Stay Voting Zone(@StayVotingZone)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Congratulations @Stray_Kids and STAYs! 💗 We finally have our #CASE143_3rdWin and marking as #StrayKids16thWin today at Music Bank! 🏆 I cannot explain this emotion... 🎶 CASE143 THIRD WIN #뮤뱅1위_4랑가득_3관왕 #CASE14
🆘 MNET PLUS: 3 HOURS LEFT Let's end this #StrayKids last of week promotion with a 🏆, shall we? 🥇 @Stray_Kids: 315,276 🥈: 301,448 📊 GAP: 13,828😭 ✅ GOAL: 50K VOTES GAP 🔗 VOTE HERE:… ❓TUTORIAL: Help STAYs at #CASE143_Ticket
STAYs, can we please hit 100M today for Christmas EveL? Listen early to our favorite Christmas song in STAYville to start feeling the Christmas. ♥️ 🔗 #MAMAVOTE #StrayKids @Stray_Kids
Why do I keep getting attracted. I'm drawn to @Stray_Kids like a magnet. Congratulations to your #CASE143_4thWin that also mark as your #StrayKids17thWin today at Show Champion! 🏆 I cannot explain this emotion... 🎶 CASE143 FOURTH WIN #스키즈_Case143_4관왕 #CASE143
🟣 MUBEAT: PRE-VOTING 🟣 STAYs❕❕ Pre-voting for Music Core is already OPENED on MuBeat! VOTE @Stray_Kids now! Use this computation sheet to utilize your votes. Mubeat computation sheet: 🔗 ❓TUTORIAL: GAP WON'T MATTER HERE.
With 18K GAP, plus 26K ACCS STAYs haven't used yet base on yesterday's daily votes total, we'll be needing #44K to close the gap before reset. But if we'll push to reach our goal of #450K daily votes for Day 7, we'll be needing #58K in 1 hr. That'll surely give us a huge gap.
It was stated by MAMA that RTing a valid tweet also count as vote but NO SPECIFIC MESSAGE that says each RT count as a vote that's why we're encouraging to at least RT one tweet per day after tweeting your own vote. Again, #straykids, #StrayKids, #STRAYKIDS counts.…
💗 #2022MAMA: Preliminary STAYs, please vote @Stray_Kids now on The website is now slowly working. 📊 GAP: 14,030 VOTES 🔺🆘 Let's catch-up asap! 😭 ❓TUTORIAL: Inform your timeline. Avoid last minute! #MAMAVOTE #StrayKids
As well as dropping just the tags without other characters isn't recommended: "#MAMAVOTE #StrayKids" This is to avoid Twitter algorithm detecting your tweet as spam. You don't need to always use the "I vote" template either. Say anything and don't just drop the tags/template.…
🇯🇵 #30th_HMAs_2022 Voting for the Japan original category named "Global Artist In Japan" Award already opened! @Stray_Kids is nominated so please go to this link, and VOTE:… ✅ Use desktop mode if needed 📅 Ends on February 2, 4PM KST ❓ Tutorial in 🗨️
STAYs ❕❕ 💙 will expire today so please drop it on All The K-Pick Poll. 🥺 ✅ Collect your SET OF ♥️💙 for today ✅ USE ALL YOUR 💙 HERE 📊 GAP; 4,389 VOTES 🎁 PRIZE: YouTube MV ADs PLEASE SPREAD! CATCH-UP @Stray_Kids #StrayKids #MAMAVOTE
💗 D-2 #2022MAMA: VOTING PREPARATION 💗 STAYs❕❕ We're encouraging EVERY STAYs to have minimum of 20 ACCOUNTS before MAMA VOTING will start on October 24, 7PM KST. ❓TUTORIAL: Sign up all your accounts from 👑 before it's too late. PLEASE SPREAD!
🔔 REMINDER If you want to bypass the queue please turn on your ✈️ mode until it goes away and then go back onto data, this will skip the queue. #STAYGetThatD #STAYOnTheCase #MAMAniacVote #MAMAxidentEffort
22.11.10 | 8PM KST | D-14 🆘 Rank #1 | GAP: 1,599 🔻 STAYs❕❕ We're down to 4 HOURS before first day of voting ends. Please USE ALL YOUR ACCS before 12AM KST. *** IS CATCHING UP! 🚨🚨 ❓TUTORIAL: 📌 Stream #MANIAC on Spotify #MAMAxidentEffort
Please drop our tags for our best producers: PARADISE PRODUCED BY 3RACHA #3RACHA #쓰리라차 #PARADISE
22.11.13 | 8PM KST | D-11 🆘 Rank #1 | 📊 GAP: 5,022🔺 STAYs❕❕ Our mass voting will start in an hour as well as other fandom. Our votes is expected to decrease by 10PM KST so we need to block that to happen. ❓ 🎶 ✅ GOAL: 350K🗳️
22.11.10 | 9PM KST | D-14 🆘 Rank #1 | GAP: 1,941 🔺 STAYs❕❕ We're down to 3 HOURS before first day of voting ends. Please USE ALL YOUR ACCS before 12AM KST. We need to end 1st day in 🥇 ❓TUTORIAL: 📌 Stream #MANIAC MAMA Playlist #MAMAxidentEffort
Mubeat Pre-voting will end later at 11AM KST and we're now in #2 SPOT with 1 MILLION VOTES GAP. 😭 If we ace pre-voting which gives 500 POINTS, we might get a chance to be at least nominated. IT'S ALL OR NEVER FOR THIS COMEBACK STAYs. Answer quizzes to earn more 💗beats.…
🗳️ HMA2022: #WhosfandomAward TOP16 Day 1 STAYs ❕❕ Day 1 of voting for Whosfan Award already started and this will end right away so VOTE OUR FANDOM #STAY NOW! 📅 Ends on December 27, 11:59PM KST 🔗… Just click the link, find STAY vs BUNNIES then VOTE.
22.11.11 | 9PM KST | D-13 🆘 Rank #1 | GAP: 3,247🔺 STAYs❕❕ So far, we have generated 260,247 VOTES as of this moment, means there are still 19,888 ACCS haven't used from yesterday. #Goal for today is to generate minimum of #300K VOTES before Day 3 ends. We have 3 MORE HOURS!
Mass Voting is currently ongoing. Tweet your proof using #MAMAniacVote. Make sure to add your watermark to avoid other fandom stealing your proof. Look for account and help here: #STAYonTheCase #MAMAVOTE #StrayKids
I'm challenging you to click this link: ..and reply a SS of you finishing the 🎥. Let's see how many STAYs are willing to stream the MV. We'll differentiate the tweet activity this tweet will receive to the # of 🗨️ we'll receive Tracking ends in 3 HOURS
Aside from YouTube/Spotify, we all know DIGITAL holds the biggest points in every Music Shows Criteria. It isn't too late yet to avail your streaming pass. We're still in our 2nd Week of promotion. We still have a long way to go and get @Stray_Kids more 🏆 #CASE143 #StrayKids