최시원 • Siwon Choi(@siwonchoi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

cleaning room with my sister.
good morning :^)
should i restart my facebook and instagram again? dilemma. btw this is my turn table. good night world. cheers!
Tomorrow is gonna be better. have a good night all ☁️
We are wasting a lot of time because of the worries we shouldn't have. Be brave. Even if we try and fail, we are not failing. It’s learning.
I know there has been some discussion on the photo I uploaded recently. I had been invited to a cultural exchange event and that’s where the photo was taken To avoid any over-interpretation and confusion,
👻 이특이형이 찍어준 사진 :^)
뒤에 누워있는 김병장.
이런 남자여요. 후덥지근한 이 더운날 냉장고에서 꺼낸 Ultra cool leaf mask .역시 너.무 좋음! Who would like to do the facial mask together with me?
Let's have fun! 💋
good morning TOKYO!
ready to meet you. what about you?
I’m learning every day; that is why expressing my gratitude is not enough. Moving towards the goal within the purpose of life. Thank you God and those who helped me learn. (Psalms 95)
1 year already.
지구 반대편에서 우리의 음악과 컨텐츠를 사랑해주신 소중한 마음이 귀중한 만남으로 이어졌습니다. 그 시작, 아르헨티나. 너무나도 감사한 인연입니다! Passionate time, Beautiful memories. Te amo!
멋진동생 형식과 이번 슈퍼쇼의 MVP 동그리동동 신동이형^^
guess who is he? :^)
come here buddy. but why are you so heavy? lol 😱😱😱
Early morning. heading to Fukuoka ✈️ もう・・・みんなに会いたくてしょうがない 🙈😘💙💃💃
Saturday night with us. see you soon :^) 💃💃
잘자 김병장.
Last working today.