ENHYPEN JAY GLOBAL(@jaylandglobal)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

[❤] To our precious, Jay and Jake, you're within our warmest thoughts as you both fight through this battle and recover to your fullest. We hope you feel surrounded with all the dearest love! 💓 We pray for every @ENHYPEN_members to have good health and a safe journey ahead. 🙏
#JAY HAS PLACED THIRD #3 IN FANPLUS APRIL BIRTHDAY VOTING POLL WITH 395,947,427 VOTES 🥳 Last year, we ended up with #4 but this year thanks to everyone who continuously voted for JAY, we were able to place #3 and landed JAY his FIRST 2022 BirthJAY AD! Congratulations JAY 💙
#JAY HAS PLACED FOURTH #4 ON Mubeat April Subway Ad Vote WITH 364,237 VOTES 🥳 We’ve won another AD for Jay’s Birthday 🎉 We have seen your hardwork till the very last minutes of voting so we consider this Ad as your bday gift for Jay! Thank you everyone who voted for him 💙
220624 #ENHYPEN Mini Fanmeeting They weren’t using mics so #Jay was relaying what #Jake was saying loudly to the ENGENEs at the back who couldn’t hear them properly 😭 🐺: …so I was very nervous 😼: HE SAYS HE WAS NERVOUS!!! @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[INSTAGRAM] 220408 ENHYPEN #JAY (Park Jongseong, Grade 11) Graduation Interview will be available later at 8:30 PM KST on Hanlim TV Youtube Channel. 🔹 instagram.com/p/CcFZICvrtEZ/… #제이 #JAY #엔하이픈_제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[INFO] 220507 #JAY has received the following bracelet after becoming a member of UNICEF TEAM to celebrate his birthday on April 20 as the day is also International Day of Disabled Persons. #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members https://t.co/6HwAR6SvLx
[NOTICE] As we wait for JAY’s Birthday VLive, we request ENGENEs to change your VLive nickname to ‘Happy BirthJAY 🎂’ to celebrate JAY’s day. We look forward for your participation. Thank you. 💙 OUR JAYPRIL LOVE #BelovedBirthJAY #제이의_생일을_쫑말쫑말_축하해
[🎥] 220626 #JAY was seen attending SEVENTEEN’s concert in Seoul today 😲🎶 #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
BLUE HAIR JAY @ 220509 D’FESTA cr. dessertkudasai #JAY #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
A gentle reminder to avoid trending tags for him on twitter for now & to delete posts containing those tags. You may opt to repost your tweet but please make sure the tags are not there. We have seen what has happened before, let's do our best to avoid letting it happen again. 🙏
[🎉] To the one who continues to grow in leaps and bounds, our talented maknae whom Jay helped raise with guidance & comfort, we wish you a very happy birthday! OKAYAMA STAR PRINCE NI-KI #RikiRhythmOfDecember #니키_없는_엔진은_팥없는붕어빵 #祝17歳NI_KIくんが幸せでありますように
[❤️] Please use the following tags to wish JAY a fast recovery and good health. GET WELL SOON JAY #GetWellSoonJay #JAY #ENHYPEN #제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📸🛫] 230113 ENHYPEN JAY "Serious" Visit, upvote, and share: 🔗naver.me/G2Vg50v9 BRACE THE RUNWAY FOR ENHYPEN #PRADAxENHYPEN #제이 #JAY #엔하이픈_제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
‼️[ATTENTION PLEASE]‼️ It has been reported that the primary photo being displayed on Google searches for Jay is still not him. Kindly follow the steps below in the thread to help report and rectify. Thank you.
[🛫] 📸 K-Media Photos Enhypen Jay's "Handsomeness Exceeded" in HD Visit the site, upvote, and share! 🔗naver.me/xLEzCUJt #제이 #JAY #엔하이픈_제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
We patiently waited in case they would just come late, but it shouldn't even be this way, if only for the sake of professionalism. We hope this exclusion stops once and for all. K-MEDIA AND SBS STOP EXCLUDING JAY #ENHYPEN_IS_7 twitter.com/jaylandglobal/…
📢 2022 FANTOO: April Birthday Vote Reward AD for #JAY has now arrived! 🎁 📅 ~ Apr 24 (SUN) 📍Hongik Univ. Stat. Digital Posters. #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📸🛫] 230113 ENHYPEN JAY "Polite" Visit, upvote, and share: 🔗naver.me/xOmyA3SP BRACE THE RUNWAY FOR ENHYPEN #PRADAxENHYPEN #제이 #JAY #엔하이픈_제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
#️⃣ EN-loG TAG PARTY SCHEDULE Join us in celebrating JAY's EN-loG with us today (April 19) at 9:30 PM KST! 🤎 #JAY #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
Please do not bring the ar+ićleś on the timeline, not even screenshots. Spreading them further will do more harm than good. Thank you to all ENGENEs showing support and helping with this. 🫂 Let's do this instead. Gather evidence and send your emails following the format below:
[ARTICLE] 220704 #JAY showed confidence saying, “I was happier to get good results earlier, but I don’t think this kind of success is achieved just by effort. I always want to show new & cool sides of us, this will be an album which will prove that we are worthy to be loved.”
[WEVERSE] 230315 #JAY: After much thought and preparation for ENGENE, our first cover content has finally come out! There's also a surprise, so please look forward to it!☺️ #제이 #ジェイ #엔하이픈_제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN