דג גדול 🐟
slow progress, have a cold 😔 goodnight 🌙
tfw you're dramatic
The Goldsmith + The Wanderer (together)
After many attempts, exposures, and issues I finally made one I'm very happy with.
🐟 wip, goodnight 🌙
🪦 gardenia 🪦
WIP, goodnight 🌙
wip, goodnight 🌙🌞
when you’re in bed and out of the corner of your eye, you notice it’s bean season
Ajnur, the goldsmith 🪙🥚
Never made this kind of thing before, but..!! These will be arriving in the near future! 🥺
gel pen good 🖊️
wip, goodnight 🦂🌿
wip, goodnight 😴🦋
Emre 🏹🧿🕊️