4:48 🥰💗💗💗💗💗youtu.be/Q6ApyF4NUhM
next stream→【TLOZ: THE WIND WAKER】 Part two, now we really get those WIND WAKER WEEKENDS started wheeeee~~!!!! Huh? What do you mean this stick a toothpick? 今日から毎週末終わるまで風のタクトやるよ! (。´・ω・)ん?これ爪楊枝じゃねえの? youtu.be/DCBmU2X3jyY
thanks for watching guys!!! tree dungeon was fun!! more tomorrowwwww
The dinner I made today! it was supposed to be with shrimps but I don't like them so I did it with bacon wrapped cheese filled sausages instead hehe doesn't look so special but it was super yummy🙏🙏🙏
i am looking at this months schedule and it literally feels like the month will be over in 1 week and its freaking me ot
I forgot to schedule the stream before going to sleep 🙀
next stream→【TLOZ: The Wind Waker】 I will use this stick how I WANT to use it and you can't stop me! 耳かき用じゃないってマッ??ちっ・・・ youtu.be/GCdYBETjBOU
thanks for a great week kfp!!!!! i will continue trying to do my best as much as i can 💓
Schedule coming today later! 今週のスケジュールこのあと出します!
Nap was nice...now let's work!💪 二度寝よかった…今から作業頑張る👊✨
【WEEKLY SCHEDULE】 All collabs are on my channel! Getting 6G on Tuesday so might move to WED if I feel sick! Sunday TBD🙏 コラボは全部キアラで! 明日注射影響で配信明後日になる可能性ある! LISTEN🔊 ORANGE with NENE youtu.be/bg9M4KTNnHY CINDERELLA REMIX youtu.be/J8nbk2sep1E
the song cover i am recording now is i think the highest key I have ever sang before LOL 今録音してる歌ってみたのキーは今まで歌った中で一番高いかもw
Had a really scary dream that kinda applies to reality so that's a bad way to wake up 😭💦
Omg I tried the new Banana Split Frappuccino and it's my new favorite thing 😍 ✨️💗💗💗💗
next stream→【ITALY SNACKBOX】 i already took a sneak peek and mamma mia everything looks bellissimo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! もうちょっと覗いたけどマッマミア、イタリアのお菓子箱が美味しそうで楽しみだよ!! youtu.be/01PKrap9jr4
@kobokanaeru Kobo?! My baby 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Cominciamo!!!!!!!! LETS START 始まり始まり!イタリアのお菓子食べる! youtu.be/01PKrap9jr4 twitter.com/takanashikiara…
Something quick!! Never made sweet and sour sauce myself, once again a first 💪✨️ Sweet and sour pork with bellpeppers and pineapple 🍍 😇
#TakanashiKiaraforESC2023 I'll get Austria to the finals 😤😤😤 #ESC2022