
200819 Treasure Online Fansign OP asked Haruto, “What are the advantages of being roommates with Junkyu?” and Haruto said “He has many things, he’s lovely and he’s cute!” 🐨🦙🖤
200819 Treasure Online Fansign OP asked Junkyu to recommend a Gong Cha drink, and Junkyu recommended Taro Milktea with Pearl! Junkyu even told OP, “No matter what, you need to add the pearl into the milktea!!!” 🤣🤣🤣
200819 Treasure Online Fansign OP asked Junkyu, “Why do you not post your selcas? You are cute and cool!” Junkyu took awhile to answer and said, “These days I’m working hard in taking selcas!” Junkyu promised OP that he will upload many selcas soon!
200819 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: You are the same age as Junkyu, but are there times when you find Junkyu cute or funny? 🐼: Junkyu is... disgusting 😂 Jihoon savage 🔥🔥🔥
200819 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: 5 years old Junkyu vs 5 Junkyu 🐺: *Thinks hard 😂* 5 years old Junkyu!
A short preview of Treasure’s exclusive interview with QQ Music! 🐨: I am koala! 😊
200820 Treasure Online Fansign Junkyu in yellow and has his hair down today! Today he is our baby chick 😆🐥💛
200820 Treasure Online Fansign OP did a reverse fansign with Junkyu, where she acted as the idol and Junkyu as her fan. So she asked Junkyu what’s his name so that she could give him a sign, but Junkyu kept saying his name was ‘Park Jihoon’ 😭 Jikyu!!! 🐼🐨💛
200820 Treasure Online Fansign OP told Hyunsuk, instead of buying clothes for Junkyu, he should just be Junkyu’s stylist! And Hyunsuk said, “Ayyhyu... I know right. He is always wearing the same clothes. What’s that social? Anti Social Social Club” 😂
200820 Treasure Online Fansign Junkyu trying to copy the Cat’s and Jeongwoo’s reaction 🥺 For the picture of the cat, Junkyu said, “I really want to try doing this!” While for the picture of Jeongwoo, he said, “Jeongwoo, what is this 😂”
200820 Treasure Online Fansign 💖🎂 Happy Birthday To Me (08.21) 🎂💖 🐨: Happy Happy Birthday To You! Thank you so much for loving me and paying attention to me. Since I will be working hard, let’s be together forever! ❤️ This is the best birthday gift ever 😭🎊
200820 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: Will you be able to take a selca with Engdu and Ruby in the future? 🐨: I really want to take a selca with them too, but they do not cooperate whenever I want to do so! 🙇🏻‍♀️: They are both cats right? 🐨: Yes! (Cont)
200820 Treasure Online Fansign Better’s letter to Junkyu ✨ 🙇🏻‍♀️: Junkyu, during the long trainee period that you had, there were many times when you wanted to collapse right? Thank you for overcoming it and showing us a cool performance through your debut... (Cont)
Junkyu, I have a wish. It would be good if Junkyu is slightly more greedy. I want you to do everything that’s good for you! Even though I’m a fan of Treasure, I started this journey because of Junkyu. My happiness is when Junkyu does well! 🐨: Thank you so much. I love you 🥺
200820 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: 5 years old Haruto vs 5 Haruto 🐨: Wow this is bad.. I can’t decide.. I will go with 5 years old Haruto, I don’t think I can handle 5 Haruto 😂
200820 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: A person you would like to be roommates with? 🦙: Junkyu-hyung~ twitter.com/treasure_with/…
200820 Treasure Online Fansign OP said Junkyu and Doyoung are not sharing the same room, they each have their own room...
Q: #1 visual in Treasure? 🐼: He’s not going to say his own name right...? 🐷: No way... 🐨: Asahi! Because he is super handsome, like a sculpture! 🤖💜
Q: Who is your soulmate? 🐼: My soulmate is... Kim Junkyu! Come out!!! Their mission is to do a lip-sync skit 😂👍🏼
Junkyu had to introduce himself through singing 🐨: Hello! My name is Junkyu! My charm is making tones like this...!
Junkyu singing to a short part of Haruto’s rap and then proceeding to sing his part in BOY, but this time it’s a fresh version! So cute!!! 😍💓
200820 Treasure Online Fansign 🙇🏻‍♀️: Can you suggest a hashtag for your fans to use when they post pictures of you? 🐨: How about ‘Gyu?’ Make it ‘Gyuwoowoowoo!’ You can now use the hashtag (#규우우우) when posting pictures of Junkyu! 🙇🏻‍♂️🥰
Junkyu acting cute on QQ Music 🥰💖 The caption also said, “The best part of a handsome man is his face” and “Certified as a visual beauty” ✨ Indeed he is our handsome person 😉
“You can look forward to our next song too” 😳😳😳
14 year old Junkyu dancing at his school’s end of year festival 🥺 Please hear the screams and cheers for Junkyu!!! He be collecting fan boys at such a young age 😉💖 Part 1