Disney Animation Promos(@DisneyAPromos)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

The runtime for ‘THE LITTLE MERMAID’ (2023) is 2 hours and 15 minutes, according to AMC Theatres. The original 1989 animated version is 1 hour and 23 minutes long.
Disney & Pixar movie titles that are different in Japan - THREAD 1/12 UP - Grandpa Carl’s Flying House (カールじいさんの空飛ぶ家)
Series creator Dana Terrace on Instagram: “There’s no The Owl House continuation at the moment, and I do need a break, but I don’t like closing myself off to any possibilities. Maybe in the distant future, there can be more, but right now, just personal work and new projects!”
An Easter egg for Pixar’s ‘ELIO’ (2024) is featured in the official trailer of #Elemental   . The movie follows 11-year-old Elio, who finds himself transported across the galaxy and is mistaken for the intergalactic ambassador of planet Earth.
1 year ago today, the ‘OWL HOUSE’ episode ‘Them’s the Breaks, Kid’ premiered.
Pixar’s fifth original movie of the decade #Elemental    hits theaters 2 months from today (June 16.)
Pixar’s latest four movie Easter Eggs that teased an upcoming movie.
Asha, the protagonist of Disney ‘WISH’ (2023.) ❤️
Disney/Kugali ‘IWÁJÚ’ is set to release this Summer on Disney+. “Set in futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. Filled with flying cars, pet robots, and an augmented reality, a young heiress embarks on an adventure to explore the city and discovers the truth about the world around her”
New look at Flounder and Sebastian in the live-action remake of ‘THE LITTLE MERMAID.’
40 years ago today, Disney Channel began broadcasting. What's your favorite Disney Channel animated TV show?
New promotional art for Pixar’s #Elemental. 🔥💧 The movie hits theaters on June 16.
Disney has confirmed that the upcoming ‘PHINEAS AND FERB’ revival is coming to Disney Channel as well. The new episodes are set to premiere next year.
New look at the ‘TURNING RED’ manga spin-off starring 4*Town. The manga will hit shelves on April 25.
Pixar’s #Elemental    will premiere as the closing film of this year’s Cannes Film Festival on May 27. It becomes Pixar’s fourth movie to be part of the official selection, after Soul, Inside Out, and Up.
10 years ago today, the ‘GRAVITY FALLS’ episode “Boyz Crazy” premiered. It is the lowest-rated episode of the entire series on IMDb.
Cobra Bubbles is set to appear in the live-action remake of ‘LILO & STITCH.’ He will be played by Tony and Emmy winning actor, Courtney B. Vance. (via @DEADLINE)
First look at Jasmine in Disney ‘MIRRORVERSE.’
New official still from #Elemental    featuring Wade’s mother Brook Ripple 💧 The movie hits theaters on June 16.
Disney has uploaded the textless version of the end credits for the series finale of ‘THE OWL HOUSE’ to YouTube.
The ending of ‘LILO & STITCH’ (2002.) ❤️
Official synopsis for the episodes of ‘THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE’ premiering next month. The show will go on hiatus in May.
Promotional art for Pixar’s #Elemental. 💧🔥 The movie hits theaters on June 16.
First look at the half-hour Halloween special of ‘THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE.’ The episode premieres on May 13 on Disney Channel. A sneak peek will debut this Saturday.