Idk what that was
【HOLOTALK】 今週のゲストはAZKi先輩!⚒ 海外視聴者にAZKi先輩を詳しく知ってもらうために皆にご協力おねがいします! →今までの活動を詳しく聞き出せそうな質問 →豆知識知って貰えそうな質問 →答えはもう知っててもとりあえず質問 このリプ欄に書いてね✨ EN questions on community post pls!
next stream→【WORMS WITH MYTH】 Lets have some fun together to commemorate the new KIMONOS! At the end of this stream there will be an announcement! 5人で遊んで着物衣装お披露目の記念だ!最後には重大発表あり!
I'll be performing a special live concert in 10 minutes!! 🎉🎉 Big surprise for kfp regulars too 😍 後10分でスペシャルなコンサートをここでやります! ぜひ来てね!!
reine ate durian because i ate durian ... hmm how can we use this cute competitiveness to our advantage
Good morning sore muscles! 💪✨
Being told my inpersonation was one of the best so im quite proud ehehe😎 キアラめっちゃ似てる!!!って反応いっぱい頂いて、(*´σー`)エヘヘって感じ😎
【HOLOTALK】 今週のゲストは白銀ノエル先輩!⚔ 海外視聴者にノエル先輩詳しく知ってもらうために皆に協力おねがいします! →今までの活動詳しく聞き出せそうな質問 →豆知識知って貰えそうな質問 →答えはもう知っててもとりあえず質問 このリプ欄に書いてね✨ EN questions on YT community post!
OK let's cookingu😤😤😤😤
Why you should choose KFP? Our ice cream machines are never broken!
I could've done better but I'm happy I got to participate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being a great team! HOLOLIVE LOVE❤️ キアラはもっとうまくできるはずだったけど参加できるだけでも嬉しかったし優しいチームメイトありがたい!!HOLOLIVEすこ!❤️
AHH thank you so much for being so supportive of my new song!!! 新曲の応援ありがとうございます! It is available for streaming everywhere once your clock hits midnight and turns to 29th May! 29日になった国ではもう配信サービスにあがっているのでよろしく!
next stream→【Watame senpai COLLAB】 this stream will be mainly in Japanese language! こちらの配信は日本語メインになります! わため先輩とはkeffiyパパつながりで姉妹なのに、コラボしたことがない!!なんだと!😳 今日はいよいよ・・・ガンギマリシスターズ誕生!🎉
A new day, hanging out with Nabi mama again 🥰 gonna do some special stuff today!
We've waited 100 years let's goooooooo #兎田ぺこら新衣装
Cat.... Soft.... Prrrr
Seeing kfp tweeting about leaving Germany makes my kokoro brokolo
We saw some insane feesh today when we went snorkeling, one was as long as my arm and sp pretty because he was shiny, rainbowy and bright colored, so pretty... &many cool fish with orange highlights And those typical blue ones too So cool...I never saw smth like that before🥺✨️
12 HOURS RECORD MINE EASYYYYY THANKS FOR THE FUN TIME!!! THANKS FOR 1 MILLION! THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT LETS HAVE MUCH MORE FUN IN THE FUTURE TOO!!! rip all the eggs that broke at the end 12時間乙!! 楽しかったよ!!!! まだまだ元気ある!! これからも応援をよろしくね!!
Round two! Not as good as my own French toast hehehehe but still very good😊🙏
Nvm the bill is even telling me to tip 🙃
I'm sorry but Am I morbin'? 🤣🤣
I've been awake for hours and I haven't eaten anything yet 😨😨😨
Solo stream today around 4 to 5pm kiwawa time ✨️ (cest)