최시원 • Siwon Choi(@siwonchoi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

오늘이 정령 크리스마스 이브인가? Can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve.
Agung means Great man. Thank you for good name. The Concert was a success because of your Love. I miss you already. And I hope to see you more often. See you soon. Love. 💙@superjunior #elf
Happy 13th Anniversary!
We love and proud our leader. Congratulations on your birthday. Happy Birthday my brother! I hope you have always happy things.
Me and my younger sister Jiwon. lol
It is such a beautiful and meaningful neon sign to us. Thanks Indonesia keep shining and see you tomorrow.
Second destination: Bangkok. First day.
Hello, The Energy of Asia!
like this? @AllRiseSilver
부편이 화낼수도 있으니까 매일매일은 안되고, 최소한 단무지 볼때 만큼은 내 생각해줘
약속 이행하러 가는 중입니다. 今約束を果たしに向かってるところです。💕
Karena kalian sudah melakukan tiga hal, Aku akan siapkan ini untuk kalian. 😎
Such a lovely present!
떠해 생일축하! Happy birthday! @donghae861015 I hope you had a great day. You are worthy of love! 💙
Bye Indonesia. already miss you all. sweet dreams! with @GaemGyu
잘자요 💛
신났군 신났어! 😂Enjoy life! Let's all Super Clap! 😎@superjunior #elf #enjoylife
감사합니다 :^) thank you all ! #MAMACITA
오랜만에 만난 친구 @Cartier 그리고 새로운 친구들과 함께. 즐거웠습니다. Catching up with long time friend and making new friendships.
관리에 대한 소중함도 알게 된 귀중한 출장. 곧 이륙. Talk to you soon! ✈️