But you need to stay awake first ( ใคยดโˆ€๏ฝ€)ใค Sending this set very soon on ๐Ÿ€ Patreon.com/kuuko_w
Like having secret snack? ส•ใฃโ€ข แดฅ โ€ข ส”ใฃ Help me reach this month goal, Gura gonna be my GIFT settt~~~ ๐Ÿ˜‹ Patreon.com/kuuko_w
You can hug a cat, but what to do for a shark? ๐Ÿฆˆ This gonna be my GIFT set for reaching the goal this month ~~ nyannn
You travel all the way here for the tea or fire tricks? Or my staff? ~(โ€พโ–ฟโ€พ~ )
Are you trying to grab my tail? Beware it is not a cat tail โ—•โ€ฟโ—• And this is the BONUS set of the month ~Nyannnn
Are you a cat person? Because this cat shark set is the BONUS gift or November ~~nyan nyan~~