jimin enthusiastically talking live about busan's fan-project of turning purple during 5th muster for bts 🥺 can't wait for them being back and jimin being showered with love again in this October
emotional support jimin watching fireworks ♡
jimin's tummy growling and jimin going “are you hungry? I'll give you sm ramen later” to his tummy... he's THE cutest boy ever
jimin biased armys the most easy-going people to be around but then u bring up “his best hair colour” discourse and suddenly hell’s breaking loose everywhere...for the nth time every month 😭
jm proudly playing his fake love demo and looking content and happy, do anything but don't say he wasn't comfortable w his work to be acknowledged. every piece he makes is very valuable to both him and us.
the staff asking were jimin's feet clean and jiminie cutely nodding no :(( this has to be the cutest jimin clip ever
jimin pls end this drought asap i can't do this anymore
armys mood rn:
jimin seeing the horse eating grass and going “do you want sm grass too?” and feeding his BICYCLE 😭😭 he's a whole mood
when jimin was asked to taught the trainees the ICONIC fake love marionette split and they were all so in awe.. he's called the idol's bible for a reason