☁️ Yunqi World ☁️(@yunqi_world)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

yigit: Valentino Brand Director Following WINWIN! WOW! instagram.com/yigit?igshid=Y…
【IG】Emma Roberts shared This 🔗 instagram.com/stories/emmaro… WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino
WINWIN Update on RedBook ☁️: Hiiiiiii~ WINWIN来了 (WW is here) 常来跟我玩哦 (come and play with me often) #我的时装周 WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino
Winwin Studio Update 恬静惬意的午后,云敛风轻☁️河畔的倒影,缱绻的城市,景色是天然的画布,画中人是你。 WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino
A Douban Post comparing celebrities at PFW: dresses, seats, etc. Ppl saw WW's getty pic, be like: Why fans play low-key? Didn't see u boast about this boy. He's the C with the most famous celebrities, he wears Early-Autumn looks, while most are in Early-Spring or Spring-Summer!
Non-fan: 5s to experience WINWIN's popularity in France🔥 DSC in VALENTINO👍🏻 So surprised by this popularity when I got off car. The Young man is too handsome! Just a glimpse of his back view in flashlights, my heart fluttered #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino 🍠SharonSharon
A non-fan's recording. She said WINWIN is so popular overseas! She just got to know WINWIN yesterday, yet he's really super handsome! WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino ©️🍠Yaaaaling
Winwin Studio Update 感受匠心之韵,探寻灵感格调,#华伦天奴品牌挚友董思成#@威神V_董思成_WINWIN 受邀出席时装秀,创意之间领略时尚密码#董思成巴黎看秀西装大片# WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino
DongSiCheng WINWIN was officially announced by VALENTINO 【Friend of the House】 【Brand Friend】 WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino
【Thread of IG need to interact】 WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN #WINWINxValentino (Tweet with 2 👆🏻 hashtags) 🔗 1. marieclairekr instagram.com/reel/Cpa0jnSv9…
The runway shows at PFW will be made even more special with your presence, DongSiCheng. Shining~ WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】
DongSicheng, You truly bring their designs to life with your incredible talent and presence! WINWIN VALENTINO PFW23 #VALENTINOxWINWIN 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】
VALENTINO Weibo Update With WINWIN 叮咚,请接收这封灵感邀约~和董思成winwin一起倒计时,共赴#Valentino2023秋冬系列# 时装秀 #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino #ValentinoBlackTie #WINWIN
WINWIN Weibo Update 初春,巴黎,期待惊喜 一会儿秀场见 #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino #ValentinoBlackTie #WINWIN
Winwin studio update 流光与暗影相融,目之所至,优雅有迹可循,随即奔赴一场摩登盛宴✨ 秀场见 #WINWIN #WINWINxValentino #WINWINxPFW23
📣 Yunqis, our Trending Party starts at ⏰7:30 ParisTime. Lots fans may be asleep then, but the event is IMPORTANT for WINWIN, esp. overseas figures. We need Everyone to participate. U don't need to stay up, Schedule Tweets on PC. Here we prepared lots of links for you to TW.
Another French Fan shared with us Winwin was too handsome, too handsome! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino
好近好幸福! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino ©️罐罐装饭团
Winwin超级帅呀! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】 ©️w-z-q
Winwin太可爱了! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】 ©️阿拉麦麦蕾
Another French Fans shared with us Happy WINWIN Signing autographs! Cute! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】
French Fans share with us WINWIN in Paris! And Everyone is right about him! And Yes, he's super Nice! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】
董思成 WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino
DongSiCheng Fashion Icon! WINWIN in Valentino #WINWINxPFW23 #WINWINxValentino 【Retweet, Quote, Reply】 ©️专治脑壳疼