“only after having met you did i rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy” 🥹🤲🏻
xie lian defending hua cheng to the other heaven officials 😌
800 years of romance 800年的浪漫故事。
suddenly thinking about these pics again 🥵
missing domestic hualian 😪
xie lian is pocket sized next to san lang
xie lian: head empty only san lang vs hua cheng: head empty only gege
try to make a better love story
day 193910 without donghua season 2 😪
dianxia with hong hong er is so special to me !! 😌
hua cheng is xie lian’s reason to be happy and xie lian is hua cheng’s reason to live 😭🤲🏻
more hand holding because this is literally all i think about
hualian + water are always a good combo
more hualian smooches pls 🤲🏻
xie lian being happy with his hat that san lang fixed for him gives me instant serotonin 🤲🏻
hualian: being in love fengqing:
san lang really “gege 🥺”-ed his way into xie lian’s pants 😫
“have you heard? the rubbish heaven official is having an affair with the ghost realm’s number one bigshot!”
does ur man even love you if he didn’t wait 800 years for you, die three times in service of you, reject godhood for you, build thousands of sculptures of you, burn the temples of 33 gods in a single night for you, raise 3000 lanterns in honor of you—
here’s dianxia with hong er in case u haven’t cried enough today 🥺🤲🏻
taiwanese cover art appreciation post 😌🤲🏻
yeah 😌🤌🏻
i rly relate to hua cheng because if dianxia looked at me like that i’m folding too !!
remember when hua cheng just mass murdered all the banyue soldiers in like 2 seconds and xie lian was like “san lang 🥰❤️”