行自由主義,喚醒人們對天賦人權的維護! Hero Jonathan, Sheng-Guang SHENG in КАРПАТСЬКА СІЧ 烏克蘭喀爾巴阡武裝部隊 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 youtu.be/QIuir9v_FqY
‼️1st AI-based video on truth of #COVID19 origin is produced by @TakeDownTheCCP base on contexts by chatGPT! It clarifies the top elements in the origin investigation: 1. 🇨🇳military lab-made 2. Real backbone of COVID19🦠 is ZHOUSHAN 🦇🦠 3. Animal passage youtu.be/OkwtGlNHbr8
Col. Sellin @LawrenceSellin has received numerous threats & crazy attacks by Miles Guo & his campaign NSFC, because he protected me by publicly revealing how CCP planned to hunt and kill me in 🇺🇸 in 2021! Miles Guo was exposed as Xi Jinping’s agent & a fake dissident since then! twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
“International financial interests and the global scientific establishment have never wanted the true source of #COVID19 🦠 to be revealed, despite the fact that its laboratory origin was suspected early after onset of the pandemic.” - Col. Lawrence Sellin thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/exclus…
Latest report on 🇨🇳 military’s Ongoing infiltration in 🇺🇸 virology & biotechnology fields - From NY blood Center to Georgia State U: $2M+ from NIH involved! Thanks for your appreciation for work done by @dawniscoming22 @dezying & me, Col @LawrenceSellin😃 thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/lawren…
Let’s work on it together! Stop CCP regime and Xi JinPing before more crimes they conducts - there must be a Beijing Tribunal! #BeijingTribunal #XiJinping #UnrestrictedBioweapon #UnrestrictedWar twitter.com/GordonGChang/s…
At the end of this interview, I have explained the potential problems of #CovidVaccine. I would suggest to compare it with alcohol (sensitive details in the audio) No need to be panic. But you know that alcohol is not always good for you, especially for kids or certain population twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Xi Jinping’s Bottom-Line Thinking emphasizes anti-humanism in CCP’s principles. It requires CCP members to prepare the worst situation - even sacrificing a lot of Chinese citizens, for Xi’s best political outcomes ☠️ The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 4pmET LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD
This is very important and informative! twitter.com/GetLoudAmerica…
Soviet Union & Communist China had a notorious history of cheating US together for strategic purposes. Now, Xi & Putin join forces to deceive their enemies - esp 🇺🇸. What is behind the lies this time? Special Guest: Jeff Nyquist @JRNyquist The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
@TomFitton Based on CCP’s documents, one important reason for making up the nature-origin theory is to avoid of liability! “Although in theory compensation claims could be made in private international law, they in fact would face many legal hurdles and could not achieve the desired goal.”
Not enough! Communist China should NOT be allowed to buy any land in 🇺🇸, to prevent CCP undermine 🇺🇸 with base areas. Btw, CCP is organizing protests against “racism”. However, none of Chinese or foreigners is allowed to buy any land in 🇨🇳 (only rent)! CCP is the real racism! twitter.com/MarshaBlackbur…
Ep9. Wolf Warriors in diplomacy and Xi Jinping’s fighting spirit •CCP’s diplomats UK brutally beat a peaceful protester •CCP regime supports it shamelessly •Why Xi Jinping’s spirit encourages people to be mad dogs? The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET #AmericaOutLoud Radio
Congratulations to Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD! 😄 👉🏻“When I graduated from medical school, I took the Hippocratic Oath, which said that, above all, I would do no harm to any patient, and I would do everything in my power to help each and every patient,” McCullough said twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD…