Y̶Y̶。*☆♡ AWAY(@yixieforever)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Nene sexy morning call alarm 💀 🍼: aiya baobei, I’m awake, are you awake? Are you not up yet? Gonna hit you~~~~ 👥: WOAHHHHHHH 👤: NENE SEXY!! 🍼: SEXY? This is not sexy enough? Cr: GuardUNene #nene #เนเน่ #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
Fansign repo: Op: This is a picture of nene and I smiling while looking into each other’s eyes. I gifted her a veil for a friend, nene was so happy. We haven’t met in awhile, so she said “no time no see” and complimented on my new hair color. #nene #เนเน่ #BonBonGirls303
21530 Nene Fansign Some of my fav pics from 飄飄 today 😚... look at her muscles... Cr: 飄飄愛吃烏冬面 #nene #เนเน่ #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
Playful nene and yifan 😂 Cr: 桃太嵐 #nene #เนเน่ #yifan #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
What neon atom wants, neon atom gets 🥰 Want biu biu biu 🍼 biu biu biu Want wink 🍼 wink Want hand sign 🍼 hand sign Cr: 桃太嵐 #nene #เนเน่ #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
Finale has 2 rounds Round 1 (collab stage) Round 2 (group battles) Round 1 + Round 2 = finale total votes Part 1 + Part 2 + Finale = WINNER Chuang + Yuehua = 82(41 each) Sony + OACA = 85(42.5 each) CoolYoung + 48 = 70(35 each) #BBG303YouthAndMelodyFinal #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
Show them nene 🔥 NENE BBG303 #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
Youth & Melody Chuang + Yuehua <燃> 2 #BBG303YouthAndMelodyFinal #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
Youth & Melody Chuang + Yuehua <燃> 1 #BBG303YouthAndMelodyFinal #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
Let’s bababa bababana~~~ NENE BBG303 #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
Who’s excited for nene’s performance tonight!!!! NENE BBG303 #YouthMelodyEP9xNene
YTSN Official Weibo Posted the achievements that the song <SLAY&Play> from the anniversary album <Fearless Girls> have accomplished! @BONBONGIRLS303 #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
There has been a suspension of all oversea audition activities (Sing! China posted a notice that they will stop all oversea audition activities). 🍉 Rumor that Tencent have already stopped interviewing for Chuang5. Tencent cancelled idol survival show for 2021.
YTSN was able to perform their song is because Chuang family won the total ranking #1 after round 1 and 2 of this show. It was a reward for the winning family. Woohoo! It paid off! Being there on last min notice with only 1 day to prepare!! So proud! #BBG303xYouthAndMelodyEP8
Love seeing our girls winning #1 for the family! So proud of you @BONBONGIRLS303 #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303 #BBG303xYouthAndMelodyEP8
Congrats Chuang family (YTSN) for winning #1 on Youth & Melody episode 8!!! #YouthMelodyEp8xNene #BBG303xYouthAndMelodyEP8
As expected, YTSN won! “Thank you all for your love. In fact, I think we can use this stage to promote our relatively shallow understanding of the traditional Chinese culture this time, so we did our best. Thank you!” #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303 #BBG303xYouthAndMelodyEP8
🧑🏻Your nene... she’s not from this country right? 🌙 She’s Thai 🧑🏻 Thai? 🌙 yep 🧑🏻 she’s speaks Chinese this well 🌙 she’s has improved so much recently, she can even do online shopping on Taobao on her own 🧑🏻 woah Nene Best Vocal #YouthMelodyEp8xNene
I think on the whole, you all put your own characteristics in the performance of this song. You’re suitable for difficult movements, or I also heard several times nene's high note, they’re all very beautiful. #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303 #BBG303xYouthAndMelodyEP8
“I heard several times that nene’s high note is very beautiful” Nene Best Vocal #YouthMelodyEp8xNene
Youth & Melody YTSN - 當自強 (2) #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
Youth & Melody YTSN - 當自強 (1) #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
We hope that through this song, we will not only talk about the view that men should self-improve, but more irrelevant to gender, we all have to go forward courageously with the spirit of chivalry. #BonBonGirls303 #硬糖少女303
Who’s ready for #1 performance tonight! Nene Best Vocal #YouthMelodyEp8xNene
Let’s do dance challenge with nene 🔥 NENE BBG303 #SlaynPlayDancexNene