Stray Kids Ranking ☻(@skzranking)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

⚠️15 MINS LEFT STAYS⚠️ 🚨KEEP VOTING! WE CAN DO THIS #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 스트레이키즈
STAYs, don’t forget to vote in the midst of all this streaming! 🗳 Continue not only casting your votes according to the public strategy, but creating/voting with new accounts as well! 📱👍 Consider this our FINAL PRACTICE before the finale voting next week! 😲
[ 12:00 ] .@Stray_Kids on Genie Real-Time Chart #44 - WOLFGANG (+22)
🔐 Mubeat Voting ... CLOSED! 🔐 We finished at #1 ➡️ 6.214M + 44.6% 🔥 STAYs, thank you for keeping up with the voting! Next time, let’s keep the gap from Day 1! 👍 Let’s keep working hard for Stray Kids!❤️ .@Stray_Kids #스트레이키즈
STAYs! The EMA Mass Voting Time has started, are you participating? 🗣🔥 🚨 EMAS MASS VOTING 🚨 • Vote as much as you can for 20+ MINUTES 🚨 🕓 2 NOV 2020 (11:59PM CET) 🔗 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #스키즈
A HUGE thank you to all the people who made this happen: @skprotection @skz_usa @OnceToTwice9 @itzy_intl @annielovehappen @Lizmoon90 @ITZYBRAZIL @TwiceReportTeam @fanbase_kids @oncetwicebrasil @TWICESTATS @TWICExONCES @billboard_twice @twrprt @ITZYGuardians @SCYUNION @niziupics
🚨Let’s go! 🚨 INTERPARK Awards — Best Album of 2020 [8AM KST] #1 .@Stray_Kids (🚨 ONLY 1464 VOTES TO #2, 1x Daily Vote/Account) 🔥 VOTE VOTE VOTE! Let’s reach a 1500-2000 gap! 🔥 🏁 DEC 14 (11:59PM KST) - D3 🔗…
🚨🚨 VOTING DAILY REMINDER 🚨🚨 30TH SEOUL MUSIC AWARDS (BONSANG) We are focusing on the MAIN award (Bonsang)! 🏆🏆 Let's vote for .@Stray_Kids and stay on TOP 10! 🗣🗣🗣 ➡️ 10 votes per category/day ➡️ Use multiple accounts! 📆 Jan 24, 2021 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
🚨 Let’s not slow down now! WE‘RE STILL NOT AT 13% 🚨 2020 SMA Main Prize (Bonsang), Current Stats [7AM KST] #1 .@Stray_Kids (1.074M FROM #2, 12.8%) REMEMBER, % GAP > # GAP ‼️ We need a higher % than the others 🗣 D-2 🏁 10K/HR, 13% 🔜 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 스트레이키즈
🚨 WE GAINED 7K IN AN HOUR. DON’T SLACK OFF, WIDEN GAP 🚨 2020 SMA Main Prize (Bonsang), Current Stats [12PM KST] #1 .@Stray_Kids (363K VOTES FROM #2, 10.4%🗣) ⚠️ 7K...?!⚠️ 🆘 400K GAP! Let's go, STAYs! 🥳 D-7 🏁, 10.5% 🔜 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 스트레이키즈
🕕 JAN 23 SMA STATS: 🚨 – 3.336M Votes [+ 304K] 😲 – Gap to #2: 1.362 [+ 170K] 👍 – 13.2% ➡️ 13.8% [+0.6%] 📈 ⚠️ D-0, SMA will end TODAY! 🔥 🏁 15% 🗣 .@Stray_Kids #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 스트레이키즈
[ 👑 ] Stream Update 💻 Youtube 2.7M 🔜 3M 🔗 📺 Naver TV (VPN) 34K 🔜 35K 🔗 We can do it STAYs! 📝 To do: ✅ Stream ✅ Like videos ✅ Leave a comment ✅ Like positive Naver TV comments .@Stray_Kids #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
3 Minutes... please STAYs... #BestAlbumINLIFE
STAYs! We need 300k views on this episode of FANDOM TOUR to get the original pictures! (KKTV + YouTube) 😨 We currently have about half the views on KKTV, please watch it 🔥 (use VPN if needed!) 🔗…
[ 👑 ] ROUND 1 VOTING HAS ENDED 🥳 Congratulations STAYs! Everyone worked so hard for this round you should be proud of yourselves! 🏆 Let's keep working hard for @Stray_Kids and get that win 🔥💪 🗣 Let's focus on streaming the stage! 🔗 #StrayKids
[ 👑 ] MIROH Streaming Reminder Don’t forget to stream the MIROH stage on Naver TV as well, STAYs!☝️ 💻 You can keep the video on loop, no playlist required! All you need to access and contribute to the view count is a VPN📱 💗Liking and commenting on the video helps too!💬
(6:00 KST) .@Stray_Kids are trending at #1 on Genie Real Time Search Ranking (+13)
STAYs! #StrayKids are also currently #4 for the APAN MUSIC AWARDS VOTING for ‘Best Group for MAN’ 🚨 🗣 NEVER GIVE UP! 🗣 We know how Idol Champ works + we have won many Show Champion votings here! 👍 🔥 WE CAN DO IT! 🔥 ❤️ 30x -10 ❤️ DAILY 🕓 NOV 27, 4PM KST
Other fandoms seem to be voting immediately after 12AM a lot, it may lead to a change in percentages ☹️ ➡️ VOTE CONSISTENTLY EVERY HOUR! Every STAY should have 4+ SMA accounts ready to vote by now or collect chamisms + donate to @skz_usa in case it’s more convenient!
Another team is holding a MASS VOTING right now + have gained 5K votes in 15 minutes! 🚨 If others improve in votes more than us, we will lose % ➡️ lower chance at winning a BONSANG. That’s why we say to vote CONSISTENTLY! ⚠️ .@Stray_Kids #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 스트레이키즈
⏰ WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME, STAY! ⏰ If you haven’t voted for Minho on Fanplus yet (and we hope you have), GO NOW‼️ It takes no time at all to vote, and we currently have a 10M vote gap with <5hrs to go! 🗳…
🚨 .@Stray_Kids ‘BEST KOREA ACT’ LAST DAY OF 2X VOTES FOR THE EMAS (ends 7AM KST) 🚨 🕓 2 NOV 2020 (11:59PM CET | 07:59AM KST) 🔗 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #스키즈
🚨 Everyone, now that Kingdom even has a set date, we recommend STAYs take a look at this! 🗣🔥 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️…
🚨 WHOSFAN CHALLENGE🚨 🏁 687K 🔜 700K 🆘 We MUST have more accounts than all other fandoms COMBINED! 🏆 1 MIL • Make accs in 5️⃣! (5-10-15) • Log your accs (Notes app, Chart etc 📊) • YOUR vote COUNTS don't leave it to other STAYs! .@Stray_Kids #StrayKids #스트레이키즈