
ethereal.... #KUN #WayV cr: logo
KUN....HELLOOOO cr: 锟牌老公幻想实验室 weibo.com/7616791165/N3V…
#WayV 繽FUN星網 interview excerpt 4 years into debut, Hendery revealed that he lived with his teammates for 5 years as a trainee. He also pointed out Ten's "secret": "He seems very tough but when riding in the car, he discovered a bug in the car.
香港01 article #WayV There must have been a lot of interesting things that happened in the 4 years since the group was formed, when asked to share a memorable event, Hendery mentioned that when playing zombie video games before debut, Ten accidentally smacked Kun on the face.
香港01 article #WayV WayV has also won awards at different large-scale award ceremonies after debut. When asked about future goals, the modest Yangyang expressed that he only wished to have a good FM and make more good music in the future to give back to fans
香港01 update with #HENDERY #WayV
巴士的报 update with #WAYV
230601 道仔社 Weibo update with #WayV When WayV were asked about ‘shielding shortcomings’ (Listen, what are you saying) H: None of our members have shortcomings (t/n: how he said it could also mean none of our members are short, Xiaojun what are you thinking about lol )
Hendery's visuals....wow cr: 巧克力餐包yo weibo.com/7610746192/N2H…
Yangyang is so precious here ☺️ OP: Yangyang, don't be scared, I'll protect you 🐑: I'm not scared OP: No need to be scared 🐑: I'm not scared! OP: OK cr: iYERIM weibo.com/6294557906/N2K…
May contain inaccuracies as I couldn’t catch some stuff clearly but this ment here 😁 XJ: What do your parents call you? T: 小可爱 (little cutie) K: (My parents) call me ‘Bin-ah’ , why Bin? T: Min-ah? K: My mom sometimes calls me ‘Bin-ah’ T: Ah Kun, your name is Qian Lebin?
K: Hendery why don’t you go down and change your clothes H: What clothes do you want me to change into? YY: A stage without wearing clothes T: I know you’re very hot H: Hey, my parents are here XJ: It’s okay, they’ve seen you as you grew from childhood
OP said Hendery is a real Disney prince...agreed <333 cr: 你真的难到我了 weibo.com/7612407227/N2J…
#KUN making a heart to OP 🥲😍 Cr: evil_9095
Winwin joined the others in HK Disneyland ..I’m so happy 😍😍😍 WayV reunited in HK Cr:饲养员王美丽
haha Yangyang's reaction when he saw OP's sign 😂😂 'Liu Yangyang, marry me so I can become 少奶奶 (term for young mistress of the house, typically used for those who marry into a rich family) ' 😂😂 cr:桃言桃语Peach_ weibo.com/3317230044/N2B…
this Hendery!!! cuteeee cr: 把我的快乐告诉全世界 weibo.com/7614308257/N2B…
T: Let’s sit down first, sit down. Everyone must have been very concerned when you heard about Kun’s condition, so Kun can you tell everyone how you’re doing now? K: Everyone you don’t actually have to be worried at all, see? I can already stand up and walk, don’t worry.
The Hendery LED screen is up early 😀 Cr: OHhow肘囪伽旦 twitter.com/doiekunkun/sta…
HenderyBar has prepared a Hendery LED screen for the HK FM (8 am to 11 pm on May 27, location Nathan Road LED wall in Mong Kok) ...nice! :)
190522 Hendery cover page :) #HENDERY #WAYV
More 🔥😊 #WAYV
#YANGYANG replied to fans on Weibo FAN: You’re quite good-looking, but you don’t care about hygiene, I’ve been following you for this long but I’ve never seen you post videos of you showering YY: Why are you guys starting to be so bold these days… twitter.com/doiekunkun/sta…