Started nowwww! はじまったよ!…
Thanks for the fun geoguessr stream guys, heres my very helpful america map in case you need it for playing geoguessr yourself! キアラによるとアメリカはこう(全然違った)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check this stream guys its gonna be GREAT!!!!!!!!…
The super special USB cable I got at gacha for 1000 yen instead of a Nintendo switch lite 😂😂
Even with a humidifier my throat gets super dry at night so I went to find these throat moisturizing masks👀 hoping they work! 加湿器でも喉乾燥するからこちらを探して買って来たー!!効くのかな?!経験あるひとー!
The new years MK cup is so exciting😳😳😳😳
I'll be here in one hour!😎😎😎…
Gonna eat a quick small dinner before sleeping but tomorrow collab and sleepover with Marine senpai aaaaaaaaa 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 im nervous
I didn't feel a difference lol 変わりをとくに感じなかった笑…
Trying to learn a choreo before meeting Marine senpai later 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 legs pain
In 2.5 hours! With Marine 💖💖💖🥰…
Marine is running around but we are starting lol…
Wearing Marines cute Pyjamas and waiting for her to get out of bath so we can watch paripi koumei! マリンの可愛いパジャマをきながらマリンがお風呂からでてくるのを待ってるよ!その後は一緒にパリピ孔明見る!!!
Using marine butt to play the paripi koumei opening by using her as drums マリンの穴を使いドラムのようにチキチキバンバンを演じる
@usadapekora え、やば、このサムネだけでもたかまる、絶対可愛いやつだ…
Since a few days, my Twitter reply thingy is broken, I can only see replies that where I am tagged along with others, for some reason. All other replies, I have to go directly to the tweet to check them there... anyone who has the same issue?
Couldn't sleep well at all but I have 2 recordings and then korone senpai collab later, wish me luck 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫✌️
@inugamikorone こーね先輩!!!!!31日からずっと頭がこーね先輩でいっぱい!!!!💖😭
Next stream!!!!! 1 2 switch with korone senpai at her place ♥️ Let's have fun together! こーね先輩のとこでオフコラボするー!!!わちゃわちゃするぞ!…
Nodoka san gave me dorayaki and cookies!
A-chan gave me sour umeboshi lol help…
こーねsenpai love 😭😭😭💖