@moonahoshinova Moona what color is it
Jenma clearly doesn't own an airvryer 😭😒
redeem ur kisses NOW kfp ちゅうを取りに来い!!!!……
superchatto time in 30 minutes! eliminating the copious superchattos…
I can't wait to tell you the crazy shit I've been seeing the past 10 minutes lmao
Had a glazed donut for breakfast mmmhhhh yummy 💖😌😌😌 朝ごはんはシンプルにグレーズドーナツ一個食べた、美味しすぎた💖😌😌😌
Guys im thinking it might be smarter to just do a superchat reading today to try to catch up unless you guys really wanna der STS today! Lemme know what you prefer!💖🙏
YEAR OF THE RABBIT😂😂👏👏👏 #ホロゆびをふる
幸運!幸運!世界で一番かわいいよおおお!! #ホロゆびをふる
I will "eliminate the copious phlegm" 🤣🤣🤣 I love this description Got it as a gift the other day, let's hope this mythical looking stuff works 👀👀👀
Miko senpai new outfit berry berry cuteee🙏🙏
thanks guys for coming to the stream to support, i really appreciate it!!! epic seven really looks like a fun and kind game worth checking out if you look for something that doesnt make you broke hehe may the epic seven guide you to great gacha results!!!!
next stream【EPIC SEVEN】 talking about the MV and playing some EPIC Seven at EPIC seven PM JST today! My first time playing the game!! any veterans out there? 日本時間エピックセブンPMにエピックセブンをやります(日本語でこのダジャレ通じるか??)…
I'm gonna do a solo stream to make up for it. 8pm jst!
I am deeply sorry for not being able to be with kronii for the collab today, I feel so awful, I'm so sorry. I was looking forward to chatting with Kronii about it and yet... Especially to Kronii and the sponsors, I am so so so sorry. 🙇‍♂️ Please check her stream VOD and support.🙏
With a doki doki feeling in my kokoro cause by a certain doggo I will now go to bed 😌💖 こーね先輩の事でドキドキしながら今から寝ますわ😌💖
Calli was an insanely good hypewoman for others singing, and I didn't know she could randomly harmonize to a song without learning a harmony first wtf (she didn't know either until recently apparently). I wish I could do that, it's quite a talent
I sang ikenai borderline arm in arm with reine, big teetee 🥲💖
Went karaoke & honey toast with Calli, Reine, Mumei, Bae and Fauna I think Calli, Reine and me sang the most 🤣 baelz did a lot of funny singing voices👀 fauna had super cute nails!!😱 And I gave mumei moomin chocolate lol💖 Honey toasts were the small ones, they're so cute 🥺
Being told my inpersonation was one of the best so im quite proud ehehe😎 キアラめっちゃ似てる!!!って反応いっぱい頂いて、(*´σー`)エヘヘって感じ😎
Starting nowwww ! 始まる!!今年初!……
Next stream!!!!!!! New years chitchat and watchalong of my official program appearance!!! あけおめトークと昨日の番組出演の話!!!!!…
Who tf wakes up at 8:30 on the 1st of January man Me 🥲