next stream→【MINECRAFT】 As you may recall, I have a date for the summer festival 😎🧡 I don't know what to expect but Reine and me will check out the festival! レイネちゃんとマイクラ夏祭りデートだよ!
next stream→【Cult Of The Lamb】 Thanks to cute submissions i can now look even more like a proper cult leader...NICE!!! Lets get it on~!! 可愛い投稿のおかげさまでもっと本物っぽくなりました・・・ナイス!!ではやりましょう!
next stream→【RUST】 Last stream before the wipe! I dont know what will happen but there might be a demolition derby attempt nr 2!!! リセットの前にラストのラスト!(うまい) 何が起きるかわからんけどあめちゃんの車のやつやるかも!
STARTING!!!! am weak but try to survive! キアラ弱いけどできるだけ生き残ってみる!…
Cuddling with cattos, please wait a little bit longer until my next stream reservation goes up 😂❤️✨ 猫とイチャイチャしてるので次の配信予約はもうちょっとお待ちください😂❤️✨
next stream→【OVERWATCH】 I am trying out Overwatch for the first time ever, Ame pls hold my hand (and shoot with the other) オーバーウォッチ初めてやるのでアメちゃん手をつないでキアラを守ってくれ~!
next stream→【AOE2】 I have a feeling that I played a bit of this game when I was a child but I might have just watched my family member play it mostly! Lets try this out! このゲームは小さい頃にちょこっとやってたというか、家族のやる所見てただけかも!
I'm so sorry guys.. I just finished playing the whole tutorial and was excited to play later but I was notified I have to move the stream again... 😭😭😭 Aoe2 cursed...?? ほんまにごめん…さっきからずっと裏でやってて楽しみにしてたのにもっかい延期になっちゃいます…😭😭…
next stream→【Cult of The Lamb】 Continuing Cult of The Lamb today again! Sorry for the confusion😢 We will have fun anyway! 今日はまたカルトゲームやるよ! ゲーム変わってごめんね・・・これでも楽しむぞ!
i feel like i forgot something today, but i am not quite sure what it was. 今日は何か忘れた気がするけど、なんだったのかな。
next stream→【IRONBEADS HANDCRAFT】 moar crafting with ironbeads!!!! gonna make subaru atleast and if there is time, a chimkin! もっとアイロンビーズで遊ぶ!!今回はスバル先輩を作れたらいいなー!
starting! lets make some cute holomembers and chimkins! 始まったよ!可愛いホロメンとチキン作ろう!…
Wow! Today I made Subaru and actually got much better and faster than last time! Turducken almost complete! 今日はスバル先輩作ったし、前回よりスピード速かったし上手くなってた気がする!ターダッケンほぼ完成や!#プロテインザスバル
【SCHEDULE】 The 2 year ANNIVERSARY is coming up so I am doing a 12 hour marathon leading up to it!!!! Some guests will be there too! 2周年記念が12日なので12時間耐久配信を久々にやります!!!!ゲストもちょっと呼んでます! LISTEN TO FEVER NIGHT:…
A schedule for the Marathon will follow soon btw! 12時間耐久の配信の個別スケジュールも近いうちにあげます!…
next stream→【HOLOCURE】 I got early access for the super big update! New characters! New enemies! Improved Kiwawa! この大きなアップデートにアーリーアクセスする! 新キャラあり!新敵あり!キアラのキャラも上達したらしい!
STARTING! 先行プレイスタート!…
I HAD A BLAST playing holocure early!! We got ALL the new characters, cleared stages with most, and saw a lot of new content!! YATTA! 今日はホロキュア先行プレイできてめっちゃ楽しかった! 新キャラ全部ゲットしたしめっちゃ沢山遊んだな!!やった!! releasing on 9.9. look forward to it!
next stream→【CULT OF THE LAMB】 FINALE TIME!!! Sadly we are already at the end of the game!!! THERE CAN ONLY BE 1!! もうゲームは最終話にたどり着きました!今日で終わらせる!!
🎉🎊2ND ANNIVERSARY🎊🎉 📢12HR MARATHON SCHEDULE📢 for SUNDAY, 11th September! With guests, fun, news and LOTS OF ENDURANCE! Come and support this birb ! この日曜日、12時間連続配信やります! コラボ、楽しい事、告知と耐久沢山! 会いに来てね!
next stream→【AOE2】 I have a feeling that I played a bit of this game when I was a child but I might have just watched my family member play it mostly! Lets try this out! このゲームは小さい頃にちょこっとやってたというか、家族のやる所見てただけかも!
AOE2 was fun!!! Will play again!! NOW TOMORROW IS MY 12 HOUR ANNIVERSARY STREAM! so for that, I want you guys to leave some questions here and I will pick them up now and then during the stream! 明日の12時間配信のためにマシュマロもあけたよ!日本語OK!
next stream→【#KIWAVERSARY】 12 hour endurance to get to the 12th September, Kiwawa 2 Year Anniversary!!!! Lots of games, talk and fun and even announcements! 12日の2周年記念になるまで12時間耐久やるぞ! 沢山のゲーム,トークと楽しい事,しかも告知も! COME!!
STARTING NOW! 12 HOURS LETS GO では始めます!! 12時間いくぞ!!…