i did not press F today 😎
Today in Kiwawas kitchen: Teriyaki chicken rice with bok choy and bellpeppers 🙌
next stream→【CARTO】 Found this beautiful cute game the other day, it looks super promising to let's dive in! めっちゃくちゃ可愛くて綺麗なゲームこの前見つけて大期待~~やってみよー! youtu.be/AvMEMxucLRU
GOOD NIGHT AND SEE U AT MEET & GREET TOMORROWWWWWWWW don't be late! おやすみ~~明日ミートアンドグリートで会おう!遅刻するな! (thanks for the crazy amount of memberships at the end, i couldn't say thanks in time! 最後のメンバーギフト沢山ありがとおおお 気づくの遅かった!)
Greenday wake up September ended
(meet and greet) 1 person is late pls come asapppp
I am greeting my chickens in the usual room today 😎✨👁️👁️ twitter.com/Monochronic1/s…
end of meet and greet, late person can choose a new slot if u reply to email pls thank uuuu see u in the 2nd slot later for the remaining chickens!!! twitter.com/takanashikiara…
all Bday meet&greets have been concludeddddd i am exhausted, that was along day!!!!! but it was great meeting everyone!!! thanks a lot and good nightoooooooooooo
【WEEKLY SCHEDULE】 FINALLY HOLOTALK IS BACK! 🎊 The first guest to be welcomed after the break is Ayame senpai! Come and see the new studio! ホロトークがやっと復活!!🎊 復活してからの初ゲストはあやめ先輩です!新スタジオ見に来てね~! STREAM DO U: MV: youtu.be/QI96hnhcr2E
next stream→【CARTO】 today we will finish CARTO and hopefully find my grandma again!!!!! 今日これ終わらせておばあちゃんにまた会えるといいな!! youtu.be/hmg_GlcGKT4
【HOLOTALK】 今週のゲストはあやめ先輩! 海外視聴者にあやめ先輩を詳しく知ってもらうために皆にご協力おねがいします! →今までの活動を詳しく聞き出せそうな質問 →豆知識知って貰えそうな質問 →答えはもう知っててもとりあえず質問 このリプ欄に書いてね✨ EN questions on community post!
starting!! its been a while so come say hi! 始まったよ!久々だからおいでね~ youtu.be/hmg_GlcGKT4 twitter.com/takanashikiara…
😇😇😇 he was really nice!!!!! i was a nervous wreck tho (;・∀・)
Morningggg everybody I'm still cuddling with my cattos🤱🏼 I'll see the members in a stream later 💖
Tenshi-chou 💓
smoothie is sleeping on the beeeg beanbag again..CUTEEEEE
Can garlic be preganante with onion? How?
I have successfully separated the baby from the mother, peeled off like a skin However the baby and mother both are dead Am vegetable doctor
Kiwawa Kitchen I made a yummy one pot pasta, one of the best tasting things I made from my HF subscription so far 🧐 Sometimes simple is best 👍
@kobokanaeru Omg my granddog.. I'm a grandmother 👵 😌