
今天FDA更新了疫苗说明,Moderna和Pfizer疫苗接种增加了心肌炎myocarditis和心包膜炎pericarditis的风险👀 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Not sure how many Bat 4991/RaTG13 virus believers want to see this. The Yunnan miner virus theory of COVID-19 collapses in CCP scientists' own hands. twitter.com/nerdhaspower/s…
郭先生今天的直播值得多听几遍,中共干不过美军,但是中共可能击溃美国司法系统。美国的两大基石已经被严重渗透 Miles Guo revealed the critical issues in the US judicial system.
You know what's going to happen if we let the CCP loose without utterly destroying the evil organization👀 twitter.com/Lhotse_luozi/s…
@LawrenceSellin Guanjun Liang, as a US citizen and founder of the East American Chinese Association, openly goes back to attend the CCP national assembly in Beijing every year. Massive connections behind this guy and he's been a super active CCP running dog for decades and years to come
艾比湖病毒,又一个野外采集到的病毒,拿到实验室感染小鼠,发现毒性很强,并且具有神经毒性...这个过程是不是和舟山蝙蝠病毒ZC45/ZXC21的发现很像呢?👀 twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
Don't be surprised by an arbovirus causing another global pandemic in the future if the CCP manage to escape accountability this time. Where it might begin with? Wuhan Institute of Virology, you must have heard of this place👀
@LawrenceSellin Shanlu Liu is almost the earliest US-based CCP scientist who orchestrated the disinformation campaign to cover up the origin of COVID-19, together with Lishan Su of course twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
今天郭先生传递的信息太重要了,大家广泛传播! Everything is on the line. Please listen and spread the information. ✊✊✊ twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
Have the CCP figured out a way to solve the population ageing problem? Don't forget the genetic editing baby with CRISPR/Cas9 technique CCP-scientist did in 2018, Jiankui He to be exact. twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
CCP will release more virulent virus this summer or fall to the US and Europe CCP will launch armed incursion to Taiwan in order to interrupt the investigation into COVID-19 origin CCP navy is ready to fight against US forces with 1000:1 casualty ratio Miles Guo 6/20/2021
RaTG13 virus is nothing but a distraction. Why CCP wants to keep you busy working on RaTG13? Why not Zhoushan Bat-CoV ZC45/ZXC21? Because ZC45/ZXC21 was found and owned exclusively by CCP-PLA military. The military background of COVID-19 is what CCP doesn't want you to know twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
1/20/2020, Zhengli Shi submitted two papers, one claims the closest progenitor of COVID-19 is Bat-CoV ZC45/ZXC21; but RaTG13 becomes the closest progenitor in the other paper, which has been chilling in her virus sample stock for years according to Zhengli Shi. Don't be fooled
To all the Alina Chan's fans, she is just a mediocre postdoc. Her best first author publication so far is a Plos Genetics (IF = 5.109) in 2014. She's not a coronavirus expert and never will be. She can't be a trustworthy voice on COVID-19. If this hurts your feelings, I'm sorry🤷‍♂️
Is this your true motive to brag about the lab-accident narrative and market your upcoming book? This will not land you a faculty job and you are not a scientist anyway. Alina Chan拼了命的鼓吹病毒泄露是为了给自己的新书做市场营销吗? twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
Keep a record here. Certainly some day in the near future, this one will be retweeted again. 九层妖塔真不是盖的👀 twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
体育圈关于疫苗的消息 1 上个月,纽约洋基队有9人被测出新冠阳性,他们之前都接种过疫苗 2 昨天,菲尼克斯太阳队的克里斯保罗也被测出新冠阳性,他之前也接种过疫苗 结论已经很清楚,接种疫苗不能阻止人感染病毒。但是,CDC的Walensky说,这些运动员都没有出现严重的症状,所以疫苗管用🙀
注意,名单上的这位David Franz,他是美国陆军传染病医学研究所的指挥官(USAMRIID),还是医疗研究和作战物资指挥中心的副指挥官👀 twitter.com/NeverSettledCC…
修大成,上海高金学院 twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
难怪姆努钦制作的电影可以顺利在中共国上映,有一些还是全球同步上映,凯尔巴斯给大家解密了 twitter.com/Lhotse_luozi/s…
安德森想好了退路,所以现在出来回应。他的退路无非是 1 因为相信石正丽的RaTG13 2 因为学艺不精,专业水平不高,没法做出准确判断 总之,即便最终被打脸,但他仍然可以把他的责任限制在科学范畴以内,风险管控,不至于被起诉。然而石正丽的状况就不一样了,难怪她会说没啥好怕的,视死如归了已经 twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
前后差几个小时,还是纽约时报,石正丽的回应也出来了,石正丽说:I have nothing to fear 我没啥好怕的。就问一个问题,你跟安德森是商量好的么👀 A Top Virologist in China, at Center of a Pandemic Storm, Speaks Out nytimes.com/2021/06/14/wor… twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
安德森出来回应了,到现在依然不后悔,依然认为病毒来自自然,但是他支持拜登对于病毒来源的调查👀 Scientist Opens Up About His Early Email to Fauci on Virus Origins nytimes.com/2021/06/14/sci…