thinking about the time when hendery, yangyang, and ten re-enacted the moment where wayv went into the bathroom w a cake to celebrate ten’s birthday while he was on the toilet 😭
the lyrics for child are so beautiful. it’s such an honor to see how much he has grown and to see him convey his different thoughts w these lyrics. he did so good and i hope he knows that so many are loving child, are loving & supporting him forever. we’re so proud of you mark!
this part… hendery is just so cool
it appears that hendery has gone back or is flying back to korea. i hope he has a safe flight but most importantly, i hope he had a nice time being back home with his family after so long. he deserves that. 🥺💗
with this wayv talk relay live, i do hope people won’t ask questions or mention anything you know they probably won’t want to talk abt on a live. just be respectful and make the live be a fun, happy place for all. not one filled w something that could potentially make them upset.