hyunjin imitating joey stickers 🥹 god he’s adorable
Stray Kids Weibo Update
Stray Kids & Yizhiyu video call fansign
We had a good time with STAYs
See you next time!
220424 yzy withfans 방찬
: i have something very important to say
🐺: OK
: i really like your curly hair, i really like your bare face and i love your cheeks. SO, can i bite your cheeks
🐺: *gets closer to the camera* yeah go ahead take a bite
cr. 垂头丧气总冠军 (weibo)
220424 yzy withfans 방찬 bang chan
🐺: where are you calling from?
: china? my house?
🐺: wow i don’t know cuz like the quality is like so good
: really?
🐺: yeah
: maybe that’s because my house has good wifi 😏
🐺: (laughs) probably better than this company’s (wifi) 😂
220424 withfans yzy bang chan 방찬
op’s wifi was really weak during the call and they apologised and told chan that they didn’t think their wifi connection would be worse than jyp’s wifi 😂
🐺: it’s okay it’s okay 没关系 (it’s okay in chinese)
cr. 垂头丧气总冠军 (weibo)
220423 yzy withfans 현진 hyunjin
op set the caller ring to hyunjin’s weekly idol “be mine” aegyo and hyunjin’s reaction when he picked up the call 😭
🥟: what’s up with the caller ring? is it me? was i the one doing it? oh my god. okayy
220423 yzy withfans 현진 hyunjin
👤: i’ll be going to the US tour this time~
🥟: oh~
👤: wasn’t ticketing today?
🥟: ah yes. did you buy everything?wow..
👤: yeah
🥟: so you’re coming to all?
👤: yes
🥟: wow it must be tiring
👤: why?
🥟: you”ll have to see cool ppl everyday
220423 yzy withfans 현진
hyunjin singing beautiful live 🥺
cr. 勇敢的修勾 (weibo)
oh my god it was op’s first offline fansign (after winning fancalls and talking to jeongin before) and jeongin went “you finally came” “we finally meet” im sobbing
this is literally danceracha omg. twitter.com/cat_dot_exe/st…
“guess i felt very empty but then luckily that emptiness was filled up with a very warm feeling i think that was stray kids and the members” oh don’t make me cry
🥟: i’ll be stray kids (in my next life), please be a stay too