Dress reveal happening soon! Don't forget ❤️✨ 日本の朝だからね!半分寝てても見に来て欲しいー!❤️✨ twitter.com/takanashikiara…
thank you towa senpai for letting me interview you!!!! can't relate to all the FPS stuff personally but i respect the hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!! fightoooo tomorrow!! トワ先輩インタビューさせてありがとうございました! FPSの事まったくわからないですけど凄く頑張ってる姿はかっこよくて尊敬!
next stream→【MINECRAFT】 The wither fight that me and Fauna were preparing for ages ago, its finally happening!!!! I think we have a pretty competent crew! かなり前からふぁうなちゃんと準備してたんだけどやっとウィザーを倒すんだよ! youtube.com/live/8Fh9twRq7…
next stream→【HOLOTALK】 #holotalk #ホロトーク Todays guest is Natsuiro Matsuri!!!!! What kind of stories will god tell us? 今夜のゲストは夏色まつり先輩!!! 神様はどんな話をしてくれるんだろう! youtu.be/MXOhD0jXdWI
I DMd her on discord in lightning speed 🤝✨ twitter.com/shirakamifubuk…
泣くぺこやん・・やめろぺこ・・美しいぺこ・・ 【歌枠】心を込めて歌います!!!ぺこ!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】 youtu.be/htxEPA5YxGU
We are releasing a English listening voice drama kind of thing!!!!!! Even if you already speak English, we recorded a million lines so it's basically a super long collaboration voice pack to enjoy! 英語リスニング練習として使ってください皆さん!!マジで長い!!よろしく❤️❤️✨️✌️ twitter.com/hololivetv/sta…
I made dinner!! (I rarely cook)(`・ω・´)✨ Olive Oil and Lemon based Chicken Pasta with Onions and Asparagus 料理したよ!(めったに料理しない)(`・ω・´)シャキーン✨ オリーブオイルとレモンベース チキンパスタにアスパラガスと玉ねぎ
Thanks for hanging out with us while we built the 2nd branch of KFP!!!!!!!!!! It looks so good 😍😍😍 Thank you Ina for helping!! KFPネザー支店完成しました!イナちゃんご協力ありがとうございました(/ω\)💓 めっちゃおしゃれな感じでできたやん!!!
📢Looking for📢 Composers who can recreate instrumentals, specifically for using them in my birthday stream Leave portfolio and if possible a quote per song 🎵
【Schedule】 Tomorrow, I will play a demo version of Tales of Arise!! And!!! I will play Minecraft with my RL mother wheee!! AND!!!!! HOLOTALK WITH HAACHAMA!!!!! 明日、テイルズオブアライズのデモプレイをします! そして、リアルなお母さんとマイクラ! そして、はあちゃまとホロトーク!!!
【い〜やい〜やい〜や(Whatever whatever whatever) 】 New song cover of me and @ninomaeinanis is up on my channel! Please give it a listen✨ イナちゃんとの歌ってみたただいまキアラのチャンネルに公開中! 聴いてください!✨ ☟☟☟ youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_…
next stream!! Offcollab handcam stream with Laplus! Our first 1on1 collab lets goooo!! I prepared fun games for us hehe オーストリアからいろんなゲーム持ってきてカメラありでオフコラボです!!!!ラプちゃん仲良くしようね!? youtube.com/live/XWf2PqD_8…
Kiwawa Kitchen is back!!!! Today kiwawa made Pizza rolls filled with some veggies, next time salami or bacon maybe too! Sauce was rest of the marinara mixed with some sour creme, super good! And a salad with a honey dressing! They maybe looks small but they were pretty filling!
Kiwawa's Kitchen Just a pork filet with potatoes and honey glazed carrots in onion sauce👍👍👍
next stream→【SPARKS 2H ENDURANCE】 LETS SING THE SAME SONG FOR 2 HOURS BRAINWASHING NOT INTENDED BUT INCLUDED キアラの新オリ曲を2時間歌い続ける!!!! そしたら皆さんにも覚えてもらえるはず!!洗脳じゃないよ! youtu.be/gA95rHuhhTs
Update! Phlegm clearing up a lot, sniffles barely noticable, voice coming back a bit, coughs lessening too!😌 Will continue to rest my voice until I am sure its really 100% back though!🙏 痰、咳と鼻水がだいぶ減ったり、声も少し復活しているようです!勿論100%復活するまでまだ休むけど!
日本のファンの皆さん! 期間限定じゃないですし売り切れもまた補充される要諦! なので焦らずに~! omocat-shop.com twitter.com/hololivetv/sta…
next stream→【MINECRAFT w. Calli!】 Calli... let me teach you how to fly! But first, try to not fall into the void please... 久々にカリちゃんとの1対1コラボ!カリちゃんのためにエリトラを探しにいく~~!! youtu.be/qFYS43HzkbA
Otsutama!! Today I was super hype so maybe I talked too much(;・∀・) but I had lots of fun! I wanna collab with tamaki-san again sometime 💓 おつたま!!! 今日はめっちゃテンション高くて喋りすぎたかな(;・∀・)でも楽しかった!!たまきさんとまたコラボしたい!💓
Wheatley was a little shit, just as my guts told me. Always trust your guts.
ok we're playing minecraft tomorrow this is beautiful 明日マイクラ確定、綺麗すぎやろ
My collectors edition arrived!!! It's so big!😳 But I will wait with unpacking until I receive the ambassador gifts from @BandaiNamcoUS to unpack them aswell for a video🙏❤️ 以前頼んだコレクターズ版が届いた!でかい!! 今度バンダイナムコさんからのプレゼントと一緒に開けて動画にする!