☁️ Yunqi World ☁️(@yunqi_world)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

210707 ✈️ Beijing 👉🏻 Shanghai✈️ #5YearsWithWinwin ©️ 不喜欢吃荔枝味巧克 ©️Mintnight1028_董思成
Winwin studio update 流光与暗影相融,目之所至,优雅有迹可循,随即奔赴一场摩登盛宴✨ 秀场见 #WINWIN #WINWINxValentino #WINWINxPFW23
220628 | Official Announcement 《25小时恋爱》- 25 Hours of Love 一天原本只有24小时,我特地空出第25个小时,用来爱你。 Co-Work by @WeTVOfficial & @ 泰国洞察娱乐 Stay Tuned ♥️ 🔗 m.weibo.cn/7745784930/478… #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 Flower Path with DongSiCheng 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 #HappyWinwinDay #OnCloud24withDSC #윈윈아_널_만나_내가_더_행복해 #董思成24岁生日快乐 🔛24岁,人生的新篇章就此开启🔛 🌸 愿你一直快乐,我们共同成长 🌸
【Figures on WINWIN Nectar】 WINWIN's Nectar fancam, has more than 7k reposts on Weibo, 400k views. Be aware that this isn't a commercial account, this figure is so amazing. Let's enjoy the highlights of WINWIN Nectar🥳🥳🥳
Winwin Weibo Updated WINWIN in Paris Hello pfw @MaisonValentino #BienvenueWINWINàParis #WINWINxValentino
OP saw the works of JP painter Hirohara Yasukuni in the "Handsome Men They Are" exhibition of Saitama Modern Art Museum. When OP saw it, she felt déjà vu, then she realized it's WINWIN. The description says: the painter was inspired by his friends & movie stars (32 portraits). twitter.com/pico2win/statu…
220126 · Video | The Shadow DongSiCheng is so beautiful! #DongSicheng_TheShadow #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WINWIN Update on RedBook So cold 🎄🌸🌉 #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WOW, OPEN the Weibo Search Page, and you will see DongSiCheng! Project: I'm the torchbearer - online escort runner! It's Winter Olympics related! #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WINWIN Weibo Update ☁️ 我是演员董思成,我已加入微博演员扶持#青云计划#,用作品发声,在微博记录成长。 ​​​ I'm actor Dong Sicheng. I've joined the Weibo Actor Support Project #QingyunProjecy, speak with my works, record my growth on Weibo. #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WINWIN Trends 1️⃣ Worldwide🌐 1️⃣ Indonesia 🇮🇩 1️⃣ Philippines 🇵🇭 1️⃣ Malaysia 🇲🇾 1️⃣ Singapore 🇸🇬 2️⃣ Thailand 🇹🇭 4️⃣ US🇺🇸 6️⃣ UK 🇬🇧 6️⃣ France 🇫🇷 2️⃣&4️⃣ Brazil 🇧🇷 And a lot more! Let's look forward to actor DongSiCheng! #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
#YunqiWorldSub 【EngSub】 Winwin's classmates talked about him during live: 1. WW has great character, he always smile, never seems sad, carries everything by himself. Yunqis should take care of him. 2. When they were young, their daily game is "Chasing after DongLittleFlower".
220209 | LONGINES Updates With DSC ⏰ Feb.11 20:00 🎊 Taobao Live #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
【Ranking of NCT Supertopics】 Followers: reflects the popularity and recognition of the celebrity. Views: reflects the amount of traffic received on posts and is indicative of how much exposure the celebrity has garnered. Posts: reflects the activity of the supertopic.
Maison margiela and Ruili weibo post with winwin has been deleted. All activities will be affected. WayV manager either rejected WINWIN's solo offers or made it for two. He has only a little work this year, now these few activities might be erased when he had done nothing wrong. t.co/f3wpKdrOwL
221004| WINWIN Studio Weibo Update 光漫绿野,穿梭晴空,弥漫的蓝色燃尽过往夏日尾声,再与董思成_WINWIN 相遇 ​​​#WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WELCOME WINWIN TO PARIS 🛫Bon voyage, DongSicheng! 🌹Wish you a smooth journey for Paris Fashion Week! 🕍Yunqis can't wait to see all the fabulous looks you'll be sporting. 💙Take care and have a great trip! #BienvenueWINWINàParis #WINWINxValentino ©️ 一根拉绳
220703 | From non-fans 👩🏻: Bump into DongSiCheng, he is too handsome! ©️抖音-高燕 #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
After finish the above scenes, "Teacher" DongSiCheng would wrap filming! That means: WINWIN could take a good rest after today's filming! #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
【☁️WINWIN Fansign repo 12.07】 Op : Do you guys plan to go back to China in 2021? 🐥:Yes. Next year. But I can't make it before (Chinese) new year. I'll be back ASAP after spring festival, And will be in quarantine bcoz of covid-19. #WINWIN  #董思成  #윈윈
220223 | WINWIN Weibo Update 🚠🎿 #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
WINWIN 210925 Beijing 🛫 Shanghai ©️Irreplaceable·1028 #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン
💕 Thailand Insight Ent. Update 25小时恋爱 25 Sweet Games 25 Hours of Love What did DongSiCheng_WINWIN and VivaHo say to Thai fans? Looking forward to seeing you soon! Stay Tuned! #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 #ウィンウィン