
Jungwoo 💌 “Prettyyy” “I’m going home~!ㅋㅋ”
Puppy Jungwoo in Minju’s & Lee Know’s birthday cakes 🐶 so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Jungwoo listing the names of the Thai food/dishes that he likes so accurately and MC (and everyone) was so surprised and impressed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He really loves Thai food 🤍
Cutest Honey Bee 🐝💛🐝💛🐝💛
230212 Yizhiyu video call fansign OP celebrated Jungwoo’s birthday for him & in his PS he wrote: “Thank you so so much for wishing me happy birthday/celebrating my birthday, i was really so touchedㅠㅠ♡” cr. 爱九人士 #정우 #JUNGWOO
220326 Yizhiyu video call fansign OP: What makes Jungwoo the happiest these days~? Jungwoo: These days~? I’m the happiest when i eat delicious food after schedules! 😁 Aww 🥰
OP met Jungwoo by chance at the subway 4 years ago :”) At first OP’s mind went blank so they couldn’t even speak properly but JW kept saying thank you to OP (& for recognising him too) while looking at OP really lovingly ㅠㅠ OP also said he is really handsome in real life 🥰 twitter.com/dreaming7s/sta…
Aww.. OP was a staff at SBS Gayo Daejeon and mentioned that Jungwoo greeted them back politely/properly by bowing 90 degrees ㅠㅠ OP didn’t know who it was back then & just thought that he’s really kind. When they searched it up, it was our Jungwoo~ Our kind & polite boy 🥰
221114 Fansland video call fansign OP got Jungwoo to imitate himself/his own expressions!! ㅋㅋ cr.romorry_w #정우 #JUNGWOO
“Growth is..” Jungwoo who improves and grows more and more day by day 🖤 #4yearswithJUNGWOO #언제나_정우편
South Korea trends #2 캐롤 메들리 (Carol medley) Trending in South Korea 도재정 유닛 (DoJaeJung unit) 도재정의 축복 (DoJaeJung’s blessings) 도재정 크리스마스 (DoJaeJung Christmas) Can’t wait for DoJaeJung Christmas Carol Medley ㅠㅠ🤍
Jungwoo 💌 “Selca in commemoration of getting 1st place~”
Jungwoo’s autograph + sweet message 🥺 To. __!◡̎ Hello~ It’s NCT Jungwoo! You’re always cheering for me & that gives me a lot of strength~ㅎㅎ These days health is the top priority so always take care of your health & i hope you’ll be happy~!! Fighting this year! ♡ -JUNGWOO-
wow Jungwoo even did a somersault/tumbled(?) HAHAHAHA 😆🤍
i’m (not) 🆗
Aww this is the birthday cake that Jungwoo received from the gym when he went there today hehe~ 🎂
NCT 127 year end behind Jungwoo singing and Doyoung’s & Johnny’s reactions 😂😂 Jungwoo: *sings song about potatoes* Doyoung: 😯 Johnny: 👁️
220611 Music Core live show — Jungwoo 🤍 “And Jungwoo’s face is seeeeerrrrriousssly~~~~ small and his legs are sooooooooo~~~ long… His shoulders are wide so the fit was awesome. While waiting, I saw his side profile & his nose bridge is seriously so high, it’s crazy —
230205 127 was doing the sexy pose and was like “ok ok~” and everyone was done but Jungwoo removed one side of his shirt and continued acting sexy 🤣
NCT NEWS One of chief designer Jungwoo’s tips: Once in a while, while looking into the camera, tell yourself you look pretty. Then you will really become pretty! Okay? “Pretty~~ Oh~ Pretty~” 😆🥰
230207 Jungwoo (sugaringcandy) instagram 🤍 “🚀” #쩡사탕그램 #정우 #JUNGWOO
Pochacco!! (⌒ᗜ⌒)
The pose was <MC BUSY DOG> so Jungwoo did that pose, and Doyoung who was blindfolded had to touch Jungwoo and copy & do the exact pose he felt But Jungwoo felt so ticklish he kept screaming LOL 😂😂
Gyaru peace~