got some recording done💝👏 お歌を収録したで💝👏
Hey everyone! Wow, this is my first time meeting all of you. I'm OMGkawaiiTenchou, your internet CEO! What did you guys think of my first stream? I hope you liked it, because I'm going to keep trying my hardest to bring lots and lots of joy! So pwease be nice to me! 🙏BLESS🙏
Thanks for watching my art stream!!!!🙌 We finished the piece!!!! The hair was fun to do🙏 I can't draw backgrounds so I used the one from the outfit reveal🥲 お絵描き配信見てくれてありがとう!🙌 完成したよ~!髪を塗るの楽しかったな~🙏 背景かけないから衣装お披露目のやつです!🥲
recording fineeeeesh, back to comfy bed...
Thank you for coming to the stream! I'll be gone for a few days, because I'll be skiing!!! Therefore no schedule for next week! Some small videos might be uploaded while I am gone! See you soon!!! I will miss you KFP! スキー場に行くので本日からしばらく配信休みです! いってくるね!
Reject vtuber Return to monkey
I haven't seen anything like this in the game yet of the protagonist feeling homesick but I like the thought of it. It definitely must be exciting too for a young teenager but I do kinda wanna see a deeper side of emotions there too. 🙏…
Omg. I met this alpaca outside and had to get a picture taken. Look, it's so cute! I call it Frank! ❤️ Art by @ yunaree 💕
Am flexible like spaghetti
Wait wtf my heart stopped and sunk into my feet What What What 待って 待って待って 嘘だろ!?え???嘘だよね バグだよね あ 好きがバレる やべ
Little video coming up in an hour! Don't miss it! It's a special collaboration with cupZ who I always wanted to work with since their work is so funny! Enjoy! バケーション中ですが超面白い動画用意したので見てほしい!このあとプレミア公開するぞ!
Live Premiere now! プレミア公開始まるなう!
Apparently there's a secret ending?!
My muscles are sore as fuck but... Let's go skiing! 😭👍👍🎿 めっちゃ筋肉痛だけど今日もスキー頑張るよー!😭👍🎿
I lost RMT pls bring her to me at the **** alpine hut if you find her 🤣🥴
The mountains look fucking amazing today 今日の山々はまじでクソ美しいぞ
I'll be in this video! 👆❤️😘💕 これに出ますよ!👌👀💓…
next stream→【AM HOME】 I am home from my skiing trip! How did it go? Did I break any bones this time? This and more in the next stream✨ スキー場からただいま~~!!どうだったのか!?骨を折ったのか!?などいろいろ話しちゃうよ!✨
Good morning KFP!☀️ Ready for today's comeback stream? 💕 おはようKFP!🌞 今日の復活配信見てくれるよね?💞
starting now! AM BACK! 始まったよ!ただいま!!…
kiwawa is bac🙌
This is what we call a Germknödel!! YUM Germknödel is a fluffy yeast dough dumpling, filled with spiced plum jam and served with melted butter and a mix of poppy seeds and sugar on top. It is occasionally - even though less traditional - served with vanilla cream sauce instead.
I legit thought it was Friday today until after the stream 😳