
🎁 0xuezhang x DesReaper Mushroom 🎁 致敬KPK的NFT项目,低供应(331个),画风非常好看 送出5x WL To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @TheDrmNFT& @Unipioneer 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 frens 4⃣ Join discord discord.gg/thedrmnft ⌛ 24 Hours
[🔥Don't miss the next Azuki!🔥 ] We finally got 5 WL spots for us, which double as membership pass to discord ✅ Follow @REV3AL_Zone @nero9351 @Unipioneer ✅ Like & RT ✅ Tag 3 friends #24Hrs #Rev3alZone #NFTProject #NFT
Doodle Alpha CN x Flower Fam We're happy to announce a collaboration with Flower Fam! To celebrate that, we are giving away: 3 x WL! To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipioneer & @FlowerFamNFT & @demeter_eth 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 Frens ⌛ 24 Hours
Doodle Alpha CN x Lost Eden We're happy to announce a collaboration with Lost Eden To celebrate that, we are giving away: 3 x WL! To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipionee & @LostEdenNFT and @avershion 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 uncannys join discord discord.gg/LostEden ⌛ 24 h
Doodle Alpha CN x TheUncannyClub We're happy to announce a collaboration with TheUncannyClub! To celebrate that, we are giving away: 10 x WL! To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipionee & @TheUncannyClub 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 uncannys ⌛ 48 Hours
🎁 0xuezhang x ETHX 🎁 非常独特的双城之战美术风格,低供应(2222),目前discord里持有蓝筹可以直接白,同时我们将在推特抽出10个WL To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipioneer & @ethxai 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 frens ⌛ 24 Hours
🎁0xuezhang x Childhood Dreams 🎁 We're happy to announce a collaboration with Childhood Dreams! To celebrate that, we are giving away: 5 x WL! To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipioneer & @Childhood_NFT 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 frens ⌛ 24 Hours
Doodle Alpha CN x Crocodoods We're happy to announce a collaboration with Crocodoods! To celebrate that, we are giving away: 5 x Doodlists! To Enter: 1️⃣ Follow @Unipioneer & @yuhaoz3 & @crocodood 2️⃣ Like and Retweet 3️⃣ Tag 3 Doods ⌛ 48 Hours
🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁 @ProjectDarkEye WL Spots x5 giving away Project Dark Eye正在构建一个具有游戏化沉浸式社交体验的科幻/太空/宇宙主题世界。 核心团队成员包括前Google开发人员和前RTFKT艺术家。 To enter: - Follow @Unipioneer & @ProjectDarkEye - Tag 3 friends - RT & ❤ 24Hrs ⏰
👺 WHITELIST GIVEAWAY! 👺 @Mazkgang x Doodles alpha CN We will be giving away: 5 whitelist spots for Mazkgang To enter: ✅ Follow @Mazkgang & @Unipioneer ✅ Like & RT ✅ Tag 3 friends ✅ Join the discord discord.gg/mazkgang ⏰ 24 hours!
🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁 @ToriZero_REDLAB WL Spots x3 giving away 第一个虚拟偶像NFT画风精美,建模质量超高,社区蓝筹认证600+,nanoverse增强版blackbox下周上线 To enter: - Follow @Unipioneer & @ToriZero_REDLAB - Tag 3 friends - RT & ❤ 24Hrs ⏰
猫村是我最近非常喜欢的bannerNFT,在风格上能够很协调地搭配各种头像。DC中在定期抽奖,有很轻松的白名单活动,趁早期大家可以去试试。感谢猫村为DoodlesAlphaCN创作的banner 抽10个白 1. 更换猫村Banner,进入discord.gg/nekomuraclub 2. 关注 @Unipioneer@nekomuraclub 3. RT&LIKE&tag3位好友
wackies x Doodles alpha CN 一个非常有特色的艺术类项目!和Doodles alpha CN达成合作 完成任务送出5个wl ✅ Follow @camilleachiang & @Unipioneer ✅ Like & RT ✅ Tag 3 friends ✅ Join the discord discord.gg/wackies ⏰ 24 hours!
