“how did they convince yoongi—“ me, a believer in chaotic yoongi, smart: he was the one to come up with it
7 in dn has long surpassed album titles or eras it’s a whole brand, core belief,,, thought we settled this in our group meeting
i’m glad we’re taking the time to appreciate yoongi’s stallion knees they’re a pair of steel wrapped up in dainty smooth skin with pink hue twitter.com/permylastemail…
that that’s unleashing its viral potential on tiktok 156.6m views for the tag LETS GOOOOOO
he was doing this side-smirk for the role only to break into a genuine full smile once the cameras went cut pls twitter.com/pm5_twt/status…
seokjin’s the type to not say word about being good at something until you’re binding your feet on the snowboard and ofc he’s just breezing thru you like a norse god of ice twitter.com/track11sea/sta…
i apologise for the person i will become if we have this yoongi again
introverts can be as social as extroverts, they thrive on social interaction and relationships. they just need more time to “recharge” after social stimulation. using it as a synonym to antisocial, shy, quiet are all wrong btw.
but picture yoongi browsing thru decorations and toys at a store, hand lingering on shelves,, then decorating a cake with a fond smile and sitting a bday hat on top of holy’s face to screech “waaa my baby is a model!” behind his phone camera
yoongi acting out a romantic drama moment with over-the-top flirty smile for perilla leaf debate and namjoon backing him up with “slow motion slow motion!!”,,, yall got something to share with the class or what
feminine urge to purchase a red corvette stingray so i can have min yoongi in the passenger seat looking pretty
looks at the camera
no but the way namgi always play along each other’s skit like they’re constantly in a gag reel together and it’s precious twitter.com/njscenery/stat…
he is what romance novel authors aspire with “healthy masculinity with boyish quirks, smouldering &mature intensity meets bashful, sweet innocence” trope twitter.com/track11sea/sta…
true army experience is not being able to view “yoongiya” in text format without hearing seokjin’s voice, very close and loud inside your head
spot him
namjoon cannot sit without leaning into yoongi’s space actually
jung hoseok has not once carried out a casual convo with namjoon when his chest is even the slightest bit visible twitter.com/hourlyjoon/sta…
at some point along the line bangtan decided they will take the maknae yoongi agenda up on their hands and carry it on their backs like true heroes. it’s beautiful really.
can’t believe seokjin making the absolute banger super tuna to have the entire population be absolutely besotted with it, partaking in challenges despite him begging us not to,,,, ended up with him abandoning fishing altogether to seek other hobbies like golf
wish i could go back in time just so i can read this reply and melt for the first time again