MenderNFT & 985.eth @hankwell8投了100万给这个项目,7年现货交易经验,NFT持有者可以使用他的私有炒币工具! 送出8个白名单,免费mint! 1、关注 : @MenderClub& @webzine5& @Unipioneer 2、评论,点赞,转推 3、加入discord discord.com/invite/wFS2xvW… 24H后公布结果
🎉 WHITELIST GIVEAWAY! 🎉 @THENFTSTAR x @Unipioneer We will be giving away: 5 whitelist spots for THENFTSTAR NFTSTAR将于近期发售韩国球星孙兴慜首批NFT。该NFT持有人拥有诸多福利 To enter: ✅ Follow @THENFTSTAR & @Unipioneer ✅ Like & RT ✅ Tag 3 friends ⏰ 48 hours! Hurry up!
NFTSTAR将于4月发售韩国球星孙兴慜首批NFT,其标志性进球庆祝动作结合波普艺术,共10800个NFT,NFT持有者将获得诸多福利。项目后续将发售巴西球星内马尔、NBA字母哥等独家授权NFT,以及未来的发币计划。 现联合项目方抽取白名单1个,要求: @THENFTSTAR@Unipioneer 点赞,转推并@三位好友 #NFT
Solana最富有科技感的Metaverse——@solice_io即将开启土地销售,我们将抽取2位幸运儿送予 1X1 土地白名单 参与规则: 1.关注 @Unipioneer & @solice_io 2.加入Solice DC:discord.gg/solice 3.喜欢、评论、转发,提及3个好友
0xuezhang x 8 Hanabi 一个超帅的二次元侧脸项目@8Hanabi_NFT 合作! 完成任务送出10个白名单 To enter: 1️⃣.关注 @8Hanabi_NFT & @Unipioneer 2️⃣.点赞 评论 并@三个朋友 #Whitelist #NFT #NFTs #NFTart
Bitcoin 女博士的「东北熊猫」NFT总量1000还剩几百个,将全部以白名单形式送出。 免费印!免费印!!免费印!!!重要事情说三遍。抽3个白 —转发此条推特并艾特三个好友 —加入DC:discord.gg/VdhPvPBMgd —关注@DoctorMbitcoin @VankaGle @Unipioneer 这将不仅仅是一个PFP头像
BITMEN 白名單抽獎 x 1 BITMEN為 @BitmanTW 所創立的NFT,作為進入Alpha Group的pass。@BitmanTW曾受幣安邀請擔任節目嘉賓,目前經營約4,000人的TG群,主要討論NFT和加密貨幣等內容。 BITMEN項目介紹:reurl.cc/Vjb7b6 1.關注 @BITMEN_ + @BitmanTW + @Unipioneer 2.點讚 + 轉發 3 @ 3位好友
🐈‍⬛抽5个Free mint名额🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛每一个Free mint得项目都值得拥有🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛5,555只流浪猫,全部免费mint🐈‍⬛ 根据交易量会持续助养流浪猫咪、开启DAO体系、扫地板、增加社区钱包资金、开发猫咪verse等等。 1️⃣ 关注@thesushicatsnft& @xueqiu88 2️⃣ 喜欢转推并@三位好友 3️⃣加入discord : discord.gg/UrvD88AH
【维权】zombie昨晚公售 由于项目方前端设计的失误(图1)导致第一时间买入的人没有给到足够的gas limit 导致全部因为out of gas购买失败 今天官方给到的解释是:合约不负责gas limit的调整2.前端可以做,但我没有3.实在不行 就是你METAMASK版本太低 @get_turned 你们觉得说的过去吗?你们的格局呢?
Elysium Shell is a collection of delicate full body 3D characters! Giving away 5 WL spots here. • Follow @elysium_system @Unipioneer , @Lyvan0211 • RT & this tweet • Tag 3 Friends in the comments • Join discord discord.gg/elysiumsystem ⏳48hrs. #NFTGiveaway #Elysiumshell
▪️0xuezhang x BlvckParis▪️ Blvck Genesis features 9,999 Next-Gen fashion NFTs! We are giving away 3x Blvck Paris spots!🖤 To enter: → Follow @Unipioneer & @BlvckParis → Like & Retweet this post → Tag 3 friends Ends on 24 hours
🔥Boogie Doggies🔥小狗画风很可爱,路线图也很特别,现在推出不久,大家可以留意一下 完成任务抽五個白 1️⃣关注 @Unipioneer & @BoogieDoggies 2️⃣点赞,转推并 @ 三位朋友 結果24小时后公布 #nft ##nfts #nftcommunity #NFTGiveaways